Democrats Call into C-SPAN and make points that I as a traditional Democrat admire. But what do these Democrats say about their party’s radical views?

I care about not descending in the fascist dystopia that Trump wants to give us.

Fentanyl is just the latest chapter of the stupidity called the "War on Drugs".

We have a "Fentanyl Crisis" because big pharma was handing out opioids like Halloween Candy for a while there, and people needed a cheap alternative when they finally put in controls.

But I promise you, if they put a rehab center in the place you live, you'd be the first one out protesting it. Because I've seen it happen out here in Suburbia.
We have a crisis because China is flooding our country with drugs. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have done nothing to stop it because doing so would mean securing the border and they put padding the Democratic voter rolls with future voters higher than protecting Americans.

I'm amused by the left's shrill cries that having Trump is office will lead to a "fascist dystopia" when simply looking back four years ago any rational person didn't see fascism or a dictatorship taking place. Trump wasn't the guy using the IRS against his political opponents...that was Obama. Trump wasn't the guy using the courts against his political opposition...that was Biden. Trump wasn't the guy using Social Media platforms to censure the opposition...that was both Obama and Biden! So spare me the "pearl clutching", Joey!
We have a crisis because China is flooding our country with drugs.

Nope, we have a fentanyl problem because our useless people take drugs. The Chinese are actually taking efforts to help us control it.

I'm amused by the left's shrill cries that having Trump is office will lead to a "fascist dystopia" when simply looking back four years ago any rational person didn't see fascism or a dictatorship taking place.

I remember before Trump, a woman could get an abortion anywhere in the country.
I remember before Trump, we didn't have riots in the streets.
I remember before Trump, we didn't have people dying by the truckload.

Trump wasn't the guy using the IRS against his political opponents...that was Obama.
Making RW scammers obey the tax law isn't targetting them.


Trump wasn't the guy using Social Media platforms to censure the opposition...that was both Obama and Biden! So spare me the "pearl clutching", Joey!

Not spreading misinformation is censoring? Really?

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