Tucker Carlson criticized by radical propagandists for hosting a “neo nazi”

What did he “revise” or make up?
Hitler was only protecting europe
Hitler was killing the Jews because it was humane.
Hitler was unprepared for the war he started
Churchill was an extreme terrorist
Churchill wanted the war, forced Hitler into war.

Cooper does not mention Germany was murdering children.Cooper says, POW's, Political dissidents, and people they rounded up.

Cooper is a hack revisionists. He did not merely state how, "the germans felt."
Cooper revised how Germans felt
Holy crap

This is the kind of thing they're told in their world.
I as a MAGA Trump idol worshipper find Tucker Carslon to be an uneducated moron. Obviously, Tucker should stick to the scripts Fox news told him to read. Tucker on his own is a horror.

I dont watch Fox. I never thought Tucker deserved his praise or admiration. I of course have watched some Fox broadcasts. Not an overall fan.

Tucker is a huge dissapointment. Not conservative.
What does the term "hosting" mean in a media sense? Are we in an environment when giving the right to speak regarding political policies is now questioned if the "host" is conservative? The argument is nonsense but typical of the left's craziness these days.
What does the term "hosting" mean in a media sense? Are we in an environment when giving the right to speak regarding political policies is now questioned if the "host" is conservative?
It always has been. It's called 'objectivity'. We used to have it. Then hacks like O'Reilly got contracts at Fox News to continue what Limbaugh began. Carlson is not objective, he's right wing biased. He's not even a journalist. No one on the left would bother with him. Magaturds love him because he asks them patronizing, softball questions.
I as a MAGA Trump idol worshipper find Tucker Carslon to be an uneducated moron. Obviously, Tucker should stick to the scripts Fox news told him to read. Tucker on his own is a horror.

I dont watch Fox. I never thought Tucker deserved his praise or admiration. I of course have watched some Fox broadcasts. Not an overall fan.

Tucker is a huge dissapointment. Not conservative.
Your opinion ^ his numbers show we the American people support him.

Tucker is an American hero…interviews lefties and righties and is unafraid of cancel culture.

Tucker and Candace are unafraid of the Orwellian mass media..glad they are independent now… they are great for the country.
It always has been. It's called 'objectivity'. We used to have it. Then hacks like O'Reilly got contracts at Fox News to continue what Limbaugh began. Carlson is not objective, he's right wing biased. He's not even a journalist. No one on the left would bother with him. Magaturds love him because he asks them patronizing, softball questions.
The left has ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, PBS, CNN, the entire mulch media and Hollywood but Tucker gets criticized for his choice of interviews? WTF?
Your opinion ^ his numbers show we the American people support him.

Tucker is an American hero…interviews lefties and righties and is unafraid of cancel culture.

Tucker and Candace are unafraid of the Orwellian mass media..glad they are independent now… they are great for the country.
My opinion, nope. Not at all. Tucker said that he has been following this revisionist's work. Comments Tucker made indicates he agrees with this work.

A hero? How? By interviewing revisionists he agrees with?
Well, I am critical of cooper. Not just based on this interview. I listened to the first part, 2.5 hrs of his 15 hr Palesitine revisionism. He is good. 5 minutes of facts, 2.45 of emotional rhetoric designed to get a person emotionally outraged at zionism.

Tucker, yes he has contraversial people. Millions of followers. I get that. I obviously am giving Tucker a chance. I understand if Tucker simply disagreed with these people they would never come on his show. Yet, I do not understand having this guy on the show. I re-listened to spots. I am firm in what i know. I will have to listen to the tale end. See how tucker ended the show.

I am interested in what tucker says about the critics. I do know Mark Levin seems to be critical of Tucker's ethic, the things he has leaked to other news agencies while at Fox.

I read Cooper's book recommendations, not good. I listened to Cooper's podcast. Nothing reedemable.

Tucker, maybe I will try once more. MaybeTucker's approach was to get this knucklehead off guard and be open about his revisionism exposing the danger these nuts pose as they teach are children the opposite of the truth
To sum it up shortly…we the people can agree or disagree with what a host or interviewee says… it would say a lot more about the individual if one video swayed them to a certain viewpoint

it’s a dangerous thing to ban potential interviewees. That’s anti American…like what YouTube should not platform a speaker someone doesn’t like?

Tucker interviews a variety of guests …Carlson afaik has visited Israel and is not against Israel.
My opinion, nope. Not at all. Tucker said that he has been following this revisionist's work. Comments Tucker made indicates he agrees with this work.

A hero? How? By interviewing revisionists he agrees with?
I don’t see that…Tucker said he listened to some of coopers podcasts. I’m sure he agrees with some and disagrees with other points Cooper makes.
To sum it up shortly…we the people can agree or disagree with what a host or interviewee says… it would say a lot more about the individual if one video swayed them to a certain viewpoint

it’s a dangerous thing to ban potential interviewees. That’s anti American…like what YouTube should not platform a speaker someone doesn’t like?

Tucker interviews a variety of guests …Carlson afaik has visited Israel and is not against Israel.
I don’t see that…Tucker said he listened to some of coopers podcasts. I’m sure he agrees with some and disagrees with other points Cooper makes.
Well, I am citing specific times in the interview. At 2hr, 11min. Carlson states, "I agree with all your conclusions."

Carlson says he follows Cooper's work and us looking forward to his WW 2 podcasts.

I dont think you listened to this interview, or payed close attention. You mayvof heard parts.

I asked you about a soecific comment Tucker made, you did not reply?

At this point in the interview, what do you think.
1.00 to 101.30 I think is what I when I speak

I really dont care what you think of Carlson. What I state is not simply my opinion. I listened, I was specific. Your comments were general and ignore the specifics I am addressing.
Well, I am citing specific times in the interview. At 2hr, 11min. Carlson states, "I agree with all your conclusions."

Carlson says he follows Cooper's work and us looking forward to his WW 2 podcasts.

I dont think you listened to this interview, or payed close attention. You mayvof heard parts.

I asked you about a soecific comment Tucker made, you did not reply?

At this point in the interview, what do you think.
1.00 to 101.30 I think is what I when I speak

I really dont care what you think of Carlson. What I state is not simply my opinion. I listened, I was specific. Your comments were general and ignore the specifics I am addressing.
I’ll have to go back and watch the full interview. From what I saw Cooper was not some kind of hitter admirer.

I also asked what you think about criticism of FDR … how you react to that compared to criticism of Churchill by Cooper.

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