You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!

Right now, with NATO's expansion to Russia's door, at least all of the Ukrainians and Russians who have been KIA, including those who have died off the battlefield as a result of the war, since 2014 (Not just the recent invasion in 2022). If Russia or China were trying to turn Mexico into a military base for their forces, we wouldn't allow that. I'm usually against war, and if Russia or China were trying to do that in Mexico, I would be in favor of going to war with Mexico and making sure our neighbor doesn't become a launching pad for Russia or China. Same with Canada or any other nation in the Western Hemisphere.

If you enter into a military alliance with Russia or China and are foolish enough to think that you're going to allow them to build military bases on the American continent without the US taking swift and decisive military action against you, you're STUPID. Even Americans like me, who hate war and believe we should do everything we can diplomatically to avoid it, would be in favor of opening a can of American whoop-ass on you. I would be pro-war, to stop Russia or China from turning this continent into their field of military operations and influence. No way.

So why should we be surprised when Russia acts accordingly in their "neighborhood" or sphere of influence? We have our Monroe Doctrine that stipulates that no foreign power will ever be permitted to establish itself in the Western Hemisphere, militarily, to the point of being able to seriously challenge the security of the United States. Russia feels the same way about NATO and you can't blame them. NATO is a fucking Cold War dinosaur that is inherently hostile to Russia, operationally, doctrinally and historically. Even Biden recognized that NATO expansion into Eastern Europe, would cause trouble:

That's exactly what it has done. He claims that the negative Russian reaction won't be a military one, well he was wrong about that. Did he actually believe that or he just said it, to not appear irresponsible, as if he's indifferent to causing a military conflict with Russia? Capitalism is at least partly responsible for this expansion because NATO is a cash cow for the military industrial complex. The more it expands the more American weapons and services are sold.

NATO's expansion hasn't killed a single Russian or Ukrainian. That was Putin.

Russia feels the same way about NATO and you can't blame them. NATO is a fucking Cold War dinosaur that is inherently hostile to Russia,

It's very sad that the nations enslaved by Russian after WWII joined NATO to protect themselves from Russia.

Very sad.

I may shed a tear.
NATO's expansion hasn't killed a single Russian or Ukrainian. That was Putin.

Russia feels the same way about NATO and you can't blame them. NATO is a fucking Cold War dinosaur that is inherently hostile to Russia,

It's very sad that the nations enslaved by Russian after WWII joined NATO to protect themselves from Russia.

Very sad.

I may shed a tear.
The Western powers are responsible for the war, due to their support of the 2014 coup, and the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe and its plans to turn Ukraine into a giant NATO base and launching pad. If Russia or China were in the process of turning Mexico into a launching pad for its military, against the US, and we declared war on Mexico and killed people, Russia, China and Mexico would be at fault, not the USA,

They don't have a right to become a Western, militarized bulwark vs Russia, right on its border. NATO expanded into Eastern Europe, due to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ not to protect anyone.
The Western powers are responsible for the war, due to their support of the 2014 coup, and the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe and its plans to turn Ukraine into a giant NATO base and launching pad. If Russia or China were in the process of turning Mexico into a launching pad for its military, against the US, and we declared war on Mexico and killed people, Russia, China and Mexico would be at fault, not the USA,

They don't have a right to become a Western, militarized bulwark vs Russia, right on its border. NATO expanded into Eastern Europe, due to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ not to protect anyone.

We don't need any launching pad in Ukraine.
We don't need any launching pad in Ukraine.
Stop trying to "assimilate" Ukraine into the NATO BORG. Just like we won't allow Russia or China to deploy their military on our border with Mexico, saber rattling in our faces, threatening us with their missiles and troops, they're obviously not going to allow us to do that to them. Golden Rule:

Don't do unto others, what you don't want done to you.
No, you're wrong. Then you say "Nope, I'm right, you're wrong". And then I return fire "No, I'm correct and you're obviously wrong". Then you respond, "Nope, the opposite is true, I'm correct", and then I say "No you're not" and you say "Yep, I'm correct" and I say "No", and you say "yep" and I go "nope", and you say "yep", nope, yep, nope......

Capitalism improved the standard of living for most people when compared to chattel slavery and feudalism, but it doesn't lift most people out of poverty. On the contrary, it keeps most people impoverished, selling their labor power to capitalists, as a poorly paid, exploited laborer often living in squalor. That's capitalism for people who live in countries that are consumed and dominated by the industrialized Western powers, that are the former colonialists of these nonindustrialized, third-world, developing countries.

Yep, they are mostly lies. Half-truths at best, exaggerated claims. Capitalist Cold War propaganda, against the Soviet Union. There was also a propaganda campaign against National Socialist Germany or the Third Reich, painting them, and their leader, Adolf Hitler, as being much worse than they were. The Soviets and German National Socialists weren't really bad at all. Capitalist-run America and Western Europe, was much worse.

On what basis do you say I have no class consciousness?

Class is a vague and ambiguous idea and nothing more.

Not at all, it's quite direct and definable.
  1. Capitalist Class (Bourgeoisie):
    • Definition: This class owns and controls the means of production, such as factories, businesses, land, and capital. They do not typically work to earn their living but instead generate income through the ownership of assets and the exploitation of labor.
    • Economic Role: The capitalist class profits by hiring workers and paying them wages that are less than the value of the goods or services produced. The difference, or surplus value, is kept as profit.
    • Social Influence: Due to their economic power, the capitalist class typically has significant influence over political institutions, cultural norms, and societal values, often shaping laws and policies to protect and enhance their interests.
  2. Working Class (Proletariat):
    • Definition: This class does not own the means of production and must sell their labor power to earn wages or salaries. They are dependent on employment for their livelihood.
    • Economic Role: The working class produces goods and services, receiving wages that are generally a fraction of the value they create. The surplus value generated by their labor is appropriated by the capitalist class.
    • Social Position: The working class often has limited control over their work environment, economic security, and political influence. Their interests typically lie in improving wages, working conditions, and gaining greater control over the means of production.
In addition to these two primary classes, other intermediate or sub-classes exist, such as:
  • Petite Bourgeoisie: Small business owners, independent professionals, and self-employed individuals who may own some means of production but do not exploit labor on the scale of the capitalist class.
  • Lumpenproletariat: A class considered to be at the margins of the working class, often including the unemployed, homeless, and those involved in the informal or underground economy. They are sometimes seen as having a precarious or unstable relationship to both the means of production and the traditional working class.
These classes are dynamic and can change over time, influenced by economic, political, and social developments. Understanding socioeconomic class is essential for analyzing power dynamics, wealth distribution, and social conflicts within a society.

Complete nonsense, even Adam Smith the father of capitalism, disagrees with you. He recognized class distinctions and admitted to the following:

"What are the common wages of labor, depends everywhere upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen desire to get as much, the masters to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labor.

It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen.

We rarely hear it has been said, of the combinations of masters, though frequently of those of workmen. But whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject. Masters are always and everywhere in a sort of tacit, but constant and uniform combination, not to raise the wages of labor above their actual rate.

To violate this combination is everywhere a most unpopular action, and a sort of reproach to a master among his neighbors and equals. We seldom, indeed, hear of this combination, because it is the usual, and one may say, the natural state of things which nobody ever hears of. Masters too sometimes enter into particular combinations to sink the wages of labor even below this rate.

These are always conducted with the utmost silence and secrecy, till the moment of execution, and when the workmen yield, as they sometimes do, without resistance, though severely felt by them, they are never heard of by other people. Such combinations, however, are frequently resisted by a contrary defensive combination of the workmen; who sometimes too, without any provocation of this kind, combine of their own accord to raise the price of their labor. " (Wealth Of Nations - Book I, Chapter VIII)

Each socioeconomic class has its own interests. You are so dishonest and ignorant that you're unable to recognize the obvious existence of socioeconomic classes and that each of them has their interests. How more absurd and ignorant could you be, saying that there are no socioeconomic classes in society or class interests? Not only does Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, recognize the existence of socioeconomic classes and class interests, but the wealthy capitalist ruling class, the so-called "masters", possess a deep understanding of socioeconomic class and its interests. They're experts in it, and they defend their class interests tooth and nail.

You already insulted me:

"There are no class interests and people vote in their own interest which you are not intelligent enough to know"

So you're now fair game. Only a stupid piece of shit like you can resort to such nonsensical, dishonest arguments. You're fucking pathetic. You're a pretentious piece of shit. And Todd, who likes to portray himself as an expert in economics and history, is also a damn idiot, for agreeing with you that classes don't exist. Both of you are ignorant, dishonest morons.
Arbitarily assigned defintions fo not disprove that class is vague and arbitrary,
You insiulted first so stop whining you always do

Capitralsim inmproved the standard of living for most of the world, that is a historic fact, Collectivism ALWAYS reduces it

Thanks for admitting i am correct.

when you drop such insilts it is CONCEEDING the argument and I accept you rsurrender
Url of your info you posted.
My post outlines well-established principles and policy recommendations that have been widely discussed in various academic, political, and ethical contexts. I encourage you to explore these concepts more broadly by searching for terms like 'conflict of interest in Congress,' 'regulation of defense contractors,' 'blind trusts for government officials,' and 'nationalization of industries tied to national security.' These searches will lead you to a wealth of resources, including academic papers, policy reports, and articles that support the points I've made. The ideas presented are rooted in a combination of these sources and ongoing discussions about how to ensure ethical governance and prevent profit-driven motives from influencing critical decisions.
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Arbitarily assigned defintions fo not disprove that class is vague and arbitrary,
You insiulted first so stop whining you always do

Capitralsim inmproved the standard of living for most of the world, that is a historic fact, Collectivism ALWAYS reduces it

Thanks for admitting i am correct.

when you drop such insilts it is CONCEEDING the argument and I accept you rsurrender
You're a delusional little boy.
You're a delusional little boy.
I am correct

You make pompous proclamatiosn without a shred of logic or evidence to back them up. Like class is real and clearly defined. or someone is betraying class consciousness or communsim is the way of the future because of ai and automation

You have nothing of any intelligence to back up your claims but you insist they are real. So of course a counter claim is just as valid

you call for manufactured cold war era communist propaganda while claiming it is the turth and US government propaganda is false. You have no evidence but you smugly FEEEEEEL this to be true.

the fact is history proves you wrong. That is truth
I am correct

You make pompous proclamatiosn without a shred of logic or evidence to back them up. Like class is real and clearly defined. or someone is betraying class consciousness or communsim is the way of the future because of ai and automation

You have nothing of any intelligence to back up your claims but you insist they are real. So of course a counter claim is just as valid

you call for manufactured cold war era communist propaganda while claiming it is the turth and US government propaganda is false. You have no evidence but you smugly FEEEEEEL this to be true.

the fact is history proves you wrong. That is truth

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