Zone1 Luther was the Father of Liberalism

All of creation began with a word: Light. Words have power, and some (not me because I can't sing) believe song gives words even more power. Imagine being able to create with words. (I'm all in favor of this as my fingers don't seem to have much talent when it comes to creating/building.)

that for sure would be boring - all in the heavens are equal ... universe is a big place, 10000 years will not get you very far.
I think you both missed my point. The hymn suggests that our purpose in Heaven is simply to sing the praises of God, for eternity.

I have zero interest in doing that for ten seconds, never mind ten thousand years and definitely not eternity. I’ll take the lake of eternal torturous fire, thank you very much.
I think you both missed my point. The hymn suggests that our purpose in Heaven is simply to sing the praises of God, for eternity.

I have zero interest in doing that for ten seconds, never mind ten thousand years and definitely not eternity. I’ll take the lake of eternal torturous fire, thank you very much.
that for sure would be boring - all in the heavens are equal ... universe is a big place, 10000 years will not get you very far.

more disagreeing w/ your interpretation of the heavens, no one is praised everyone is their own spirit to do as they please.

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