Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

A pile of shit from a known lying TDS sufferer. The families invited Trump and they have say. Yet not a word about the posted videos of Biden and Obama. This "employee" that has no witnesses and no video of the alleged incident. So of course you buy it all because, TDS.
Sorry dude, the families don’t make the rules and they have to follow the rules. That one section is off limits to photography.
Sorry dude, the families don’t make the rules and they have to follow the rules. That one section is off limits to photography.
Sorry moron, the families can have him there and get photos of they so choose. Noting you ignore the posted videos of Biden and Obama in Arlington. And ZERO evidence of any "incident". Hit the road you lying TDS suffering hack.
trump fluffers aren't taking his latest embarrassing episode too well.
You'd think they'd be used to it by now. He's indisputably, a liar, thief, racist, sexual predator, and narcissist with no moral compass whatsoever.
Now that he's insulted most veterans and honest patriots, Magat's tears can only hide the truth for so long. But the fuss they're putting up while he makes excuses is rather humorous.
Care to talk about the issues of this election or are you going to whine about Trump walking on the wrong side of the street next. Inflation, Immigration, fuel prices, home prices, rents, two wars, failed Afghan pull-out, 13 dead service members, fentanyl, immigrant crime, palestinian protests on US campuses, unconstitutional student loan forgiveness, politicized DOJ, polarized nation, human trafficking, homelessness, no foreign policy, your candidate's refusal to speak to the press? Hmmm?
Sorry dude, the families don’t make the rules and they have to follow the rules. That one section is off limits to photography.
Sorry, dude.....I read the rules.....and the rules are designed to cater to the needs of the grieving family members.

The families wanted to get a picture with Trump and nobody seemed have issue with it at the time.

This is just a fabricated incident hatched by the Kamala campaign.
Care to talk about the issues of this election or are you going to whine about Trump walking on the wrong side of the street next. Inflation, Immigration, fuel prices, home prices, rents, two wars, failed Afghan pull-out, 13 dead service members, fentanyl, immigrant crime, palestinian protests on US campuses, unconstitutional student loan forgiveness, politicized DOJ, polarized nation, human trafficking, homelessness, no foreign policy, your candidate's refusal to speak to the press? Hmmm?
Need a tissue?
Nope, some of the families asked Trump to bring the videographer and photographer to memorialize the day.

Biden-Harris have been filmed at ANC including at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during ceremonies.

What the family members don't have cameras? They were told that it cannot be for political purposes. So they can take personal pictures.

It is that simple.

Doesn't matter they were on military property and told that it cannot be used as a publicity stunt.

if they followed the rules no story. Trump has his visit and family can take pictures for personal use.

Did they do this No, they did what the wanted to do which was to make it a public stunt.
Need a tissue?
Here's one, bitch.

What the family members don't have cameras? They were told that it cannot be for political purposes. So they can take personal pictures.

It is that simple.

Doesn't matter they were on military property and told that it cannot be used as a publicity stunt.

if they followed the rules no story. Trump has his visit and family can take pictures for personal use.

Did they do this No, they did what the wanted to do which was to make it a public stunt.
Clearly you're making shit up now.

It wasn't stunt. It was 13 families morning the deaths of their kids.

Because Trump was there....they wanted to get a picture taken standing next to him.
What is so stupid about this (and so typical of MAGA) is that is completely unnecessary. It is quite understandable they might not have been aware of the rules for Area 60, so when the employee informed them all they had to was say they hadn’t realized it and offer to do pictures in a different part of the cemetery. But they couldn’t do that right? Just like Vance couldn’t apologize and admit maybe it wasn’t a good idea for using that video of a young girl in an embarrassing interview for a political campaign. In both cases, that would have been the end of it and we’d all move on.

Instead they double down, cars blame on the poor employee, throw out what-abouts with Obama and Biden and proclaim themselves to be persecuted.

I’m willing to bet those photo ops with Biden, Obama, and yes Trump while he was president did not take place in Area 60.

There is a lot of grace to be had in being willing to admit you are wrong and to apologize. This doesn’t seem to have a place in the MAGA playbook.
Nope, some of the families asked Trump to bring the videographer and photographer to memorialize the day.

Biden-Harris have been filmed at ANC including at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during ceremonies.

oh twitter

Still against the rules. If they wanted memories then I am sure they have cameras and phones that can take videos. For personal use.

Also the person on site told them the rules.

They blatantly ignored the rules

The issue is what they do with this. If they take it home no problem for personal consumption.

If they let Trump use it for political purposes then yeah there is a problem and breaking the rules.
What is so stupid about this (and so typical of MAGA) is that is completely unnecessary. It is quite understandable they might not have been aware of the rules for Area 60, so when the employee informed them all they had to was say they hadn’t realized it and offer to do pictures in a different part of the cemetery. But they couldn’t do that right? Just like Vance couldn’t apologize and admit maybe it wasn’t a good idea for using that video of a young girl in an embarrassing interview for a political campaign. In both cases, that would have been the end of it and we’d all move on.

Instead they double down, cars blame on the poor employee, throw out what-abouts with Obama and Biden and proclaim themselves to be persecuted.

I’m willing to bet those photo ops with Biden, Obama, and yes Trump while he was president did not take place in Area 60.

There is a lot of grace to be had in being willing to admit you are wrong and to apologize. This doesn’t seem to have a place in the MAGA playbook.
Or Biden/Harris accepting blame for the loss of 13 service members and failure to exhibit proper etiquette as they were received home as Joe Biden checked his watch to find that he would be late for his ice cream, eh? Funny how you democrats find fault with Trump if he blinks wrong in order to avoid the issues of the election.
So you don't have anything to say about the issues of the election. Typical moron democrat response. Run along.
There's no need. Besides, you've shown you can't handle the simple truth of this embarrassing episode. I do, however, appreciate your tears, so don't think making yourself a victim has gone unnoticed.
Clearly you're making shit up now.

It wasn't stunt. It was 13 families morning the deaths of their kids.

Because Trump was there....they wanted to get a picture taken standing next to him.
YOu seem to be making up shit now

It wasn't the families fault. So stop shifting blame away from Trump and using the family to make your argument

Trump had it filmed. You act like you were not aware of this and do not even mentioned it.

Sure it was a stunt.

Why would anybody want Trump to go to a gravesite and place flowers

Trump did not know the person. It was not a relative of Trumps. It was not a personal friend of Trump.

Trump was the won one who had it filmed. It was not the family

Also they were told that it cannot be done for political use.

So stop trying to drag the family into this.
What is so stupid about this (and so typical of MAGA) is that is completely unnecessary. It is quite understandable they might not have been aware of the rules for Area 60, so when the employee informed them all they had to was say they hadn’t realized it and offer to do pictures in a different part of the cemetery. But they couldn’t do that right? Just like Vance couldn’t apologize and admit maybe it wasn’t a good idea for using that video of a young girl in an embarrassing interview for a political campaign. In both cases, that would have been the end of it and we’d all move on.

Instead they double down, cars blame on the poor employee, throw out what-abouts with Obama and Biden and proclaim themselves to be persecuted.

I’m willing to bet those photo ops with Biden, Obama, and yes Trump while he was president did not take place in Area 60.

There is a lot of grace to be had in being willing to admit you are wrong and to apologize. This doesn’t seem to have a place in the MAGA playbook.
That's the point:

  • This is just Kamala's corrupt media trying to turn a mistake by her campaign into an attack on Trump
  • It's just a continuation of this hoax that Trump detests the military
This is just a clear example of Marxist tactics.....blame your enemy of what you're guilty of.

Kamala didn't give a shit about these dead soldiers, so she blew this memorial off. She's too busy to do what she's paid by the taxpayer to do.
Kamala is trying to hide and stay away from the public, the media, and foreign leaders.
It blew up in her face and this is how she tried to provide cover for herself, by hatching yet another hoax about Trump.

That's the point:

  • This is just Kamala's corrupt media trying to turn a mistake by her campaign into an attack on Trump
  • It's just a continuation of this hoax that Trump detests the military
This is just a clear example of Marxist tactics.....blame your enemy of what you're guilty of.

Kamala didn't give a shit about these dead soldiers, so she blew this memorial off. She's too busy to do what she's paid by the taxpayer to do.
Kamala is trying to hide and stay away from the public, the media, and foreign leaders.
It blew up in her face and this is how she tried to provide cover for herself, by hatching yet another hoax about Trump.

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Don't fall for the distraction. Hammer on the issues. When is Harris going to have a press conference? Forty-two days and counting. They can't dodge their records forever.
YOu seem to be making up shit now

It wasn't the families fault. So stop shifting blame away from Trump and using the family to make your argument

Trump had it filmed. You act like you were not aware of this and do not even mentioned it.

Sure it was a stunt.

Why would anybody want Trump to go to a gravesite and place flowers

Trump did not know the person. It was not a relative of Trumps. It was not a personal friend of Trump.

Trump was the won one who had it filmed. It was not the family

Also they were told that it cannot be done for political use.

So stop trying to drag the family into this.
The media did the filming, not Trump. So stop making shit up.

And Trump cares about our troops......obviously Kamala doesn't.
Magats crying so hard over the buffoon's idiotic Cemetery episode -- insulting the military and honest patriots reinforces my belief that he's indeed jumped the shark this past week.

Happens to a lot of fake TV stars.

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