Democrats Call into C-SPAN and make points that I as a traditional Democrat admire. But what do these Democrats say about their party’s radical views?

I just pointed out that it was over four years. My question...which you avoided what makes an illegal who doesn't have a valid claim show up for their trial in two years if they weren't going to show up in four?

Most of them do show up, so that's really not an argument.

WASHINGTON—A new report released today by the American Immigration Council examines 11 years of government data on the rate at which immigrants appear for hearings in U.S. immigration court. The report, “Measuring In Absentia Removal in Immigration Court,” concludes that an overwhelming 83% of immigrants attend their immigration court hearings, and those who fail to appear in court often did not receive notice or faced hardship in getting to court.

The main findings of the report include:

  • 83% of nondetained immigrants with completed or pending removal cases attended all of their hearings.
  • 96% of nondetained immigrants represented by a lawyer attended all of their hearings.
  • 15% of those who were ordered deported because they did not appear in court successfully reopened their cases and had their removal orders rescinded. In some years, as many as 20% of all orders of removal for missing court were later overturned.
  • Individuals who apply for relief from removal have especially high rates of appearance.
  • Appearance rates vary strongly based on the immigration court’s location.
  • The Executive Office for Immigration Review’s method for measuring the rate at which immigrants fail to appear in court presents a limited picture of the frequency of missed court appearances.
Most of them do show up, so that's really not an argument.

WASHINGTON—A new report released today by the American Immigration Council examines 11 years of government data on the rate at which immigrants appear for hearings in U.S. immigration court. The report, “Measuring In Absentia Removal in Immigration Court,” concludes that an overwhelming 83% of immigrants attend their immigration court hearings, and those who fail to appear in court often did not receive notice or faced hardship in getting to court.

The main findings of the report include:

  • 83% of nondetained immigrants with completed or pending removal cases attended all of their hearings.
  • 96% of nondetained immigrants represented by a lawyer attended all of their hearings.
  • 15% of those who were ordered deported because they did not appear in court successfully reopened their cases and had their removal orders rescinded. In some years, as many as 20% of all orders of removal for missing court were later overturned.
  • Individuals who apply for relief from removal have especially high rates of appearance.
  • Appearance rates vary strongly based on the immigration court’s location.
  • The Executive Office for Immigration Review’s method for measuring the rate at which immigrants fail to appear in court presents a limited picture of the frequency of missed court appearances.
That's a report from 2021, to show what the statistics are for the millions that have poured across our borders in the last three years utilizing the "asylum" claim?
That's a report from 2021, to show what the statistics are for the millions that have poured across our borders in the last three years utilizing the "asylum" claim?
Since that data hasn't been collected yet.

Four year backlog, they won't get their first hearing until next year.

Wow, are you stupid, Boy With A Feeling.
Since that data hasn't been collected yet.

Four year backlog, they won't get their first hearing until next year.

Wow, are you stupid, Boy With A Feeling.
So you don't actually have a clue how many of those illegals are going to show you, Joey? Noted...
Past is prologue... if most of them showed up in the past, most of them will show up this time. you base that on what exactly? A feeling you have?
In the past, were we giving illegals plane and bus tickets to far flung parts of the United States after we released them? You on the left don't have a clue where most of those released illegals are...and they know it.
Wilson was anti- woman and anti-black but was liberal in other areas.
Democrats evolve on certain issues but stay way ahead of Republicans on helping the people
Like killing the black family?
Making killing babies your first priority?
Dumbing down our kids?
Grooming 8 year olds to make them think they can change their sex?
That type of helping people? you base that on what exactly? A feeling you have?
In the past, were we giving illegals plane and bus tickets to far flung parts of the United States after we released them? You on the left don't have a clue where most of those released illegals are...and they know it.

Nope. Simple logic. If you get asylum, you get a work card, you get temporary residence.
Like killing the black family?
Making killing babies your first priority?
Dumbing down our kids?
Grooming 8 year olds to make them think they can change their sex?
That type of helping people?
No idea what you are babbling about
You can’t support a single claim

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