Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

Magats crying so hard over the buffoon's idiotic Cemetery episode -- insulting the military and honest patriots reinforces my belief that he's indeed jumped the shark this past week.

Happens to a lot of fake TV stars.
Sorry, asshat......this is all you guys doing.

People getting fed up with your constant shitstorms.

That's the point:

  • This is just Kamala's corrupt media trying to turn a mistake by her campaign into an attack on Trump
  • It's just a continuation of this hoax that Trump detests the military
This is just a clear example of Marxist tactics.....blame your enemy of what you're guilty of.

Kamala didn't give a shit about these dead soldiers, so she blew this memorial off. She's too busy to do what she's paid by the taxpayer to do.
Kamala is trying to hide and stay away from the public, the media, and foreign leaders.
It blew up in her face and this is how she tried to provide cover for herself, by hatching yet another hoax about Trump.

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WATCH: Biden and Harris families lay wreath at Arlington National Cemetery

actually there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it

President Joe Biden spent a few of the first moments of his term at Arlington National Cemetery, honoring fallen veterans with three former presidents and their families.

3 presidents and wives pay tribute on Biden first day.

That is how its done.
WATCH: Biden and Harris families lay wreath at Arlington National Cemetery

actually there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it

President Joe Biden spent a few of the first moments of his term at Arlington National Cemetery, honoring fallen veterans with three former presidents and their families.

3 presidents and wives pay tribute on Biden first day.

That is how its done.
WATCH: Biden and Harris families lay wreath at Arlington National Cemetery

actually there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it

President Joe Biden spent a few of the first moments of his term at Arlington National Cemetery, honoring fallen veterans with three former presidents and their families.

3 presidents and wives pay tribute on Biden first day.

That is how its done.
I've attended my share of military funerals. I was one of the honor guard members for one of my friends who was killed.

I don't need a GD lecture on how it's done,

You need to spend more time with your eyes open and stop listening to the crap the corrupt media is telling you,
The media did the filming, not Trump. So stop making shit up.

And Trump cares about our troops......obviously Kamala doesn't.
See now your making stuff up now and reflecting. Yet do not post a source.

It was Trump's people who made the video and even the Utah governor was talking pictures.

The U.S. Army on Thursday said that an Arlington National Cemetery employee was "abruptly pushed aside" earlier this week during a dispute with members of the Trump campaign.

Two members of Trump’s campaign staff reportedly had an altercation with a cemetery official who tried to prohibit the Trump staffers from filming and photographing in Section 60, NPR reported. At that point, Trump’s campaign staff allegedly verbally abused and pushed the official aside.

A defense official told the Associated Press that the Trump campaign was warned ahead of Monday’s visit that they could not film or take photographs in Section 60 due to the cemetery’s media policy.

“Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign

So it was Trump campaign personnel and they were told the rules but just ignored them.

Gee is that the level your at blaming others for your own limitations.

The nonpartisan nonprofit group Veterans for Responsible Leadership called the political stunt “gross” and “a new low.”

A progressive veterans nonprofit, VoteVets, condemned the incident, saying in a post on X, “With an election coming up, Donald Trump pretends to care about all those who died in service to America.”

See now your making stuff up now and reflecting. Yet do not post a source.

It was Trump's people who made the video and even the Utah governor was talking pictures.

The U.S. Army on Thursday said that an Arlington National Cemetery employee was "abruptly pushed aside" earlier this week during a dispute with members of the Trump campaign.

Two members of Trump’s campaign staff reportedly had an altercation with a cemetery official who tried to prohibit the Trump staffers from filming and photographing in Section 60, NPR reported. At that point, Trump’s campaign staff allegedly verbally abused and pushed the official aside.

A defense official told the Associated Press that the Trump campaign was warned ahead of Monday’s visit that they could not film or take photographs in Section 60 due to the cemetery’s media policy.

“Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign

So it was Trump campaign personnel and they were told the rules but just ignored them.

Gee is that the level your at blaming others for your own limitations.

The nonpartisan nonprofit group Veterans for Responsible Leadership called the political stunt “gross” and “a new low.”

A progressive veterans nonprofit, VoteVets, condemned the incident, saying in a post on X, “With an election coming up, Donald Trump pretends to care about all those who died in service to America.” when Biden did it it was Okay......but when Trump did it.....he was breaking the law,

Fuk off.
August 31, 2024

The Truth About Arlington​

By Victoria White Berger

Here is what really happened with President Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery this week: at the request of Gold Star families, Trump came to honor our dead heroes killed in Afghanistan. Simple enough, and very like President Trump to care.

Biden/Harris Inc., as they do, were absent, so of course damage control was in order -- with Trump’s appearance at the scene. We can guess, given the Biden/Harris death toll in a hugely ignominious and even asinine withdrawal, that they just didn’t want to draw attention to the ceremony, or to even allow one.
Along with NPR, many other MSM outlets pounced on a minor altercation at the cemetery as evidence of Trump perfidy. Breitbart rebutted the MSM version:

“A day after former President Donald Trump honored 13 fallen American service members at Arlington National Cemetery, NPR is claiming Trump campaign staff got into an “altercation” with a cemetery official who prevented them from taking photographs in an off-limits section.”
Note that very recently President Trump called for the defunding of NPR.

Breitbart joined several alternative outlets in disputing NPR’s reporting:
Officials at the cemetery reportedly “made clear that only cemetery staff members are authorized to take photographs or film” in Section 60, the source told the outlet.

In response to the allegations, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung explained that a “private photographer was permitted on the premises,” and added that an “unnamed individual” had “decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team” during the ceremony at the cemetery.
“There was no physical altercation as described and we are prepared to release footage if such defamatory claims are made,” Cheung said in a statement. “The fact is that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and for whatever reason an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump’s team during a very solemn ceremony.”

Families participating in honoring their dead loved ones confirm President Trumps motivations as being not, essentially, political at all:
Cheryl Juels, the aunt of Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, one of the servicemembers who was killed, issued a statement that they had “absolutely welcomed and appreciated having video and photography there.”

Juels added that it “was monumental. I can speak for myself and our family, and we absolutely welcomed and appreciated having video and photography there with us during the time we spent with President Trump,” Juels said in a statement. “For us this was monumental, and having it recorded, we felt was important. When has a president and so many veteran members of Congress ever come to pay their respects like this EVER before? This is a hard day for us, and we have been ignored by the current administration for 3 YEARS now, so to have President Trump, take the time, to come and honor our kids at Arlington...”
Then came more accusations against Trump, but now from the U.S. Army:
“The US Army issued a blistering statement Thursday that claimed the
Trump campaign flouted federal laws when he posed for a photo with Gold Star families at Arlington National Cemetery -- allegedly leading to a physical altercation between campaign staff and a cemetery employee.”
Online critics of the Army statement were quick to point out that President Biden had twice used Arlington National Cemetery: Once for a campaign video in June of this year; and once before the 2020 election, which apparently showed him standing over a grave in Section 60 -- the same area Trump visited.
During a Memorial Day speech at Arlington National Cemetery in May, Biden, 81, also touted having signed into the law the PACT Act in 2022, which expanded veterans’ access to health care benefits -- including for those exposed to toxic burn pits like his late son Beau Biden.”
Of course, Biden did the Beau thing, for the zillionth time. Most of the my-son-Beau the hero is part of Biden’s ongoing fake personal history, that has now morphed into Harris’ fake personal history.
“There’s no prohibition against taking photographs at the cemetery, but federal regulations bar “partisan political activities” from occurring at memorial services or other ceremonies held at National Military Cemeteries.”
To back Biden/Harris, it’s all lies from the MSM, again. But now the U.S. Army is lying, too.
“Gold Star families of the 13 US service members who were killed during the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal released a statement on Wednesday denying that they had trampled on Section 60 regulations, which is the portion of the cemetery reserved for fallen heroes of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
“We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to President Donald J. Trump for his presence at the recent section 60 gathering, honoring our children and their fallen brothers and sisters,” the statement read.”
So, the U.S. military now goes after its own heroes for the sake of comity with Biden/Harris:
“Another source familiar with the lead-up to the incident said it was an uphill battle for the families to even schedule their time at the cemetery -- and they eventually had to ask for help from House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.). Speaker Johnson had to call in” to secure the visit with Arlington National, the source said, “and eventually they just buckled.”
So, why is this relatively small piece of news actually important? From small trees, big acorns grow. It is a small story but looms large when one considers the ferocity of the threats by progressives and by the swamp and by Biden himself against Trump regaining the presidency.
If the military so easily bends to the Biden/Harris Inc. will -- as in its reaction to a relatively trite and faux dispute about photographs -- a military that treats every function of federal government as a ‘closer’ and enabler for the personal aims of the White House, what will stop the White House from using the military to enforce their pre and post-election schemes? Biden/Harris Inc. has mutated a military which is beholden to its commander in chief in matters that defy our constitutional rights, including those of its own troops. What is to stop them if a Trump victory seems imminent?
We may then see the fascism that the hard left has flirted with for so long, and which they, in fact, cluelessly long for. If so, they will own their accusations of ‘fascism’ at last--it will wear the uniform and bear real weapons; it will all be down to them. when Biden did it it was Okay......but when Trump did it.....he was breaking the law,

Fuk off.
Yet you fail to see the difference. Bush, Biden, and Obama

They did not feel the need to bring their own photographer and they did it on the big stage.

None were running for president at the time
Yet you fail to see the difference. Bush, Biden, and Obama

They did not feel the need to bring their own photographer and they did it on the big stage.

None were running for president at the time
Bull shit.

I posted what happened. Regardless you would rather believe a corrupt media over the truth.

The truth that escapes you is you seem to feel that Biden, Obama,...............or any Democrat, deserves a different standard than Trump.

But this isn't anything new. They already impeached Trump when he was just doing his presidential duties.

The actual deal here is that your malice forces you to believe any lie they make up about Donald J. Trump.

Trump shows up at a funeral and you accuse him of breaking the law.

But when Biden did the exact same thing you give him a pass.

The rule that was mentioned is designed to prevent political demonstrations, not fuck with people who are simply trying to honor their fallen dead.
August 31, 2024

The Truth About Arlington​

By Victoria White Berger

Here is what really happened with President Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery this week: at the request of Gold Star families, Trump came to honor our dead heroes killed in Afghanistan. Simple enough, and very like President Trump to care.

Biden/Harris Inc., as they do, were absent, so of course damage control was in order -- with Trump’s appearance at the scene. We can guess, given the Biden/Harris death toll in a hugely ignominious and even asinine withdrawal, that they just didn’t want to draw attention to the ceremony, or to even allow one.
Along with NPR, many other MSM outlets pounced on a minor altercation at the cemetery as evidence of Trump perfidy. Breitbart rebutted the MSM version:

Note that very recently President Trump called for the defunding of NPR.

Breitbart joined several alternative outlets in disputing NPR’s reporting:

Families participating in honoring their dead loved ones confirm President Trumps motivations as being not, essentially, political at all:

Then came more accusations against Trump, but now from the U.S. Army:

Of course, Biden did the Beau thing, for the zillionth time. Most of the my-son-Beau the hero is part of Biden’s ongoing fake personal history, that has now morphed into Harris’ fake personal history.

To back Biden/Harris, it’s all lies from the MSM, again. But now the U.S. Army is lying, too.

So, the U.S. military now goes after its own heroes for the sake of comity with Biden/Harris:

So, why is this relatively small piece of news actually important? From small trees, big acorns grow. It is a small story but looms large when one considers the ferocity of the threats by progressives and by the swamp and by Biden himself against Trump regaining the presidency.
If the military so easily bends to the Biden/Harris Inc. will -- as in its reaction to a relatively trite and faux dispute about photographs -- a military that treats every function of federal government as a ‘closer’ and enabler for the personal aims of the White House, what will stop the White House from using the military to enforce their pre and post-election schemes? Biden/Harris Inc. has mutated a military which is beholden to its commander in chief in matters that defy our constitutional rights, including those of its own troops. What is to stop them if a Trump victory seems imminent?
We may then see the fascism that the hard left has flirted with for so long, and which they, in fact, cluelessly long for. If so, they will own their accusations of ‘fascism’ at last--it will wear the uniform and bear real weapons; it will all be down to them.

Wow your really believe that and that what makes it so funny

Fascism even used

Still worried about Biden.

What are the rules when you can make stuff up and talk about fascism and other things totally irrelevant to what happen

But hey at least you used a source. See you can follow something.

The Big lie lives on in this one

The German expression was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (1925) to describe how people could be induced to believe so colossal a lie because they would not believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously"
Wow your really believe that and that what makes it so funny

Fascism even used

Still worried about Biden.

What are the rules when you can make stuff up and talk about fascism and other things totally irrelevant to what happen

But hey at least you used a source. See you can follow something.
WTF are you babbling about now?

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