Do YOU think democrats advocate killing a child after birth and calling it abortion?

I've recently been told by several trump supporters that democrats advocate abortion up to and after birth. Do you believe this is true? Do you know of any specific times this occurred, other than Gosnell?
The demented democrats are aborting our Constitution and Country, yet all you care about is destroying the unborn..
Way to go, skippy.
This is why, if your empty suit wins, there will be secessions.

We know this about you. Your soul is rotten. It's not a joke.
There will be no secession. You may talk up and down all you would like.
But it won't happen. Because, in the end, you have no spine. :)

Honestly, when did you make the decision to become a cancer?
What is it about Donald Trump that turned you into the bitter pill you are now?
What salvation do you true believers think he holds for you?

I'm sorry, a decade into Trump Mania and I still don't know what makes this man special to you.
If their current cackles told them she supported killing a newborn baby up to a month after being born.............yeah, dems would glorify it and be on board.
Are you dumb? Or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
Killing a newborn a month after being born is murder. By every definition.

I mean honestly, what is it you just and righteous Christian warriors think you are accomplishing by trying to remove a woman's right to choose?
You do know that late term abortions don't happen..right?? :)

There will be no secession. You may talk up and down all you would like.
But it won't happen. Because, in the end, you have no spine. :)

Honestly, when did you make the decision to become a cancer?
What is it about Donald Trump that turned you into the bitter pill you are now?
What salvation do you true believers think he holds for you?

I'm sorry, a decade into Trump Mania and I still don't know what makes this man special to you.

He is fine. YOU are terrible.

One of your fellow travelers just said all Trump supporters should be aborted--oh wait, that was you.

Can't have a nation with that kind of demonic activity.
He is fine. YOU are terrible.

One of your fellow travelers just said all Trump supporters should be aborted--oh wait, that was you.

Can't have a nation with that kind of demonic activity.
I jokingly said I support abortion for Trump supporters up to age 70. :)
Then again, people like you support murdering liberals or people who don't agree with your alt-right views. That's not joking. You really believe that.
Which is why I call you a cancer.

Evolution is a cruel master. Your time is coming to an end. And you're afraid. I understand.
I jokingly said I support abortion for Trump supporters up to age 70. :)
Then again, people like you support murdering liberals or people who don't agree with your alt-right views. That's not joking. You really believe that.
Which is why I call you a cancer.

Evolution is a cruel master. Your time is coming to an end. And you're afraid. I understand.

Saying you want people dead is NEVER a joke. That's how dark your soul is. That's what you want, you type it out, and call it a "joke". Honey, we've known this for years and years.

Remember that my husband turned a pollster away at the door yesterday. Think about that and stew. Lots of silent Trump voters out there who wouldn't talk to a pollster if you paid them.
Are you dumb? Or just stupid? :auiqs.jpg:
Killing a newborn a month after being born is murder. By every definition.

I mean honestly, what is it you just and righteous Christian warriors think you are accomplishing by trying to remove a woman's right to choose?
You do know that late term abortions don't happen..right?? :)

Killing a baby inside the womb is also murder but you people hide behind it by calling the baby a clump of cells, or a blob, or a womans right. Just disgusting filth.
Saying you want people dead is NEVER a joke. That's how dark your soul is. That's what you want, you type it out, and call it a "joke". Honey, we've known this for years and years.

Remember that my husband turned a pollster away at the door yesterday. Think about that and stew. Lots of silent Trump voters out there who wouldn't talk to a pollster if you paid them.
Dark??? You're posting here, talking violent secession and justly killing people...over what? Some orange spray tanned carnival barker? Because the majority of Americans don't support your fascist, alt-right views? Because you believe that your misty-eyed, rose colored America of the 1950's needs to make a comeback?

I send pollsters away no matter who they are polling for. But I don't stew or brag about it. I'm polite.
I wouldn't vote for Trump if he were the only candidate running. The man is a cancer. And he's turned people like you into ones as well. :)
Dark??? You're posting here, talking violent secession and justly killing people...over what? Some orange spray tanned carnival barker? Because the majority of Americans don't support your fascist, alt-right views? Because you believe that your misty-eyed, rose colored America of the 1950's needs to make a comeback?

I send pollsters away no matter who they are polling for. But I don't stew or brag about it. I'm polite.
I wouldn't vote for Trump if he were the only candidate running. The man is a cancer. And he's turned people like you into ones as well. :)

Hey, jerk: I'm not talking "violent" secession and NEVER--NEVER talk about killing anyone. That's YOU. Stop projecting and tend to your soul.

And who said my husband wasn't polite?
I didn't ask how it started I asked if YOU believe it.
I, and most Dems I think, would allow abortions up until birth for the health of the mother. If it is choice between the mother and the fetus, I'd have to side with the mother. Most Dems would agree that once the baby is born it has full rights of citizenship and cannot be killed. Have the GOP leadership fostered a misinterpretation of this? Of course, they are politicans.
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