Do YOU think democrats advocate killing a child after birth and calling it abortion?

I've recently been told by several trump supporters that democrats advocate abortion up to and after birth. Do you believe this is true? Do you know of any specific times this occurred, other than Gosnell?
Democrats say that women have the right to choose and refuse to specify a week number where women no longer have the right to choose. First, some democrat or democrats actually did say that. Yes, Trump and the right have blown that way out of proportion, just as democrats take things Trump says and blows them way out of proportion. But, none of that changes the fact that women claim they have the right to choose all the way up to birth. If they want to dispute that then they should come clean and tell us at which week they no longer have the right to choose.
Democrats say that women have the right to choose and refuse to specify a week number where women no longer have the right to choose. First, some democrat or democrats actually did say that. Yes, Trump and the right have blown that way out of proportion, just as democrats take things Trump says and blows them way out of proportion. But, none of that changes the fact that women claim they have the right to choose all the way up to birth. If they want to dispute that then they should come clean and tell us at which week they no longer have the right to choose.
That kinda depends on the situation, don't it? No woman continues a pregnancy into late term and then just decides I don't want this. Late term abortions are never for frivolous purposes. If she and her doctor decide an abortion is needed, the state should never interfere.
That kinda depends on the situation, don't it? No woman continues a pregnancy into late term and then just decides I don't want this. Late term abortions are never for frivolous purposes. If she and her doctor decide an abortion is needed, the state should never interfere.
Women say they have the right to choose all the way up to birth. Do they or don't they?
If she and her doctor determine that is required, of course.
So, you're saying that if it is not required, then a woman doesn't have the right to choose? At which week does a woman no longer have the right to choose if it is not "required"? And, how does a woman have the right to choose if a doctor has veto power over her right to choose? What does "required" even mean? What constitutes an abortion be "required"?
I, and most Dems I think, would allow abortions up until birth for the health of the mother. If it is choice between the mother and the fetus, I'd have to side with the mother. Most Dems would agree that once the baby is born it has full rights of citizenship and cannot be killed. Have the GOP leadership fostered a misinterpretation of this? Of course, they are politicans.

Name a situation where that is the case? You know that a full-term baby can't stay in the womb, it still has to be delivered whether it is alive or dead. So give us examples of situations where the mother's life is in danger with a full-term pregnancy?
Name a situation where that is the case? You know that a full-term baby can't stay in the womb, it still has to be delivered whether it is alive or dead. So give us examples of situations where the mother's life is in danger with a full-term pregnancy?
silly question----LOTS----eclampsia---one of MANY!!! you want more?
Name a situation where that is the case? You know that a full-term baby can't stay in the womb, it still has to be delivered whether it is alive or dead. So give us examples of situations where the mother's life is in danger with a full-term pregnancy?
I don't know of any but I'm not a doctor. Your turn, give me an example of a heathy, full-term baby that was aborted and killed.
silly question----LOTS----eclampsia---one of MANY!!! you want more?

How does killing the baby at 8 months gestation as opposed to delivering a live baby change the outcome for eclampsia? What are the 'many'? Let's hear some more..
I've recently been told by several trump supporters that democrats advocate abortion up to and after birth. Do you believe this is true? Do you know of any specific times this occurred, other than Gosnell?

I don't know of any but I'm not a doctor. Your turn, give me an example of a heathy, full-term baby that was aborted and killed

How does killing the baby at 8 months gestation as opposed to delivering a live baby change the outcome for eclampsia? What are the 'many'? Let's hear some more..
deliver by what means? That's what C-section is used for in modern
times. In the not so remote past---C-section was fatal to the mother.
There are other situations----one is LIVING HYDATIDFORM MOLE (rare)
and odd severe forms of labor dystocia (in sum---the baby's head can't
get out or doesn't)
I've recently been told by several trump supporters that democrats advocate abortion up to and after birth. Do you believe this is true? Do you know of any specific times this occurred, other than Gosnell?

Six months before accepting the nomination, however, on Feb. 25, 2020, then-Sen. Kamala Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which mandated that infants surviving a botched abortion be provided the same level of care as other infants born at the same gestational age.
In Minnesota, during Walz’s term as governor, eight babies were born alive in failed abortions between 2019 and 2021. Despite the law requiring they be given life saving care, none were.

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