Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

Ignorance of the rules or just people doing what they want

§ 447.41 General.

View Text of § 447.41 General.​

Title 39 Chapter I Part 447
restrictions on their participation in political activity (5 U.S.C. subchapter III of chapter

National Cemetery Administration​

Filming and Photography Guidance in National Cemeteries​

Cemetery management retains the right to approve, disapprove or halt filming or photography that interferes with normal cemetery operations, violates a family's expressed desire for privacy or depicts VA inaccurately and/or Veterans negatively. Political or partisan activities of any nature, including filming of campaign ads, are not permitted on cemetery grounds.
A campaign ad must containing a solicitation. Trump does still carry with him being a human being and lib attempts to make him a 24/7 “political ad” are fake and false
They simply cannot admit a mistake, bad judgement etc. and along with that means no statements of “this won’t happen again” just pointing fingers at everyone else instead and projecting projecting projecting.

What has the party of self proclaimed “personal responsibility” become? Everything they used to criticize their opponents of.
He was invited and showed up. He exhibited responsibility by displaying no political advertising. Being a human being invited to attend with the family is not the “political ad” you so desperately need to mold it into
Trump is trying to blame gold star families for what he did at Arlington National Cemetery. And in doing so, he is making his visit more political.

Not only did he try to use this visit in a campaign ad, but a member of his entourage assaulted a Cemetery worker who was trying to enforce the law. As well as that smile and a "thumbs up" next to the grave of one of the fallen.

Trump's actions at Arlington were disrespectful and disgusting.

I see you're a stupid one. The gold star families requested Trump to be there, and requested the pictures. Which a grieving family can request and receive. But you people are so low, you would interrupt a little bit of solitude for them. Since Harris and Biden won't even talk to them.
No blame on Trump. In fact he is credited for bringing some solace to a grieving family. Lib loons hate the effect of that so falsely cry “political ad” and make the same mistake the DEI bitch did.

Biden and Kamala refused to participate, but then turn around and start a scandal over something nobody even witnessed.

Just how shitty of a person do you have to be to try to take advantage of 13 Gold Star family's grief?
Biden was on the beach in Delaware. He didn't go anywhere near them.


Biden and Kamala refused to participate, but then turn around and start a scandal over something nobody even witnessed.

Just how shitty of a person do you have to be to try to take advantage of 13 Gold Star family's grief?
Liberals are detached from reality and operate solely from feelings and wishes
A campaign ad must containing a solicitation. Trump does still carry with him being a human being and lib attempts to make him a 24/7 “political ad” are fake and false
typical effort to look over there and not look over here

Political or partisan activities of any nature, including filming of campaign ads, are not permitted on cemetery grounds.

See that is the problem, picking and choosing parts that suit your argument instead of taking the whole into consideration

political activities of any nature including

see they added including just to clarify but obvious it is not enough

He was invited and showed up.

Good on him.

He exhibited responsibility by displaying no political advertising.
Stop right there.

He was told not to take photos or film in section 60 both ahead of time by the Department of Defense and then at the time by a staff member who was then verbally abused and shoved aside by his staff.

That is NOT exhibiting responsibility by any stretch.

But…he still could have salvaged it. He could have apologized for his staff, both for flaunting the rules and their treatment of the cemetery staff. He could have said they got carried away in the moment and it won’t happen again. Instead he doubled down. He blamed the staffer for having a mental health episode for trying to do their job.

Being a human being invited to attend with the family is not the “political ad” you so desperately need to mold it into
That is true. So why were his campaign staff there? Why did his campaign release it on TikTok?

The answer should be obvious.
typical effort to look over there and not look over here

Political or partisan activities of any nature, including filming of campaign ads, are not permitted on cemetery grounds.

See that is the problem, picking and choosing parts that suit your argument instead of taking the whole into consideration

political activities of any nature including

see they added including just to clarify but obvious it is not enough
Being there and filming him with the family that invited him is no where near a deliberate political act of advertising.
You’re just upset he did an honorable thing while your two favorites blew the families off.
Thanks for showing us just how Xiden and Harris and the dembot cult base can't accept responsibly for their massive failure and surrender in Afghan.

I get why they were too ashamed to show their faces to this ceremony....
They weren’t invited. Why would they show up? It was a private event.

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