If you don't have the education and knowledge and the balance in a science, your opinion does not matter

Don't bother me with your opinion on scientific matters if you don't have the qualifications, the knowledge, and the sense of balance on serious matters.

We have millions of dumbo opinions on climate change.

Same problem with Covid and vaccinations.

Did all of you go to alternative school or were educated at home?

View attachment 1005669
That's very racist.
Don't bother me with your opinion on scientific matters if you don't have the qualifications, the knowledge, and the sense of balance on serious matters.

We have millions of dumbo opinions on climate change.

Same problem with Covid and vaccinations.

Did all of you go to alternative school or were educated at home?

View attachment 1005669
Are you a climate scientist?

Do you have a degree?
... shown to be untrusted by the unworthy.

You don't get to decide that. And we aren't a technocracy, where the credentialed get to rule without question.

I would rather deal with the physical repercussions of any AGW than give power to people in an attempt to "prevent" it that may do nothing of the sort, and instead only reduce my freedom and lower my standard of living.
You don't get to decide that. And we aren't a technocracy, where the credentialed get to rule without question.

I would rather deal with the physical repercussions of any AGW than give power to people in an attempt to "prevent" it that may do nothing of the sort, and instead only reduce my freedom and lower my standard of living.
Of course, they are elected representatives to do just that. You are just blowing steam 'cause you are an unhappy old man facing judgement.
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Don't bother me with your opinion on scientific matters if you don't have the qualifications, the knowledge, and the sense of balance on serious matters.

We have millions of dumbo opinions on climate change.

Same problem with Covid and vaccinations.

Did all of you go to alternative school or were educated at home?

View attachment 1005669
Climate Change: Hoax or Truth?

The overwhelming consensus among scientists is that climate change is a reality and is primarily driven by human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels. This consensus is supported by extensive research and data collected over decades.

Evidence Supporting Climate Change

1. Rising Temperatures: Global temperatures have been steadily increasing, with the last few decades being the warmest in recorded history. This trend is linked to increased greenhouse gas emissions, which trap heat in the atmosphere.

2. Melting Ice Caps and Rising Sea Levels: Significant melting of glaciers and ice sheets, particularly in Antarctica and Greenland, has been observed. The UN has warned that this could lead to substantial sea-level rise, impacting coastal communities worldwide.

3. Extreme Weather Events: There is a growing body of evidence linking climate change to an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires.

4. Scientific Consensus: Major scientific organizations globally, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), agree that climate change is real and largely caused by human activities. This consensus is based on rigorous peer-reviewed research.

Skepticism and Misinformation

While there are individuals and groups who claim that climate change is a hoax, often citing political motivations or natural climate cycles as reasons for their skepticism, these views are not supported by the majority of scientific evidence. Some skeptics argue that climate change is exaggerated for political gain, but this perspective is increasingly marginalized as more data becomes available.


In conclusion, the assertion that climate change is a hoax is not supported by the scientific community. The evidence overwhelmingly indicates that climate change is a significant and pressing issue that requires immediate action to mitigate its impacts.

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