Media is questioning its low standard for Trump vs Harris

I don't remember President Trump giving an interview with a support animal, notes, and man-weeks of editing to eliminate the incoherent gibberish.

41 minutes of vapid nothingness edited down to 18 minutes of insufferable "slut talk". :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Harris is out on the stump every single day, talking to reporters, and talking to voters, listening to what the people are saying.

Trump goes out once a week, babbles incoherently for a couple of hours, while his audience gets bored of his same old tired material and walks out on him, and then spends the rest of his week golfing and rage tweeting.
It is to laugh at the relentless, mindless, totally incoherent cheerleading.
While people are parsing every word ever said by Harris and Walz, Trump is melting down right in front of our eyes. Finally the media is starting to question itself as to whether the standard for Trump is too low. Basically he says crazy shit all the time and supporters write it off as no big deal. What is even worse the media doesnt blow up when this nonsense comes to roost. He has flooded the air with so much nonsense the media barely questions it.

"It's Trump..."
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hahahah some folks on Rachael Maddow said that? hahahahahah

What did the polls say? Why did Xiden get pushed out if he was winning? hhahah

Weird stuff Dragonvermin

Weird how you keep trying to play childish games with other posters. What kind of sickness is this?? Normal people don't behave like this.
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Weird how you keep trying to play childish games with other posters. What kind of sickness is this?? Normal people don't behave like this.

The fact you just get your “news” from Rachael Maddow explains why you are so divorced from reality. Weird stuff
Trump answers question from anyone... he is far from melting down...

See that?... he has an Easter bunny too... leads him away from a reporters question... who are these 20 somethings that have a strangle hold on the Biden's and now Harris and Walz?...

Trump is one. He doesn't answer questions he responds with incoherent comments and personal attacks. Trump handpiicks the reporters.
"Parsing every word said by Harris and Walz"? How is that possible when the media is in the business of protecting them from scrutiny? On the other hand the left has Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters that admits to parsing every word ever spoken by Trump. It's the usual Alinsky tactic of accusing the other side of what you are guilty of.
LOL Seven weeks she's been your nominee. And she's spoken the press for a grand total of 16 minutes., 16 minutes. Let that sink in, seven weeks and she's spoken to reporters for a grand total of 16 minutes.

And you're whining that the press has too high a standard for her? Gott im Himmel.
And shes spoken to the people way more than Trump. You guys don't getto control the narratuve or set the fucking rules. Harris has been out there in the streets talking to the people and trump has not. So nobody GAF if they aren't holding staged interviews.
"Parsing every word said by Harris and Walz"? How is that possible when the media is in the business of protecting them from scrutiny? On the other hand the left has Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters that admits to parsing every word ever spoken by Trump. It's the usual Alinsky tactic of accusing the other side of what you are guilty of.
If Trump was parsed, Haley would be campaigning right now for the Republican party.
LOL Seven weeks she's been your nominee. And she's spoken the press for a grand total of 16 minutes., 16 minutes. Let that sink in, seven weeks and she's spoken to reporters for a grand total of 16 minutes.

And you're whining that the press has too high a standard for her? Gott im Himmel.
How long did Harris speak at the DNC? Where did you get your sixteen min numbers from?
All of it is true.
Who chose CNN to do the Harris Walz interview?... who has handlers pushing them away from reporters?....
Who never takes questions on the run without teleprompters or getting the questions first... Harris and Walz....
Trump answers all questions and he never changes his dialect and way of speaking to fit the crowd he is in front of...
Did you hear Kamala trying to sound like a red neck union worker??? fucking hysterical.... and insulting...
Trump is a moron and it should be pointed out much more frequently by the media. His IQ is about 80 and he speaks at a 3rd grade level which is probably the appeal to his supporters.

Here is Trump's team trying to prep him for the debates:

How long did Harris speak at the DNC? Where did you get your sixteen min numbers from?
Speaking to reporters is not the same as regurgitating a pre-written speech, complete with stage cues and directions, things which Quid Pro Joe is famous for including when he gave the speech.

For example, reading "The Raven" does not make one into Poe.

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