Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

You truly hate the Catholic Church don't you, because of its name. The Church Christ formed began with Jesus saying, "Upon this rock I will build my church." On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and disciples, and they went forth forming congregations throughout the known world. Jesus gave Peter the keys to this church and these keys were passed on generation after generation. The congregations became known as catholic, meaning open and welcoming to all. Language changes. A normal adjective, 'catholic', also took root as (as many words do) a noun.

The fact you must lie alerts all to how terrified you are the the Apostolic succession and the members of the early Church.

You don't even know the history of Simon Magus, and are apparently hoping no one else does either. Begone.
But Catholicism is works based salvation! Also worship Mary as co redemptirix
But Catholicism is works based salvation! Also worship Mary as co redemptirix
That's just a distortion of what Catholics actually believe. And Protestants need to check out something in that Book they claim to believe in

namely Philippians 2:12 where it says to

"WORK out your salvation with fear and trembling" You won't get to Heaven doing NOTHING for your soul or for the souls of others.
You truly hate the Catholic Church don't you, because of its name. The Church Christ formed began with Jesus saying, "Upon this rock I will build my church." On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and disciples, and they went forth forming congregations throughout the known world. Jesus gave Peter the keys to this church and these keys were passed on generation after generation. The congregations became known as catholic, meaning open and welcoming to all. Language changes. A normal adjective, 'catholic', also took root as (as many words do) a noun.

The fact you must lie alerts all to how terrified you are the the Apostolic succession and the members of the early Church.

You don't even know the history of Simon Magus, and are apparently hoping no one else does either. Begone.
We Catholics wonder why some are so committed to their religion, they would even go against the Bible which they claim to adhere to, often vehemently. For example, I've never heard Protestants, only Catholics, refer to Philippians 2:12 that says to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling."

And then there is James 2:14 or thereabouts that says something to the effect of

Big deal.. you believe. Even the demons believe and tremble
On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and disciples, and they went forth forming congregations throughout the known world.

You really need to read more carefully. According to the story a mighty wind blew open the doors and "tongues of fire" appeared that settled above each of the disciples heads like a flame.


So if the Holy Spirit appeared at pentecost how is it that your "Holy Spirit" hasn't done even one of the four things that Jesus said the Holy Spirit would be sent by God to do when he came?

When he came, he would do these things, not fail to do even one thing over thousands of years.

Seriously, its been over 2000 years. Jewish people haven't been convinced that Jesus was right or they were wrong to not believe in him. When is your ghost going to get around to doing his job?

Whats up? Is he sleeping? Did he come and go on vacation? Is he at an undisclosed location?

"When he comes, he will confute the world, and show where wrong and right and judgment lie. He will convict them of wrong, by their refusal to believe in me; he will convince them that right is on my side, by showing that I go to the Father when I pass from your sight; and he will convince them of Divine judgment by showing that the prince of this world stands condemned." Jn 16:7-15
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I know what you said and I accept what you said. You teach children about God, but you stop at Baptism and wait for them to make their own decision about salvation. That's fine, that's how some see salvation. All I am pointing out is that Catholics see it differently. I am not saying one is right and one is wrong...but you seem to be saying that. I am saying the Holy Spirit can work with both.

I am saying that Catholic teaching is the Holy Spirit and God's grace are especially present in Baptism. For those who believe salvation is a process (the Way of Salvation) not a one-time event, baptism of infants is logical.

For those who believe salvation is a one-time event, or once saved always saved, it is logical to wait until adulthood. I understand you believe the scriptures you select lean toward salvation being a one-time event. I don't believe they lean that way at all--sometimes they are even talking about something entirely different from salvation. Doesn't matter. You still believe salvation is a one-time event and that your children will have this event when they are ready. That is your choice. It's not that I think it is wrong, I simply know it is not my choice, based on scripture as I understand them and based on my own experiences.
Do you then support adults re-baptizing for the repentance of sin and public acknowledgement of conversion? I thought Catholics didn't believe in that, and in fact persecuted the Anabaptists, or re-baptizers.
Do you then support adults re-baptizing for the repentance of sin and public acknowledgement of conversion? I thought Catholics didn't believe in that, and in fact persecuted the Anabaptists, or re-baptizers.
Once baptized, you don't have to be baptized again. Confirmation--which comes after at least one Absolution (confession) is the sacrament of those who have been baptized and then as youth or young adult, have CHOSEN to stay with Jesus in His Church. Then the person continues his or her walk with Jesus through Confession, preferably as often as possible. But I myself do not go to just any Catholic or allegedly Catholic Church for confession or any other sacrament. Again, the Sedevacantists have it right about what is going on in the Catholic world. They are the ones who espouse and teach the TRUE Catholic Faith that was taught from the first century until .. Vatican II (The Vatican was taken over by Communists and other nefarious types 1958).
Once baptized, you don't have to be baptized again. Confirmation--which comes after at least one Absolution (confession) is the sacrament of those who have been baptized and then as youth or young adult, have CHOSEN to stay with Jesus in His Church. Then the person continues his or her walk with Jesus through Confession, preferably as often as possible. But I myself do not go to just any Catholic or allegedly Catholic Church for confession or any other sacrament. Again, the Sedevacantists have it right about what is going on in the Catholic world. They are the ones who espouse and teach the TRUE Catholic Faith that was taught from the first century until .. Vatican II (The Vatican was taken over by Communists and other nefarious types 1958).
Convenient. You do not then believe that baptism is for repentance of sin and public statement of faith. Do you support the Catholic church persecuting the Anabaptists?
hadit: Do you then support adults re-baptizing for the repentance of sin and public acknowledgement of conversion? I thought Catholics didn't believe in that, and in fact persecuted the Anabaptists, or re-baptizers.

The Catholic Church accepts all baptisms done in the proper form, in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Oneness Pentecostals, for example, baptize in the name of Jesus. The Mormon Church believes that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three separate beings, not One.
That's just a distortion of what Catholics actually believe. And Protestants need to check out something in that Book they claim to believe in

namely Philippians 2:12 where it says to

"WORK out your salvation with fear and trembling" You won't get to Heaven doing NOTHING for your soul or for the souls of others.
You cannot be born again and NOT do good works, because you are transformed, changed, renewed. Just as someone who is in love can't hide it and doesn't want to, Christ will shine through a true Christian. Flip it around, though, and you must realize that depending on good works won't do you any good. If you think so, answer me this:

1. How much is enough?
2. Can you feel superior to those with fewer good works?
3. Can you do enough good works to demand that God accept you?

In truth, it's more like this. Everyone lines up on the beach in California to swim to Hawaii. Some will drown and die a few yards from the beach, others will make it maybe a 1/2 mile before they drown, and a handful might make it 20-50 miles, but no one will walk out of the surf at Hawaii. Meanwhile, Jesus is standing by on a cruise ship, begging all to come join Him.
That's just a distortion of what Catholics actually believe. And Protestants need to check out something in that Book they claim to believe in

namely Philippians 2:12 where it says to

"WORK out your salvation with fear and trembling" You won't get to Heaven doing NOTHING for your soul or for the souls of others.
That doesn't mean works based, it means to work on your walk!
Ephesians 2 8,9
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
I am not a Catholic bashing person, as long as you understand that without the blood shed by Christ for remission of sins, there is no salvation, only through faith in him, and confessing with the mouth can on be saved works are a byproduct of salvation

Romans 10:9-10
King James Version​

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.​

Both wrong.
No they are not, and what about hail Mary's and our fathers how does that go along with,
Matthew 6:7-8 New King James Version (NKJV) And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
You cannot be born again and NOT do good works, because you are transformed, changed, renewed. Just as someone who is in love can't hide it and doesn't want to, Christ will shine through a true Christian. Flip it around, though, and you must realize that depending on good works won't do you any good. If you think so, answer me this:

1. How much is enough?
2. Can you feel superior to those with fewer good works?
3. Can you do enough good works to demand that God accept you?

In truth, it's more like this. Everyone lines up on the beach in California to swim to Hawaii. Some will drown and die a few yards from the beach, others will make it maybe a 1/2 mile before they drown, and a handful might make it 20-50 miles, but no one will walk out of the surf at Hawaii. Meanwhile, Jesus is standing by on a cruise ship, begging all to come join Him.
People need to study Catholicism before resolutely condemning it. It makes one look like a fool when one condemns what he does not even understand. Protestants mostly "understand it" by way of their (OMG.. Whoda thunk it??!!) Protestant pastors, so called.
You cannot be born again and NOT do good works,
That is totally NOT true. A person who has been re-generated can fall back into EGREGIOUS sin and lose his/her soul

Example: I believe he was called the I-5 killer.. Well, he was a serial killers Randy Woodfield was "born again" and.. well, as you can see..................

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That doesn't mean works based, it means to work on your walk!
Ephesians 2 8,9
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
"Faith without works is as lifeless as a corpse without breath." James 2:26
Since Adam did not eat the fruit of the tree of life before he was expelled from paradise he was, expelled mortal
That is not Biblical. Adam and Eve were invited to eat freely of everything in the Garden, except for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
The Tree of Life had an inherent virtue to preserve life indefinitely. And we aren't told how long Adam and Eve lived in the Garden.
The whole scenario changed when they sinned. And to prevent their sin from living forever, they were then cut off from the ability to continue to live indefinitely. God announced a completely different plan, including mortality.
That doesn't mean works based, it means to work on your walk!
uh.. excuse me??! You protestants were the ones saying Catholicism is works - based.. I myself never said or implied that. . even though I will say that works are required to be saved. That doesn't mean the works themselves save, but Protestants just LOVE accusing Catholics! :rolleyes:

And please do not tell me what the Bible means. I have the best authorities one can find in the world to show me the way. And don't do that All we Need is Jesus stuff because Jesus's Words are like anyone else's in the sense that they can be twisted or manipulated to mean just about anything a person wants them to mean

30,000+ different "churches" says it all
Convenient. You do not then believe that baptism is for repentance of sin and public statement of faith. Do you support the Catholic church persecuting the Anabaptists?
You are not an honest broker in my pov. Ignore is looking really good

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