Ashli Babbitt was murdered by Lt Byrd

I have posted my view on this so called mistake. The Cop was aiming at that area and gunned her down. She had not done a thing to him.
the MIND SET of the cop is debatable. Murder, strictly speaking, requires
MENS REA <<<fancy phrase meaning preconceived evil intent. A very
interesting fact is that this feature as a requirement for the charge of
"murder" is biblical law. It somehow made its way into English common
law and we inherited it. It is huge step beyond the "CODE OF HAMMURABI"
into CIVILIZATION . Murder is a capital crime. A gun in the hand of a cop
ON HIS FEET in a riot precludes a finding of mens rea ---IMVO
the MIND SET of the cop is debatable. Murder, strictly speaking, requires
MENS REA <<<fancy phrase meaning preconceived evil intent. A very
interesting fact is that this feature as a requirement for the charge of
"murder" is biblical law. It somehow made its way into English common
law and we inherited it. It is huge step beyond the "CODE OF HAMMURABI"
into CIVILIZATION . Murder is a capital crime. A gun in the hand of a cop
ON HIS FEET in a riot precludes a finding of mens rea ---IMVO
Yeah, he took his time, made sure he wouldn't hit any of his buddies and murdered her in cold blood.
Remember those kids in NY City that Democrats bitch about? She was a living human being and a cop in DC murdered her. She did nothing to deserve being murdered.
Sure she did. She joined into an angry mob that was threatening to murder members of Congress.

You want to blame someone, blame the Orange Goon who institigated her and thousands of other crazy people to storm the Capitol.
the MIND SET of the cop is debatable. Murder, strictly speaking, requires
MENS REA <<<fancy phrase meaning preconceived evil intent. A very
interesting fact is that this feature as a requirement for the charge of
"murder" is biblical law. It somehow made its way into English common
law and we inherited it. It is huge step beyond the "CODE OF HAMMURABI"
into CIVILIZATION . Murder is a capital crime. A gun in the hand of a cop
ON HIS FEET in a riot precludes a finding of mens rea ---IMVO
Frankly to accept that at face value means cops simply can gun citizens down and never can they be charged with murder.
Frankly to accept that at face value means cops simply can gun citizens down and never can they be charged with murder.
not true at all. You seem to imagine that cops are shooting at
people as if they are ducks in a pond. Cops is human beans. In
my city every time a cop fires his gun for any reason---he is UNDER
INVESTIGATION----putting his job in jeopardy (read that "pension")
I do not believe the killing was JUSTIFIED-------MISTAKE because of a
level of negligence but not even close to a capital crime
not true at all. You seem to imagine that cops are shooting at
people as if they are ducks in a pond. Cops is human beans. In
my city every time a cop fires his gun for any reason---he is UNDER
INVESTIGATION----putting his job in jeopardy (read that "pension")
I do not believe the killing was JUSTIFIED-------MISTAKE because of a
level of negligence but not even close to a capital crime
Did you see the video where Lt. Byrd was standing a few feet from her with his pistol aimed at that area she was killed? Did she overpower him or did he simply gun her down?
The answer was in my comment.

"Babbitt was the ONLY one who breached that space".

I would have shot the others too.
Traitors should die.
So anyone who smashed a window did the same thing. Why weren't they shot? And why would a man with a loaded gun fear anyone let alone an unarmed woman?
He absolutely intended to murder someone. She was the unfortunate victim.
just a casual encounter?
Did you see the video where Lt. Byrd was standing a few feet from her with his pistol aimed at that area she was killed? Did she overpower him or did he simply gun her down?
he shot her under MISAPPREHENSION that she was a danger---
harboring weapons and ---in HER HEAD MENS REA
So anyone who smashed a window did the same thing. Why weren't they shot?
IDK, I would have shot every one of those POS.
And why would a man with a loaded gun fear anyone let alone an unarmed woman?
First, he didn't know she was unarmed.
Second, if you are holding weapons, in plain sight, and that person STILL comes at you?
You deserve to be shot.
just a casual encounter?

he shot her under MISAPPREHENSION that she was a danger---
harboring weapons and ---in HER HEAD MENS REA
She was not armed. And she was shot at as a hunter shoots animals.
She was not armed. And she was shot at as a hunter shoots animals.
ok----a cop out hunting rioters breaking into the capitol building.
I have a cook book --a classic---THE JOY OF COOKING---which
is excellent for hunters in that it includes recipes and instructions
for the preparation of GAME---including squirrels and possums.
I could not find a recipe for young women breaking into government
buildings. I come from a semi rural town in which lots of the men
were HUNTERS ---they went after anything on four limbs and ATE

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