Zone1 I am prepared to call Protestantism a cult

Jesus basically said and lived by the philosophy that he was there for those who others saw as outcasts. Anyone who pushes others away should see him/herself as pushing Christ away as well.
This reminds me of how Protestants (most of them?) treat Catholics. They exclude them from what they call "the body of Christ" and yet when Catholics mention extra ecclessia nulla salus, they are attacked like crazy.. Well, Catholics have every right to teach there is no salvation outside "their " Church.. seeing as how the Catholic Church is the only one that goes back to the FIRST century.. not to mention other facts..

No, that's not it. You do not get to put artificial boundaries around what Christ set up. ALL are welcome, ALL who call on His name are His. You still haven't dealt with the Orthodox Churches that started long before the Roman Catholic church.
Well, since you seem hard headed and closed minded and I don't particularly care to deal with such persons, I think it is time for me to ignore, officially or otherwise. I have better things to do than talk to someone who .. already knows everything (supposedly)

It's VERY interesting that no Protestant on this forum has EVER EVER

answered my question or comment about the Catholic Church being the only one that goes back to the time of Christ and the 12, the first century. You make us think of that person who once said that

People believe what they want to believe
This is all very true, and is why I am not arguing with you. There is another poster, however, who persists in trying to exclude from the Body those who are not Catholic by denomination. That abomination must be challenged, repeatedly.
too cowardly to say my handle name? figures

You call it Trying to exclude people from "the Body"

I call it Speaking Truth
I call it teaching TRUE Catholicism

But you can call it anything you want. You are free to do whatever.. until you land in Hell, which I am certain you will unless you turn away from your LIES.
That's a lie, and you likely have not read half my posts on the topic or any other topic. Maybe if you're bent on condemning someone, you should find out what the person really believes (knows) FIRST.
I know that you believe only those in a very specific division of the Catholic church are true Christians, because you've so stated. That's the sticking point and will be challenged whenever it comes up.
Well, since you seem hard headed and closed minded and I don't particularly care to deal with such persons, I think it is time for me to ignore, officially or otherwise. I have better things to do than talk to someone who .. already knows everything (supposedly)

It's VERY interesting that no Protestant on this forum has EVER EVER

answered my question or comment about the Catholic Church being the only one that goes back to the time of Christ and the 12, the first century. You make us think of that person who once said that

People believe what they want to believe
The CHURCH, with all of her denominations, goes back to the time of Christ because HE founded it. You stop too soon, however, because Jesus is a Jew. If you REALLY want bragging rights, you have to be a Jew. Otherwise you're just grafted on the tree and not special just because you go to a Catholic church.
too cowardly to say my handle name? figures
I see no need to. Notice how you're trying to insult me now instead of dealing with what is put in front of you?
You call it Trying to exclude people from "the Body"
I do, because that's what you are doing. You are trying to say that people who call on the name of Jesus, who have faith in Him and have fulfilled every requirement Jesus gave for being a Christian are only Christians if they belong to your narrow little division of Catholicism. That's a false doctrine and I will call it out when I see it.
I call it Speaking Truth
I call it teaching TRUE Catholicism
Catholicism, not Christianity.
But you can call it anything you want. You are free to do whatever.. until you land in Hell, which I am certain you will unless you turn away from your LIES.
See, you're attempting to condemn me because you have no answer to what I said. You cannot show me from the Bible where I am incorrect and where those people you seek to exclude are rejected by God. I am not condemning you; I am telling you to stop sowing division in the Body of Christ and trying to exclude those who believe on Him. No Christian should be attempting to do that, none.
I know that you believe only those in a very specific division of the Catholic church are true Christians, because you've so stated. That's the sticking point and will be challenged whenever it comes up.
And you are better with all your condemnation of Catholics.

You also believe there is no salvation outside YOUR religion.. you just don't admit it because, again, u are a coward.

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