Why Trump will lose big time!

Somewhere around the 6th or 7th of November the cry of "Stolen Election" will reverberate across America. Since Trump is incapable of losing at anything, this will be his excuse, as it was in 2020. Losing to President Biden in 2020 was bad enough, but losing to a black woman in 2024 will be something he can never stomach, no matter how big a landslide she puts on him. He will piss and moan for the rest of his sorry life.

And, the reasons for his defeat are simple:

1. Abortion. By repeatedly bragging about taking down Roe v. Wade, then trying to wiggle his way out of it, Trump has screwed himself good.

2. The military. He has repeatedly demonstrated how he despises our troops by calling them "suckers and losers," by making a fool of himself at Arlington and by denigrating the nation's highest military award, "The Medal of Honor."

3. Immigration. He blew his biggest campaign target by scuttling a bi-partisan bill in the Senate to address the southern border.

Any one of these gives Kamala enough firepower to defeat him; all three together will give her enough for a landslide victory and the total defeat of maga.

So get ready for the very loud cries "stolen election." He will have nothing else to lean on!

Trump -312
The ho-226
She has no chance in hell of winning Asssssstro, even you know it.
Your ilk is evil.
You need to get over personality and consider policy. Policy affects people’s lives. This isn’t a fifth grade student council election. Grow up.
I consider Policy long before I pass judgeement. Been ther,done that. On top of his looks and personally Trump is a cheap,Wanta be gangster who fizzled away his Dads fortune . He has cleated, grifted all his life. I do not want him near the WhiteHouse ever again. You are still trying to fool yourself. I deal with facts , you know reality.
I consider Policy long before I pass judgeement. Been ther,done that. On top of his looks and personally Trump is a cheap,Wanta be gangster who fizzled away his Dads fortune . He has cleated, grifted all his life. I do not want him near the WhiteHouse ever again. You are still trying to fool yourself. I deal with facts , you know reality.
The facts are that I bought a second house thanks to trump policy and that I’m out $70k thanks to Biden democrat policy.
That is math. Try it sometime.
No vetting or accounting was undertaken. Electioneering was unpreventable with mail-in votes, of which Biden received an unprecedented 51 million.
You are wrong. As a long time poll worker I know how voting, works, is over seen by many. Know what a tought day it is and know how the workers who over see those elections are,
I also know that with new technology they are safer than they have ever been. Go volunteer for just one year. I dare you.
You are wrong. As a long time poll worker I know how voting, works, is over seen by many. Know what a tought day it is and know how the workers who over see those elections are,
I also know that with new technology they are safer than they have ever been. Go volunteer for just one year. I dare you.
Your poll working could do nothing about the veracity of mail-in votes. You’re conveniently ignoring the obvious and someone as biased as you should be prohibited from any poll jobs.
So you can't say it. Figures. Your anti- American, Russian propagandist kind destroyed faith in election integrity by spouting lies. Elections in the US are accurate and secure. You're filth.
The majority of Americans think requiring valid ID to vote is a good idea, John. Are THEY filth as well?
36 states require id. The others require a verified signature. You are attempting to fix a problem that doesn't exist, traitor
Which ones don't require a valid photo ID to vote? Let's see...Arizona...Pennsylvania...Wisconsin...notice a trend, John? Those are battleground States...places where elections are apt to be the closest and the most contested...hence places most in NEED of secure elections!
The facts are that I bought a second house thanks to trump policy and that I’m out $70k thanks to Biden democrat policy.
That is math. Try it sometime.
Why would you lose 70 thousand when Real Steate is at aln all time high since Biden came in. That does not even make sense. I get unsolicited offers to buy my property a couple of times a week and live in an area where my property has doubled in value the last 4 years.
Why would you lose 70 thousand when Real Steate is at aln all time high since Biden came in. That does not even make sense. I get unsolicited offers to buy my property a couple of times a week and live in an area where my property has doubled in value the last 4 years.
I'm curious...where do you live that property values have doubled since Biden took office?
Your poll working could do nothing about the veracity of mail-in votes. You’re conveniently ignoring the obvious and someone as biased as you should be prohibited from any poll jobs.
I just received an official Republican state official , Republican,asking me to be sure and vote.

I have voted mail in ever since I quit working at the polls. I can follow when my vote was mailed, when it arrived at the BOE, INCLUDED IN THE COUNT AND WHEN IT WAS COUNTED. A SIMPLE APP .does that. You are bring up every consiracy you have heard. And I answered every one.

Trump lost! Quit deluding yourself. Even Trump admitted he lost.
I just received an official Republican state official , Republican,asking me to be sure and vote.

I have voted mail in ever since I quit working at the polls. I can follow when my vote was mailed, when it arrived at the BOE, INCLUDED IN THE COUNT AND WHEN IT WAS COUNTED. A SIMPLE APP .does that. You are bring up every consiracy you have heard. And I answered every one.

Trump lost! Quit deluding yourself. Even Trump admitted he lost.
Dim voters like you are lazy, that's why you don't stand in line and vote.
Trump did not lose, 80 million people don't vote for a vegetable on purpose.

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