Ashli Babbitt was murdered by Lt Byrd

She attempted to enter a Restricted Area, while ARMED with a BackPack and A mob Behind her.

You tell me then, what was her intention after she breaches the Window leading to Staff Chambers?

That's Correct......You don't KNOW, could be Multiple Nefarious Agendas.
Oh? She was wrapped in an American flag.

That is considered "armed" in your warped world?
you don't shoot people on "COULD BE" I is old. I lived thru the riots
of the 1960s. The level of violent vandalism in which I was IN THE
MIDST----albeit uninvolved, was AMAZING---in fact nauseating.
somehow no cops shot people----except Kent State---which was an
aberration. I lived thru a lot more riots----but don't like to
reveal my GEOGRAPHIC HISTORY. That cop made a big mistake---
at least----negligent homicide
No, there was no negligence involved.

It was premeditated.
HARD-NOSE----cops is human beans too
He had to take the time to make sure that if he missed he didn't hit one of his own guys.

He has a history of negligent discharges, and he's not good with a pistol on a good day.

His target had to be close, and nowhere near one of his guys.

She fit the bill perfectly.

I KNOW he intended to murder someone that day.

My only question is was he following a higher ups order, or did he do it for his own reasons.
you don't shoot people on "COULD BE" I is old. I lived thru the riots
of the 1960s. The level of violent vandalism in which I was IN THE
MIDST----albeit uninvolved, was AMAZING---in fact nauseating.
somehow no cops shot people----except Kent State---which was an
aberration. I lived thru a lot more riots----but don't like to
reveal my GEOGRAPHIC HISTORY. That cop made a big mistake---
at least----negligent homicide
Someday this will reach the Supreme court who will clear Ashli Babbit of any so called crimes and convict Byrd an actual rogue criminal cop for murdering her.
And we can show them the video and this picture, and they Robert W and westwall make baseless claims like, she was standing on the floor when shot.


1). There were barriers, multiple levels of such barriers outside the Capitol.
She ignored them and proceeded to the Capitol.

2). There were "Keep Out" signs on fences.

3). There were Locked Doors and Windows, meant to keep people out of the Capitol.

4). There were LOCKED doors and Windows inside the Capitol Building.

5). Lastly......she approached a door with entrance to the Chambers. The Cult could CLEARLY see that this door was barricaded and guarded. YET, the cult decided to break through this door with a window. Barricaded and Guarded are CLEAR warnings.

These were clear warnings to everyone but the cult, who thinks that rules and LAWS don't apply to them.

Babbit was shot because she broke the Law and was leading a cult that would have followed her through that door. Simple.
Yet we see no criticism by you of those deadly Democrat cops.
Someday this will reach the Supreme court who will clear Ashli Babbit of any so called crimes and convict Byrd an actual rogue criminal cop for murdering her.
I do not look forward the the conviction of the cop---JUST some sort of
justice for ASHLI . Cop out on the streets during civil unrest is no picnic
you don't shoot people on "COULD BE" I is old. I lived thru the riots
of the 1960s. The level of violent vandalism in which I was IN THE
MIDST----albeit uninvolved, was AMAZING---in fact nauseating.
somehow no cops shot people----except Kent State---which was an
aberration. I lived thru a lot more riots----but don't like to
reveal my GEOGRAPHIC HISTORY. That cop made a big mistake---
at least----negligent homicide
Yes, you do shoot people who refuse to follow lawful commands that are attempting to de-escalate the violence.

Ashlii made an irredeemable mistake.
Yes, you do shoot people who refuse to follow lawful commands that are attempting to de-escalate the violence.

Ashlii made an irredeemable mistake.
were your interpretation enacted in my town---the gutters would be strewn
with dead bodies. For the record----there are TRAFFIC BLOCKING
demonstrations going on now in Manhattan NY. For the record---"traffic"
includes ambulances. The cops are overwhelmed-----ya think machine guns
should be employed? grenades?
Unless they are summarily executed for alleged trespass of a public building, eh? What criminal court found Ashlii Babbitt guilty of ANYTHING? It was MURDER.
lets not get overwhelmed----it was a BIG ERROR on the part of a
cop who used very bad judgment. ----not murder. HOMICIDE

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