Media is questioning its low standard for Trump vs Harris

No, what we're saying is that while Biden received low marks from the media for his debate performance, Donald Trump's debate was rated as much much worse.

Focus groups of independant voters when asked which candidate they'd vote for after the debate said "No" to Joe Biden, and "HELL NO" to Donald Trump. You keep pretending that never happened.
hahah nobody rated Trump's debate as worse....he destroyed Xiden.

More weirdness from you, posting just made up fantasy
98% of the media coverage is anti-Trump.

I'll continue to state that every time it comes up.

So, take your racist nonsense elsewhere.

The right wing billionaire owned media which slavishly promotes Trump and his lies, is not 2% of the media coverage. You can continue to state that, but it's completely false and you're lying so no one believes it except you and you're clearly not living in the real world.
Yeah, the way Trump has been graded on a curve by the media has been a real disservice through this whole disaster. He has conditioned them to go lightly on him by playing the victim so effectively.
You mean how they lie about Trump constantly? Like they made up the story about him at Arlington last week? Which in return hurt the gold star families worse? Even Harris lied about it.
While people are parsing every word ever said by Harris and Walz, Trump is melting down right in front of our eyes. Finally the media is starting to question itself as to whether the standard for Trump is too low. Basically he says crazy shit all the time and supporters write it off as no big deal. What is even worse the media doesnt blow up when this nonsense comes to roost. He has flooded the air with so much nonsense the media barely questions it.

Corporate media know it’s pointless to confront Trump with his idiocy and lies.

Trump Cult members will attack corporate media accusing them of being biased against Trump.

We see the usual deflections from the right: “Trump is just kidding, Trump’s not serious, you just don’t get Trump.”

The video is correct, the corporate media do very much have a double standard when it comes to Trump and Democrats – and that’s not going to change.
The right wing billionaire owned media which slavishly promotes Trump and his lies, is not 2% of the media coverage. You can continue to state that, but it's completely false and you're lying so no one believes it except you and you're clearly not living in the real world.
what right wing billionaire owned media?
The right wing billionaire owned media which slavishly promotes Trump and his lies, is not 2% of the media coverage. You can continue to state that, but it's completely false and you're lying so no one believes it except you and you're clearly not living in the real world.
You people are literally, insane.

What world do you live in where I can turn on or read any mainstream media and will see nothing but hatred for Trump while I see nothing but cotton candy and water-carrying for Harris/Waltz?

How do you explain that just 4 weeks ago, Harris was considered toxic to the nation by the media and the left who are in power, and then, without a single interview, without s single speech until the DNC convention, without a SINGLE FUCKING POLICY STATEMENT, she is suddenly super popular and leading in the polls?

The media is there reason. They spent hours upon hours trashing Trump and the GOP and say absolutely nothing against the Democrats or Harris.

Even that interview, the one they had full editing power over, was a disaster of an interview, but the media, and the leftist clowns, fawn all over it.
hahah nobody rated Trump's debate as worse....he destroyed Xiden.

More weirdness from you, posting just made up fantasy

Still flogging the "weird". Does this mean you've given up on "vermin"?

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Still flogging the "weird". Does this mean you've given up on "vermin"?

hahahah some folks on Rachael Maddow said that? hahahahahah

What did the polls say? Why did Xiden get pushed out if he was winning? hhahah

Weird stuff Dragonvermin
98% of the media coverage is anti-Trump.

I'll continue to state that every time it comes up.

So, take your racist nonsense elsewhere.
No its not. Trump is an asshole so he gets negative coverage.

And what your punk ass said about Harris was racist white boy. You don't have any evidence of that. But we do have evidence that trump was slurping porn star pussy. Which means he was indirectly sucking porn star dick. Hawk tuah.
FOX, Brietbart, Sinclair Media, NY Post, Wall Street Journal.
Fox and the NY POst are owned by the same person, them and the WSJ are the only relevent ones mentioned....what about NBC? MSNNBC? ABC, CBS, NY Times, CNN, the Washington Post, Facebook, and Google?

Seems like the Right wing billionaries have a very small part of the market which is dominated by Demfacsist puppets that censor free speech to protect the Demklan party.
You're such a pussy. What he said was true. At least Trump talks to Americans. Harris is too ignorant to do so. The media should quit lying about Trump. Last week when he went to Arlington, the media lied about what happened and hurt those poor families. You loons are sick.
Harris IS talking to Americans dumb ass. Literally, on the stump. The media is not lying about Trump.
No its not. Trump is an asshole so he gets negative coverage.

And what your punk ass said about Harris was racist white boy. You don't have any evidence of that. But we do have evidence that trump was slurping porn star pussy. Which means he was indirectly sucking porn star dick. Hawk tuah.
and therein lies the difference, Trump gets coverage for being an asshole, and Harris and Tampon Timmy get coverage because they are lying idiots, that can't go 2 mins without being caught in another lie, or having to deflect from a horrible policy that has harmed Americans
While people are parsing every word ever said by Harris and Walz, Trump is melting down right in front of our eyes. Finally the media is starting to question itself as to whether the standard for Trump is too low. Basically he says crazy shit all the time and supporters write it off as no big deal. What is even worse the media doesnt blow up when this nonsense comes to roost. He has flooded the air with so much nonsense the media barely questions it.

LOL Seven weeks she's been your nominee. And she's spoken the press for a grand total of 16 minutes., 16 minutes. Let that sink in, seven weeks and she's spoken to reporters for a grand total of 16 minutes.

And you're whining that the press has too high a standard for her? Gott im Himmel.
Oh, brother. Pretending the media goes easy on TRUMP! is to laugh out loud. What world are these people living in? Certainly not the real one.
Trump answers question from anyone... he is far from melting down...

See that?... he has an Easter bunny too... leads him away from a reporters question... who are these 20 somethings that have a strangle hold on the Biden's and now Harris and Walz?...
Why is Harris hiding from the press?
Such an eloquent speaker.

Harris is out on the stump every single day, talking to reporters, and talking to voters, listening to what the people are saying.

Trump goes out once a week, babbles incoherently for a couple of hours, while his audience gets bored of his same old tired material and walks out on him, and then spends the rest of his week golfing and rage tweeting.

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