Zone1 I am prepared to call Protestantism a cult

"If you're not part of this specific organization, you're not a part of the body of Christ"
The reason I will not agree with that statement is Jesus basically said and lived by the philosophy that he was there for those who others saw as outcasts. Anyone who pushes others away should see him/herself as pushing Christ away as well.
You don't like non-Catholics accusing Catholics of things they don't understand, don't accuse Protestants of things without understanding where they may be coming from.
Point of fact: I do understand where Protestants are coming from which is why I addressed your post as I did. I hear constantly that all one needs is a Bible. The accusations against Catholics have the common denominator of, "I don't want to do that, therefore I'll accuse Catholics of doing something wrong."

I think of this as 'minimalism'. While I do not think it is a good thing to go as far as "Just the Bible and me", I do understand and can see people being overwhelmed by what other faiths/denominations do as a matter-of-course. Martin Luther was overwhelmed by putting too much attention on some scriptures while not putting enough on others. He fixed that problem by then putting too much attention on the latter verses and not enough on the former. Still, I can understand a personal necessity of a narrower focus, and by that I mean the Holy Spirit guiding people, with love, to this point. The Holy Spirit also guides those who need more. When we all trust the Holy Spirit, we can all relax our criticisms of one another, and like the Holy Spirit greet, with love, each where they are.
You need to get educated. It was the Catholic Church that put together the New Testament and accepted the Old and kept teaching from both for centuries. You are truly uneducated.
It sounds a lot like you're saying the Catholic Church put together Scripture that does not support Church tradition, yet we are supposed to elevate Church tradition to the same level and above that of Scripture. You are simply incorrect in trying to exclude from the body untold millions who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and who never enter a Catholic Church building. That is just unacceptable, so stop it.
The reason I will not agree with that statement is Jesus basically said and lived by the philosophy that he was there for those who others saw as outcasts. Anyone who pushes others away should see him/herself as pushing Christ away as well.

Point of fact: I do understand where Protestants are coming from which is why I addressed your post as I did. I hear constantly that all one needs is a Bible. The accusations against Catholics have the common denominator of, "I don't want to do that, therefore I'll accuse Catholics of doing something wrong."

I think of this as 'minimalism'. While I do not think it is a good thing to go as far as "Just the Bible and me", I do understand and can see people being overwhelmed by what other faiths/denominations do as a matter-of-course. Martin Luther was overwhelmed by putting too much attention on some scriptures while not putting enough on others. He fixed that problem by then putting too much attention on the latter verses and not enough on the former. Still, I can understand a personal necessity of a narrower focus, and by that I mean the Holy Spirit guiding people, with love, to this point. The Holy Spirit also guides those who need more. When we all trust the Holy Spirit, we can all relax our criticisms of one another, and like the Holy Spirit greet, with love, each where they are.
This is all very true, and is why I am not arguing with you. There is another poster, however, who persists in trying to exclude from the Body those who are not Catholic by denomination. That abomination must be challenged, repeatedly.
Protestants here at the forum can't even answer the SIMPLE question of WHEN their particular denomination begin in history.

No problem. I can answer that Q as can others who have studied history-- which most people here seem to be too lazy to do. And why should they study history anyway, they already know everything!! Next, they will be claiming God appeared b4 them and TOLD them they know everything about Jesus and salvation and need not learn a thing more!

Oh, wait, that appears to have already happened (?) or they act like it did.

But yeh, they can't or won't answer the Q about when their brand of Christianity began in history, whereas the Catholic Church-- as educated people know-- began at the beginning, at the Ascension of Christ. It was called "Catholic" in the first century AD.

But hey, the know-it-all Luther thought he could improve on what Jesus did.. and people have been buying that snake oil for 500 years
The Roman Catholic Church did not begin until hundreds of years after the ascension of Christ, and the Orthodox churches were started long before that time. Let's face it, you cannot claim sole possession of the "correct" denomination, it simple isn't yours to hold.
I don't care what YOU say is wrong. I care what is objectively wrong. And you speak of arrogance.. kind of arrogant to tell people to stop speaking their truth (not even admitting at least some of it could be Truth, period.. because you are the only one, apparently who has it). :rolleyes:

You argue against Jesus Christ Himself when you attempt to exclude those of faith from the Body because they do not attend a Catholic Church. You flat out said only those who belong to a division of Catholicism are real Christians. That is a lie from the beginning, so stop it.
This is all very true, and is why I am not arguing with you. There is another poster, however, who persists in trying to exclude from the Body those who are not Catholic by denomination. That abomination must be challenged, repeatedly.
Yes, certainly.
The Roman Catholic Church did not begin until hundreds of years after the ascension of Christ, and the Orthodox churches were started long before that time. Let's face it, you cannot claim sole possession of the "correct" denomination, it simple isn't yours to hold.

The Coptic church started in Egypt in 42 AD.

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