Do YOU think democrats advocate killing a child after birth and calling it abortion?

Democrats do nothing at all to stop the practice of murdering babies that survive the barbaric abortion procedures. That is advocating the practice, much like their undying support to import child sex slaves through open borders. If they opposed it, they would do something about. They don't, instead they engage in silly semantics to avoid reality.
At conception it is a human life.

You can make up all the words you like, zygote, fetus, etc., to make yourself feel better, but it won't change the fact that it is a human life.
All words are made up you moron. What we're discussing here is context. Self defense can also result in loss of the assailants life but you're okay with that aren't you?
I jokingly said I support abortion for Trump supporters up to age 70. :)
Then again, people like you support murdering liberals or people who don't agree with your alt-right views. That's not joking. You really believe that.
Which is why I call you a cancer.

Evolution is a cruel master. Your time is coming to an end. And you're afraid. I understand.

There is no proof of evolution. No transitional or trace fossils. Even darwin laughed at it later on life.
That is advocating the practice, much like their undying support to import child sex slaves through open borders.
This is the kind of thing these people are told. Every day. On the teevee shows and the radio shows and the internet.

If you don't think just like them, then you have "undying support to import child sex slaves through open borders".

And, of course, that is The Truth to them.
I've recently been told by several trump supporters that democrats advocate abortion up to and after birth. Do you believe this is true? Do you know of any specific times this occurred, other than Gosnell?
Where do they draw the line?
Walking back what statement?
You need to type in clear sentences.
Are you just randomly typing posts, and then forgettiing you said them?

This statement:


Or do you stand by the idea that a life is not worth protecting unless a medical team says it is?
Are you just randomly typing posts, and then forgettiing you said them?

This statement:

View attachment 1005245

Or do you stand by the idea that a life is not worth protecting unless a medical team says it is?
To kill a child after it's been born? What the fuck is it with you? Are you dumb or just stupid?
"So, if a mother says, "look at this beautiful baby that I just gave birth to! I want to take her home and raise her" but the medical team says "Nah." the baby's life is not worth protecting?"

The above is what you typed..correct? This...doesn't...happen. :)
To kill a child after it's been born? What the fuck is it with you? Are you dumb or just stupid?
"So, if a mother says, "look at this beautiful baby that I just gave birth to! I want to take her home and raise her" but the medical team says "Nah." the baby's life is not worth protecting?"

The above is what you typed..correct? This...doesn't...happen. :)
Because your opinion is not the law, thank God. It could happen if the law reflected this opinion from you:

Of course they do. Gov. Northam said it and Dr. Kermit Gosnel's Phila. house of horrors indicates that his clinic was killing infants. Gosnel went to jail but there was no outrage in the media or the democrat run government and no promises to reform the abortion industry and it was quickly forgotten
So, life begins at conception?!?


There are many here who would and have argued that is not the case, but thanks.

Thanks for what? Who is arguing life doesn't begin at conception? What people are arguing is being alive doesn't give you the legal right to gestate inside another human being.
This is the problem with zealotry. It blinds you.
I didn't type this statement. If you go back in the thread you can direct your response to the person that responded to the original poster. :)
Oh, so you just randomly jumped in to defend another poster's statement and now you are abandoning that defense?

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