Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

Damn if restraint is killing 25K, I would hate to see what unrestraint looks like. You libs? WTF is that? You didn't see black folks in the street with tiki torches chanting, "Jews will not replace us”.

I notice you don't want to touch those Trump Humpers who were chanting that though.
Oh….THAT again. Charlottesville, a decade ago.

The antisemitism today is all on the left, and it’s rampant.

As far as the Palestinian dead, that is ALL on HAMAS.
Oh….THAT again. Charlottesville, a decade ago.

The antisemitism today is all on the left, and it’s rampant.

As far as the Palestinian dead, that is ALL on HAMAS.
A decade ago? See those racist hold the same views that you do, so you will tolerate their hatred for Jews because they also hate blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc.
Damn if restraint is killing 25K, I would hate to see what unrestraint looks like. You libs? WTF is that? You didn't see black folks in the street with tiki torches chanting, "Jews will not replace us”.

I notice you don't want to touch those Trump Humpers who were chanting that though.
I saw black folks doing a lot more than
chanting silly slogans
A decade ago? See those racist hold the same views that you do, so you will tolerate their hatred for Jews because they also hate blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc.
It was one incident a decade ago that you libs keep bringing up to try to show that Jew-hate is on both sides, but it’s widespread and extreme on the left. Just look at what is happening at the Universities! Jews are being slammed against walls, yanked out of dorm rooms, spit on, assaulted, bullied - and now were in our second year of the abuse to Jews!

Even the lib professors are joining in the abuse, mocking and insulting Jews!

And all you people can come up with is…..but, but…but….some people in Charlottesville a decade ago.
I saw black folks doing a lot more than
chanting silly slogans
If we report on blacks assaulting Jews, we get criticized. We are NOT allowed to report on savage behavior when a) the thugs are black, and 2) the victims are Jewish. Shhhhhh…..
We really, REALLY need to limit immigration from radical muslim countries
My fear is that if Harris gets in, her pro-Muslim puppeteer will bring in a million Palestinians.

As it is, Harris has already had a meeting with Jew-hating Dearborn mayor (they didn’t put it in writing on her schedule…..shhhhhh) and has also buddied up with the antisemitic CAIR.
If we report on blacks assaulting Jews, we get criticized. We are NOT allowed to report on savage behavior when a) the thugs are black, and 2) the victims are Jewish. Shhhhhh…..
sadly----both of us have experience (that's hubby and me) from the cops all the way to
state superior court. IMO it's being done to fix
the stats. The cops are actually being HAMSTRUNG
My fear is that if Harris gets in, her pro-Muslim puppeteer will bring in a million Palestinians.

As it is, Harris has already had a meeting with Jew-hating Dearborn mayor (they didn’t put it in writing on her schedule…..shhhhhh) and has also buddied up with the antisemitic CAIR.
Harris is so bad, that is only one of the many ways she will hurt the country
If there were two million Jews confined to an open air prison being told to evacuate north, then south, then north every few days as bombs reign down on them and 40,000 of them had been slaughtered while we watched, I wonder if you'd also disapprove of those taking to the streets and protesting about it?

Ok, so why would I bomb an area that only has innocent women and children in it when I know I am not going to hit the actual enemy I am aiming for. Can you explain that?

Netanyahu's gaggle of genocidal Zionist shills can explain anything.

It's simple, those wicked and evil Palestinians committed the heinous crime of minding their own business and living on their own land that happened to coveted by violent foreign Zionists.

After all, they said that their God gave it to them.

As a matter of fact, I think that I heard my god giving me my neighbor's new riding lawnmower.

It's simple, those wicked and evil Palestinians committed the heinous crime of minding their own business and living on their own land that happened to coveted by violent foreign Zionists.
the oct 7 massacre was not Pals minding their own business

They murdered, raped, tortured and kidnapped over 2,000 innocent people
If there were two million Jews confined to an open air prison being told to evacuate north, then south, then north every few days as bombs reign down on them and 40,000 of them had been slaughtered while we watched, I wonder if you'd also disapprove of those taking to the streets and protesting about it?
two million who "confined to an open air prison"? Do you live under a rock? Who told
you that ANYONE is confined to Gaza by Israel---
YOUR IMAM? Come to my city---you can meet lots of people from Gaza---in and out and around. Do you have any idea at all as to the
geography of Gaza. Can you define "confined" or "prison"
the oct 7 massacre was not Pals minding their own business

They murdered, raped, tortured and kidnapped over 2,000 innocent people
They are INNOCENT by Shariah law, even heroic and even RIGHTEOUS or what some
christians call "SAVED"

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