Biden's Government takes action against Maduro

your the one saying hail biden....not someone else...
He is the head of the show and it was a memorable show. Why wouldn't I say (as the one filming the show) "Hail Biden". It was certainly a good thing that he did. I mean, what is happening in Venezuela is nothing short of destroying the county and there are very few things that any other country can do. Biden is the only country that has done something against Maduro.

In addition, much of our immigration crisis is due to hordes of people leaving Venezuela (and coming here) due to economic and Democratic disaster that Maduro has been causing. As such, by doing this, Biden is trying to do "something" that hurts Maduro and maybe begins to try to get him out of office and stop the disaster. For that, I say "Hail Biden"!

An ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis began in Venezuela during the presidency of Hugo Chávez and has worsened during the presidency of successor Nicolás Maduro. It has been marked by hyperinflation, escalating starvation, disease, crime and mortality rates, resulting in massive emigration.



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Great. Another binary dumbfuck.
Just what we need on this site :rock:
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

I wish it was different but I have NEVER been to a political board with 95% of the people being so blind-by-choice (or paid hackers of Russia) people as seen here. I like to debate but most everyone I have found here are interested-in-their-own-objectives orators. It is a shame but if I want to make a point, I have to play in their playground under their rules-of-play
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

I wish it was different but I have NEVER been to a political board with 95% of the people being so blind-by-choice (or paid hackers of Russia) people as seen here. I like to debate but most everyone I have found here are interested-in-their-own-objectives orators. It is a shame but if I want to make a point, I have to play in their playground under their rules-of-play
No, you fucking retard. You arent.
Gipper doesnt like trump. But he says this is stupid(as most decent people are saying) and he has his head up trumps ass.
Grow up.
just because he stopped a plane?......what else has he done?...
There is little he can do legally. On the other side of the coin, Trump would have probably done what Putin has done and invade Venezuela and kill innocent people in trying to stop the immigration problem
No, you fucking retard. You arent.
Gipper doesnt like trump. But he says this is stupid(as most decent people are saying) and he has his head up trumps ass.
Grow up.
I have one rule that I live by and that is "insulting and debasing people is not right". Then again, I have one thing that I also believe in "if slapped, slap back" I am a moral, ethical, principled, and humane person but I am also a defender (fighter) in supporting my beliefs. I have been here only 2 weeks and already have 15 people on ignore given that they used insults and debasing as their rule-of-thumb. I am all for debating and I respect other people's contrary opinion as we all have a right to what we believe in. Nonetheless, if someone only debases the other person and in many cases, the other person is simply a messenger, that is something I fight against and do it their way as they do not respect anything else.

Here you are using "fucking retard" in responding to a pic I sent where someone has their head inside of Trump's ass. Bottom line is that most people do have their heads inside Trumps ass. It is not a debasing picture, it is simply a TRUE picture. Having said that, I certainly can prove that I am NOT a FUCKING RETARD. This clearly defined and well written response shows you that I am no retard and at age 79 and diabetic for 48 years, I can no longer fuck. So evidently, your post is purely insulting. My post was informative.

End of story.
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I have one rule that I live by and that is "insulting and debasing people is not right". Then again, I have one thing that I also believe in "if slapped, slap back" I am a moral, ethical, principled, and humane person but I am also a defender (fighter) in supporting my beliefs. I have been here only 2 weeks and already have 15 people on ignore given that they used insults and debasing as their rule-of-thumb. I all all for debating and I respect other people's contrary opinion as well all have a right to what we believe in. Nonetheless, if someone only debases the other person and in many cases, the other person is simply a messenger, that is something I fight against and do it their way as they do not respect anything else.

Here you are using "fucking retard" in responding to a pic I sent where someone has their head inside of Trump's ass. Bottom line is that most people do have their heads inside Trumps ass. It is not a debasing picture, it is simply a TRUE picture. Having said that, I certainly can prove that I am NOT a FUCKING RETARD. This clearly defined and well written response shows you that I am no retard and at age 79 and diabetic for 48 years, I can no longer fuck. So evidently, your post is purely insulting. My post was informative.

End of story.
You need some self awareness bro.
Gipper posted his opinion, which was not insulting to you. And what did you do?
As I said, grow up.
you believe a lot of bullshit dont you?...
First of all and just like you, I have a right to my opinion. As far as your comment about it being bullshit, well that is a debatable issue. that can easily be proven one way or another through data, statistics and facts. If you can PROVE me wrong, then it is bullshit. Nonetheless, the same applies to you. Are you willing to accept those guidelines of a debate?

Let's do it. Lets debate the issue and show data, statistics, and fact and see who is bullshitting.
You need some self awareness bro.
Gipper posted his opinion, which was not insulting to you. And what did you do?
As I said, grow up.
You mean to say that his comment of "only DUMB Americans, LIKE YOU" is not an insulting and debasing statement?
I get it. Everything and everyone that does anything other than Trump is dumb. You have made your opinion point clear.

Unfortunately, your words are not being heard except in Trump's ass

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That’s funny. Apparently you don’t know I don’t support Don and have made that clear for years now. He and your beloved K and Genocide Joe are very similar on most big policy issues. So, voting for K isn’t much different than voting for Don.

I bet you still think Iraq had WDM, vax is safe and effective, Russia blew up their pipeline, Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation, and Israel is a wonderful democracy.

Did I blow your little deluded mind?
That’s funny. Apparently you don’t know I don’t support Don and have made that clear for years now. He and your beloved K and Genocide Joe are very similar on most big policy issues. So, voting for K isn’t much different than voting for Don.

I bet you still think Iraq had WDM, vax is safe and effective, Russia blew up their pipeline, Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation, and Israel is a wonderful democracy.

Did I blow your little deluded mind?

First of all, I do apologize if I thought you were a Trumper. The norm has been that if you are against Biden (or the Democrats) you are FOR Trump. It was an honest mistake.

Having said that, you continue to make the same mistake over and over again, meaning that either you don't read or don't process information.

I have stated over and over again that I am not about the issues on this election. I am simply against Trump. To me, this election is about survival and nothing else and Trump to me, is death.

As such, don' talk to me about the issues. Talk to me about how to prevent the death of our Democracy if we vote for Trump as our next president.

As far as the Vax, it is like every other medicine out there. They all have some negatives attached to them. The negative percentages are always less than the positives or they would not be allowed by the FDA. As a person, you need to evaluate if the positives outweigh the negatives and either accept them or not. I have had zero negative effects from the Vax but that does not mean that there is not a percentage of Americans that have gotten negative effects.

Ever hear of Chemotherapy? Lots of negative effects but if you do not take it, you are likely to die. You are also more likely to die (than to live) even if you take chemotherapy for Cancer but it does give you a chance to live and most people do accept taking chemotherapy. The Vax is much more likely to prevent you from getting Covid than giving you a problem.

Then of course, you keep on insulting. Prove to me that I have a "deluded" mind after reading this post (the same as all the others I have written), and if you still think that, prove your point by using data, statistics and facts (not words as all your posts have been).
You made that up SMH
Good day, moron.
Made up?

Here is Gipper's comment to me in post #412 of the OP called "Kamala's First Interview did not go well"

"I do know dumb Americans like you who consume propaganda, have no idea what’s going on".

So now, who is the moron? You or me?
First of all and just like you, I have a right to my opinion. As far as your comment about it being bullshit, well that is a debatable issue. that can easily be proven one way or another through data, statistics and facts. If you can PROVE me wrong, then it is bullshit. Nonetheless, the same applies to you. Are you willing to accept those guidelines of a debate?

Let's do it. Lets debate the issue and show data, statistics, and fact and see who is bullshitting.
what im saying and you should know this by now....donald trump has a big mouth and says a lot of shit....if you buy into everything the guy says...than you believe a lot of bullshit...
what im saying and you should know this by now....donald trump has a big mouth and says a lot of shit....if you buy into everything the guy says...than you believe a lot of bullshit...

I see you gave a "funny" reply to my post. Funny is how you are not MAN ENOUGH to acknowledge that you made a statement without fact and called me a moron, and I proved you wrong. That certainly says a lot about you, especially when I did apologize to you when I made a false assumption that you were a Trumper.

and now you accuse me of buying into everything that Trump says? Are you sane? I am the biggest critic of Trump as I believe NOTHING of what the man says and you come up with this statement???

It does seem that you are like so many here...............full of hot air, misinformed, accusing others without reason and a person with no morals, ethics, principles or humanity.

You have now lost all credibility with me. You have shown absolutely nothing that gives any value to you as a critic, as a debater, or as a person.

Geezus Christ. What is this insane asylum?

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