Trump Hammers Biden Over Troops Killed In Afghanistan Pullout

He did. Hence why we are having this convo
oh no , donny didn't pull out the troops, but he did invite the taliban to dine at camp david. We went through THREE presidential terms of losing a war, and losing marines, before somebody had the balls to pull the plug, and it wasn't the OLD WEIRD GUY AND HIS mini me
oh no , donny didn't pull out the troops, but he did invite the taliban to dine at camp david. We went through THREE presidential terms of losing a war, and losing marines, before somebody had the balls to pull the plug, and it wasn't the OLD WEIRD GUY AND HIS mini me
Yes, he certainly was working towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict, that is 100 percent correct....Trump is the President of Peace.

Sadly, you all elected Harris and Xiden, who surrendered and have been nothing but chaos and bloodshed
If anyone gave a shit about the troops, Obama would have found time to get them out. W lost two wars, which I think gives him the record. And it was simply politically expedient for Obama AND W to just keep afghan going.

Biden consistently advocated for full withdrawal during Obama's administration and got it done as soon as he got into office.
He sold the Government of Afghanistan and did not even sit down Military Leaders. He inked the deal that lead to the withdrawal. He freed 5,000 Taliban Fighters, one of whom leads the government. Just remember it was Senile Diaper Don who had wanted invite Taliban Leadership to Camp David of the Anniversary Weekend of September 11.

Trump Cancels Secret U.S. Meeting With Afghan Taliban,.

US President Donald Trump says he has called off peace negotiations with the Taliban that sought to end America's 18-year war in Afghanistan.

Mr Trump tweeted he had been set to meet Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and senior Taliban leaders on Sunday.

But he cancelled the secret meeting at his Camp David retreat after the militants admitted they were behind a recent attack that killed a US soldier.

The Taliban said Americans will "lose the most" for cancelling.

The talks were due to take place a few days before the anniversary of 9/11.

US-led forces overthrew the Taliban government in Afghanistan in the autumn of 2001, because the militants had given safe haven to the al-Qaeda network to plan the attacks on the US on 11 September.

Why Trumps withdrawal plan failed

He signed Afghan Troops up for a role they couldn’t deliver
Maybe he should have asked
He sold the Government of Afghanistan and did not even sit down Military Leaders. He inked the deal that lead to the withdrawal. He freed 5,000 Taliban Fighters, one of whom leads the government. Just remember it was Senile Diaper Don who had wanted invite Taliban Leadership to Camp David of the Anniversary Weekend of September 11.

Trump Cancels Secret U.S. Meeting With Afghan Taliban,.

US President Donald Trump says he has called off peace negotiations with the Taliban that sought to end America's 18-year war in Afghanistan.

Mr Trump tweeted he had been set to meet Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and senior Taliban leaders on Sunday.

But he cancelled the secret meeting at his Camp David retreat after the militants admitted they were behind a recent attack that killed a US soldier.

The Taliban said Americans will "lose the most" for cancelling.

The talks were due to take place a few days before the anniversary of 9/11.

US-led forces overthrew the Taliban government in Afghanistan in the autumn of 2001, because the militants had given safe haven to the al-Qaeda network to plan the attacks on the US on 11 September.

Should read as: He sold OUT the Government of Afghanistan.
Diaper Don shit on the Government of Afghanistan and refused to meeting Military Leaders in the U.S. AND Afghanistan. His so-called "Great Deal", was the U.S. Surrendering to the Taliban.
As it was Diaper Don is the one who stuck Mr. Biden with Diaper Don's plan to pull out, the U.S. Military Personnel killed during that pullout, there deaths are on his head.

Diaper Don desecrated hallowed ground at Arlington Cemetery. He calls the Honored Dead at Arlington Cemetery, "Suckers and Losers". He refused to have Disabled Veterans march in a parade because, "It is a bad look for me". The Orange Shit Stain has attacked Gold Star Families. Fuck that lying low life belly crawling 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Russian Loving coward.
roflmbo, geeze. Like the commander in chief really isn't a commader and chief. Biden was obligated to do nothing of trumps
16 billion in equipment. good gravy
Diaper Don shit on the Government of Afghanistan and refused to meeting Military Leaders in the U.S. AND Afghanistan. His so-called "Great Deal", was the U.S. Surrendering to the Taliban.
and what's wrong with shitting a country we owe nothing to but hard dick and bubble gum
Given the fact that the vietnam wr started during Eisenhower, you might want to add his name to the list. Oh yeah, don't frget that Nixon was president during the Vietnam War and:

Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War for Political Gain—And Johnson Knew About It, Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest​

Nixon ran on a platform that opposed the Vietnam war, but to win the election, he needed the war to continue

In 1968, the Paris Peace talks, intended to put an end to the 13-year-long Vietnam War, failed because an aide working for then-Presidential candidate Richard Nixon convinced the South Vietnamese to walk away from the dealings, says a new report by the BBC’s David Taylor. By the late 1960s Americans had been involved in the Vietnam War for nearly a decade, and the ongoing conflict was an incredibly contentious issue, says PBS:

Nixon’s Presidental campaign needed the war to continue, since Nixon was running on a platform that opposed the war. The BBC:

President Johnson had at the time a habit of recording all of his phone conversations, and newly released tapes from 1968 detailed that the FBI had “bugged” the telephones of the South Vietnamese ambassador and of Anna Chennault, one of Nixon’s aides. Based on the tapes, says Taylor for the BBC, we learn that in the time leading up to the Paris Peace talks, “Chennault was despatched to the South Vietnamese embassy with a clear message: the South Vietnamese government should withdraw from the talks, refuse to deal with Johnson, and if Nixon was elected, they would get a much better deal.”

Though the basic story of Nixon’s involvement in stalling the Vietnam peace talks has been around before, the new tapes, says the Atlantic Wire, describe how President Johnson knew all about the on-goings but chose not to bring them to the public’s attention: he thought that his intended successor, Hubert Humphrey, was going to beat Nixon in the upcoming election anyway.

Eventually, Nixon won by just 1 percent of the popular vote. “Once in office he escalated the war into Laos and Cambodia, with the loss of an additional 22,000 American lives, before finally settling for a peace agreement in 1973 that was within grasp in 1968,”

And when Nixon pulled the troops out of Vietnam, it was far worse than what happened in Afhganistan.
and you believe that shit. LOL One of the articles of impeachment against Nixon was his handling of the vietnam war. That article failed miserably. Look it up
roflmbo, geeze. Like the commander in chief really isn't a commader and chief. Biden was obligated to do nothing of trumps
16 billion in equipment. good gravy

Diaper Don inked the deal. The United States was legally bound by is his surrender to the Talban. He alone is responsible for 13-Marines killed by the Taliban. That 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Piece of Shit had the Afghan Government free 5,000 Fighters, one of whom is the leader of the government. The Orange Shit Gibbon refused to meet with both U.S. AND Afghan Military Leaders. He surrendered to the Taliban. Usama Bin Laden is laughing his ass off over it.
and you believe that shit. LOL One of the articles of impeachment against Nixon was his handling of the vietnam war. That article failed miserably. Look it up

Well, as one of hundreds of thousands of U.S. Military who fought (unlike the draft dodging Cadet Bone Spur), I will say that is exactly what tricky dicky did.
Diaper Don inked the deal. The United States was legally bound by is his surrender to the Talban. He alone is responsible for 13-Marines killed by the Taliban. That 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Orange Piece of Shit had the Afghan Government free 5,000 Fighters, one of whom is the leader of the government. The Orange Shit Gibbon refused to meet with both U.S. AND Afghan Military Leaders. He surrendered to the Taliban. Usama Bin Laden is laughing his ass off over it.
The irony here is that I actually give The Old Weird Guy credit for telling "his" generals to stop warmaking. But now, not surprisingly, maga seeks to shift blame for a lost war. And it was lost before it started. W and Obama ... and the Old Weird Guy .... just kept it on life support. Pun intended.
Well, as one of hundreds of thousands of U.S. Military who fought (unlike the draft dodging Cadet Bone Spur), I will say that is exactly what tricky dicky did.
You mean like Johson stopped the bombing of the North in some sick way to help Hubert Humphey
The irony here is that I actually give The Old Weird Guy credit for telling "his" generals to stop warmaking. But now, not surprisingly, maga seeks to shift blame for a lost war. And it was lost before it started. W and Obama ... and the Old Weird Guy .... just kept it on life support. Pun intended.

Afghanistan was Bush’s poor decision at nation building.

Obama and Trump tried to fix it and Biden was left holding the bag. He got us out after 20 years and $2 trillion

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