Trump Hammers Biden Over Troops Killed In Afghanistan Pullout

As it was Diaper Don is the one who stuck Mr. Biden with Diaper Don's plan to pull out, the U.S. Military Personnel killed during that pullout, there deaths are on his head.

Diaper Don desecrated hallowed ground at Arlington Cemetery. He calls the Honored Dead at Arlington Cemetery, "Suckers and Losers". He refused to have Disabled Veterans march in a parade because, "It is a bad look for me". The Orange Shit Stain has attacked Gold Star Families. Fuck that lying low life belly crawling 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Russian Loving coward.
Trump exploited the deaths of military personnel in a terror attack for political gain
Given the fact that the vietnam wr started during Eisenhower, you might want to add his name to the list. Oh yeah, don't frget that Nixon was president during the Vietnam War and:

Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War for Political Gain—And Johnson Knew About It, Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest​

Nixon ran on a platform that opposed the Vietnam war, but to win the election, he needed the war to continue

In 1968, the Paris Peace talks, intended to put an end to the 13-year-long Vietnam War, failed because an aide working for then-Presidential candidate Richard Nixon convinced the South Vietnamese to walk away from the dealings, says a new report by the BBC’s David Taylor. By the late 1960s Americans had been involved in the Vietnam War for nearly a decade, and the ongoing conflict was an incredibly contentious issue, says PBS:

Nixon’s Presidental campaign needed the war to continue, since Nixon was running on a platform that opposed the war. The BBC:

President Johnson had at the time a habit of recording all of his phone conversations, and newly released tapes from 1968 detailed that the FBI had “bugged” the telephones of the South Vietnamese ambassador and of Anna Chennault, one of Nixon’s aides. Based on the tapes, says Taylor for the BBC, we learn that in the time leading up to the Paris Peace talks, “Chennault was despatched to the South Vietnamese embassy with a clear message: the South Vietnamese government should withdraw from the talks, refuse to deal with Johnson, and if Nixon was elected, they would get a much better deal.”

Though the basic story of Nixon’s involvement in stalling the Vietnam peace talks has been around before, the new tapes, says the Atlantic Wire, describe how President Johnson knew all about the on-goings but chose not to bring them to the public’s attention: he thought that his intended successor, Hubert Humphrey, was going to beat Nixon in the upcoming election anyway.

Eventually, Nixon won by just 1 percent of the popular vote. “Once in office he escalated the war into Laos and Cambodia, with the loss of an additional 22,000 American lives, before finally settling for a peace agreement in 1973 that was within grasp in 1968,”

And when Nixon pulled the troops out of Vietnam, it was far worse than what happened in Afhganistan.
we started sending trumps there during the Truman Admin....weird that you need to lie

State Department officials in Asia warned Harry Truman, who became president in 1945 upon Roosevelt’s death, that French rule of Vietnam would lead to “bloodshed and unrest.” But Truman did not share his predecessor’s anti-colonialism and ultimately acquiesced to the reestablishment of France’s prewar empire, which he hoped would shore up France’s economy and national pride.

No sooner did the French arrive back in Vietnam, with the guns of World War II barely gone cold, than fighting broke out against Ho’s Viet Minh forces. At first, the United States remained officially neutral, even as it avoided any contact with Ho. In 1947, however, Truman asserted that U.S. foreign policy was to assist any country whose stability is threatened by communism. Then the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, plus the flow of aid from China and the Soviet Union to the Viet Minh, prompted Truman to reexamine Vietnam in a Cold War light.

Fearing that Vietnam, too, would become a communist state, he sent over transport planes and jeeps, along with 35 military advisers, as part of a multimillion-dollar aid package.

U.S. involvement in the conflict would only deepen from there. By the end of Truman’s presidency, the United States was funding more than one-third of France’s war costs, a number that would soon skyrocket to about 80 percent. How the Vietnam War Ratcheted Up Under 5 US Presidents | HISTORY
Trump exploited the deaths of military personnel in a terror attack for political gain
It's weird you think being invited to a memorial honoring the servicemen lost because of Harris and Xiden's surrender, is exploitation.

Very weird.
It's weird you think being invited to a memorial honoring the servicemen lost because of Harris and Xiden's surrender, is exploitation.

Very weird.
Did Trump bring up that he surrendered to the Taliban?
Did Trump bring up that he surrendered to the Taliban?
why would he bring up that? That's weird. The world knows when Trump left office the United States was still in Afghan, we had the 2500 troops there that the military recommended, on our base.
why would he bring up that? That's weird. The world knows when Trump left office the United States was still in Afghan, we had the 2500 troops there that the military recommended, on our base.
Trump signed the agreement

He refused to even meet with Biden to discuss it
Biden played the hand he was dealt and evacuated 120,000
He inherited a peace plan, 2500 troops (the military recommended), a base, our allies, over 12 months of no US soldier being killed, and he blew it all, surrendered, in the middle of the night, without even telling our allies.....leading to death, chaos, and the contempt of our allies.

and Harris was in the room when he surrendered.

Harris and Xiden are a disaster and owned by terrorist

Xiden played the hand he was dealt...he was handed four aces and folded to terrorist.
He inherited a peace plan, 2500 troops (the military recommended), a base, our allies, over 12 months of no US soldier being killed, and he blew it all, surrendered, in the middle of the night, without even telling our allies.....leading to death, chaos, and the contempt of our allies.

and Harris was in the room when he surrendered.

Harris and Xiden are a disaster and owned by terrorist

Xiden played the hand he was dealt...he was handed four aces and folded to terrorist.
Trump made a deal with Taliban not to attack our troops during our withdrawal.
Trump had no deal with ISIS who he bragged he had defeated

Did Trump lie?
He inherited a peace plan, 2500 troops (the military recommended), a base, our allies, over 12 months of no US soldier being killed, and he blew it all, surrendered, in the middle of the night, without even telling our allies.....leading to death, chaos, and the contempt of our allies.

and Harris was in the room when he surrendered.

Harris and Xiden are a disaster and owned by terrorist

Xiden played the hand he was dealt...he was handed four aces and folded to terrorist.

1. Trump didn't have the balls to go through with the withdrawal
2. passed it off to Biden
3. took credit for withdrawal arguing that he left Biden no choice but withdraw.
4. Blamed Biden for withdrawal

Trump is an opportunistic piece fo crap he always was.
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Trump made a deal with Taliban not to attack our troops during our withdrawal.
Trump had no deal with ISIS who he bragged he had defeated

Did Trump lie?
Yeah, he was a great leader, that had a great deal....why did Xiden and Harris ignore it? Trump ended the ISIS califate.

When Xiden surrendered to the Taliban, the Taliban took over our base, taking our equipment, and freeing our prisoners...including the ISIS members

Al-Logari was among the thousands of militants released from Afghan prisons after the Taliban seized control of Kabul in mid-August 2021.

Trump didn't lie, he just didn't know that Harris and Xiden would side with the terrorist over their own country.
1. Trump didn't have the balls to go through with the withdrawal
2. passed it off to Biden
3. took credit for withdrawal arguing that he left Biden no choice but withdraw.
4. Blamed Biden for withdrawal

Trump is an opportunistic piece fo crap he always was.
1) well yeah, because the agreement was based on the Taliban meeting conditions, they hadn't met. So you are right, he wasn't going to surrender like Xiden and Harris.
2) Yes, he gave Xiden and Harris a plan and path to peace., they blew it....that's what we been talking about.
3) He took credit for peace, and Xiden and Harris blew it bigly.
4), He did, and he likely was wrong, Harris was in the room too.,...they both are to blame it would seem
Trump's full of crap. He pulled out over 3 times as many troops as Biden did. On top of that he released twice as many Taliban from prison as the number of troops he left to complete America's foolish exercise in building Islamic Republics that Republicans championed at the start of this century. Just further effort on his part to use American dead for his own political gain. Shameful.
1) well yeah, because the agreement was based on the Taliban meeting conditions, they hadn't met. So you are right, he wasn't going to surrender like Xiden and Harris.
2) Yes, he gave Xiden and Harris a plan and path to peace., they blew it....that's what we been talking about.
3) He took credit for peace, and Xiden and Harris blew it bigly.
4), He did, and he likely was wrong, Harris was in the room too.,...they both are to blame it would seem

BS, Trump took credit for forcing withdrawal on Biden admin, not some "peace"

Trump COULD HAVE done it himself, but didn't have the balls. His claims that HE would do it better are just empty words from opportunistic coward.
BS, Trump took credit for forcing withdrawal on Biden admin, not some "peace"

Trump COULD HAVE done it himself, but didn't have the balls. His claims that HE would do it better are just empty words from opportunistic coward.

He took credit for the agreement, he didn't know Xiden and Harris were ignoring. He wasn't getting daily briefings then.

Contradicting Biden, top generals say they recommended a small force stay in Afghanistan​

Harris and XIden ignored the agreement, ignored the military and lied about it
He took credit for the agreement, he didn't know Xiden and Harris were ignoring. He wasn't getting daily briefings then.

Contradicting Biden, top generals say they recommended a small force stay in Afghanistan​

Harris and XIden ignored the agreement, ignored the military and lied about it

Trump DIRECTLY says it in the video you've quoted:


Who do you think is buying your bullshit?

Trump's deal with Taliban was full withdrawal, no matter what "top generals say they recommended"
He took credit for the agreement, he didn't know Xiden and Harris were ignoring. He wasn't getting daily briefings then.

Contradicting Biden, top generals say they recommended a small force stay in Afghanistan​

Harris and XIden ignored the agreement, ignored the military and lied about it
Taliban agreed not to attack our troops during the withdraw

How many of that “small force” would have been killed if they remained?

My money says more than the 13 killed in the terrorist attack

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