Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

The media lied to the leftards again. They believed it without question again. The truth comes out and they look like idiots again. They’re trying to lie to themselves and cover their stupidity again.
Lather,rinse, repeat.
Yet you fail to see the difference.
There's no way of knowing whether they don't see the difference on purpose, or whether they just don't have the capacity to see it. This really isn't all that complicated. As usual.

It really has reached a point at which they operate within their own reality. Only they know The Truth, and rest of the world -- including Americans across the political spectrum -- are evil. And that's why the comparisons to a cult are so apt.
There's no way of knowing whether they don't see the difference on purpose, or whether they just don't have the capacity to see it. This really isn't all that complicated. As usual.

It really has reached a point at which they operate within their own reality. Only they know The Truth, and rest of the world -- including Americans across the political spectrum -- are evil. And that's why the comparisons to a cult are so apt.
Good morning!

Vile is the appropriate word!
Mornin', princess.

Indeed, vile.
It's been NINE YEARS of VILE lies and gaslighting from the demented LEFT over their nemesis Orange Man Bad! From Russia Russia Russia, to this VILE narrative out of Arlington.
The amount of LACK of self-awareness to actually further this VILE campaign of lies and unwarranted HATRED is staggering, yet somehow not thought through or recognized by YOU or your fellow demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie brigade.
It's both amazing to behold, and saddening to the soul of me to witness.
There is no blame to shift.

He was invited there for the ceremony by the Gold Star families.
He used the visit in a campaign ad.

That is against the law...

I am getting sick of the Trump & Co thinking they can break the law and then play victims when when asked...

I think a local beat cop/detective/fbi agent should go to the Trump Campaign and ask who posted that video, take out handcuffs and walk them out of the building. Simple, you break the law you get arrested.
If anyone in the Trump Campaign doesn't tell or stops the release of information on who posted that video, they are arrested for obstruction of justice... This is simple shit.
I don't see why this is a big issue, someone broke the law, arrest them and charge them...
He used the visit in a campaign ad.

That is against the law...

I am getting sick of the Trump & Co thinking they can break the law and then play victims when when asked...

I think a local beat cop/detective/fbi agent should go to the Trump Campaign and ask who posted that video, take out handcuffs and walk them out of the building. Simple, you break the law you get arrested.
If anyone in the Trump Campaign doesn't tell or stops the release of information on who posted that video, they are arrested for obstruction of justice... This is simple shit.
I don't see why this is a big issue, someone broke the law, arrest them and charge them...

If you weren’t so brainwashed you would be sick and tired of being lied to all the time. As it stands, you relish in it.

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