Media is questioning its low standard for Trump vs Harris

Trump is a moron and it should be pointed out much more frequently by the media. His IQ is about 80 and he speaks at a 3rd grade level which is probably the appeal to his supporters.

Here is Trump's team trying to prep him for the debates:

The voice of envy speaks.
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You people are literally, insane.

What world do you live in where I can turn on or read any mainstream media and will see nothing but hatred for Trump while I see nothing but cotton candy and water-carrying for Harris/Waltz?

How do you explain that just 4 weeks ago, Harris was considered toxic to the nation by the media and the left who are in power, and then, without a single interview, without s single speech until the DNC convention, without a SINGLE FUCKING POLICY STATEMENT, she is suddenly super popular and leading in the polls?

The media is there reason. They spent hours upon hours trashing Trump and the GOP and say absolutely nothing against the Democrats or Harris.

Even that interview, the one they had full editing power over, was a disaster of an interview, but the media, and the leftist clowns, fawn all over it.
Bullshit. Trump is a convicted felon. He committed the crimes, and that has been reported. So Trump has trashed himself. And Harris has been giving speeches for months. She's done interviews before she was a candidate. She did an interview after the Trump/Biden debate by herself on national TV and took difficult questions pertaining to her support of Biden. So you're lying and you right wingers need to stop this ying. People are sick of your garbage and THIS is why Harris has risen, not because of the media.

Stop blaming everybody and everything but yourselves. The right wing in Ameroc are a bunch of immoral people comprised of bigots and every other deplorable type of human being. Nobody likes you guys and the fact that you have chosen for your one of the greatest peices of trash in human history is why you see what you are seeing now.
If Harris did one of these much less the 50 examples that follow.

Oooh, a compilation! I see what you did there. Not having a compelling single example, you had to cram together as many examples as possible that were strung out over a long time, thus giving the impression that TRUMP! was being incoherent. Do you think we could do the same with Kamala (what have I been doing for 4 years?) Harris to make her sound ludicrous? In fact, that's your homework assignment. Gather a bunch of clips of her launching incoherent word salads and cackling sprees to undercut your own argument. Turn it in on Thursday.
Bullshit. Trump is a convicted felon. He committed the crimes, and that has been reported. So Trump has trashed himself. And Harris has been giving speeches for months. She's done interviews before she was a candidate. She did an interview after the Trump/Biden debate by herself on national TV and took difficult questions pertaining to her support of Biden. So you're lying and you right wingers need to stop this ying. People are sick of your garbage and THIS is why Harris has risen, not because of the media.

Stop blaming everybody and everything but yourselves. The right wing in Ameroc are a bunch of immoral people comprised of bigots and every other deplorable type of human being. Nobody likes you guys and the fact that you have chosen for your one of the greatest peices of trash in human history is why you see what you are seeing now.
You mad, brah?
Bullshit. Trump is a convicted felon. He committed the crimes, and that has been reported. So Trump has trashed himself. And Harris has been giving speeches for months. She's done interviews before she was a candidate. She did an interview after the Trump/Biden debate by herself on national TV and took difficult questions pertaining to her support of Biden. So you're lying and you right wingers need to stop this ying. People are sick of your garbage and THIS is why Harris has risen, not because of the media.

Stop blaming everybody and everything but yourselves. The right wing in Ameroc are a bunch of immoral people comprised of bigots and every other deplorable type of human being. Nobody likes you guys and the fact that you have chosen for your one of the greatest peices of trash in human history is why you see what you are seeing now.

He has a good chance of being your president again. Lol.
I find it ironic the same dembot "media" that spent four years covering for senile joey xiden is now saying they have a double standard for trump...weirdly ironic
While people are parsing every word ever said by Harris and Walz, Trump is melting down right in front of our eyes. Finally the media is starting to question itself as to whether the standard for Trump is too low. Basically he says crazy shit all the time and supporters write it off as no big deal. What is even worse the media doesnt blow up when this nonsense comes to roost. He has flooded the air with so much nonsense the media barely questions it.

You've gone way off the deep end.
While people are parsing every word ever said by Harris and Walz, Trump is melting down right in front of our eyes. Finally the media is starting to question itself as to whether the standard for Trump is too low. Basically he says crazy shit all the time and supporters write it off as no big deal. What is even worse the media doesnt blow up when this nonsense comes to roost. He has flooded the air with so much nonsense the media barely questions it.

There IS a double standard, but the Old Weird Guy is giving his maga faithful the show they want. His "weave" diatribe, for example. Do you think maga doesn't see him as a genius, for flummoxing what traditionally was legitimate policy discussion in an election? Go ahead, google Trump's "weave." If a non-maga candidate pulled that, they'd be harangued by msnbc and cnn.

So, I think the gop is more like humpy dumpty. Maga is incompatible with a conservative party. But then, SO WAS W. Most traditional gop type voters are hanging with Trump, and it's no surprise or secret that he does/did do pretty fair with hispanic males .... who traditionally are conservative, socially and fiscally.

But in 2020, most voters were nether silent gen or boomer. I don't see maga having a huge pull, and this is the Old Weird Guy's last rodeo. I am not making predictions for the nov elections. I assume they will take place .... although perhaps not peacefully.
Harris IS talking to Americans dumb ass. Literally, on the stump. The media is not lying about Trump.
She says the exact same thing at her rallies word for word. That's not talking, that's a scripted rally, so she want screw up. Yes, she is that stupid.
Thats how they played Trump and it is why they are hoping Trump gets elected. You apparently have never had to deal with an intelligent sister. Harris won't be backing down to those men in that picture and in fact those men would be very wise to fear her.
Putin is in Ukraine, and Iran is attacking isreal. We have illegal immigrants taking over apartment complexes in Minnesota and Chicago. They will run over Harris like they have the past 3 1/2 years.
If Harris did one of these much less the 50 examples that follow.


The media was complicit in the plan to remove Biden from the ticket - thus, it's concentration on Biden's age and absence of mental acuity.


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