Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

A fetus is an unborn human being over eight weeks old but if you want to kill a baby, that’s on you, not anyone else, but it is a human by definition.

A zygote and embryo and fetus Are all human by definition? I have never said otherwise. I never killed a baby and do not want to ever kill a baby. Why are you so goo on this subject?

I simply believe that we own their own body is none of my business and not other governments business.

Aborting a fetus is not murdering a baby. That is Catholic “sin” converted into political propaganda favorable to the Republican Party.. it is propaganda as a illogical and illegitimate means to the end for right wing billionaires to grateful have their way in the democratic process that favors them over the working class.
A zygote and embryo and fetus Are all human by definition? I have never said otherwise. I never killed a baby and do not want to ever kill a baby. Why are you so goo on this subject?

I simply believe that we own their own body is none of my business and not other governments business.

Aborting a fetus is not murdering a baby. That is Catholic “sin” converted into political propaganda favorable to the Republican Party.. it is propaganda as a illogical and illegitimate means to the end for right wing billionaires to grateful have their way in the democratic process that favors them over the working class.
I don’t care what you think, I just stated facts, if someone wants to kill a baby, go ahead, it is not my business, that is between you and your god.

Abortion is killing a baby, taking a life, that you don’t care is fine by me.
Here is the definition given by biologists, yo
Life begins at conception. Conception is the biological beginning of every human life.

That is not the question on reproductive rights to abort a pregnancy for women.

The question is when does the sanctuary of human life begin..

The Jewish tradition teaches that the sanctity of life begins at birth as the baby emerges from the birth canal and takes his first breath.

The United States Constitution agrees with Jewish tradition on the beginning of the sanctity of human life. It’s at birth.

That’s all you really need to know.
Here is the definition given by biologists, you can have your own opinion but it is wrong, I’ll go with the 96% of biologist. Your definition is just to ease a conscience.

FTA: Biologists from 1,058 academic institutions around the world assessed survey items on when a human's life begins and, overall, 96% (5337 out of 5577) affirmed the fertilization view. The founding principles of the field Science Communication suggest that scientists have an ethical and professional obligation to inform Americans, as well as people around the world, about scientific developments so members of the public can be empowered to make life decisions that are consistent with the best information available. Given that perspective-and a recent study's finding that a majority of Americans believe they deserve to know when a human's life begins in order to make informed reproductive decisions-science communicators should work to increase the level of science awareness on the fertilization view, as it stands alone as the leading biological perspective on when a human's life begins.
First of all let me say that I respect and appreciate that you are responding to my post with data, statistics and facts. That is what a debate should be and that is what I seek.

Your link is informative and I could not find a rational response to it. Then again, it is the opinion of biologists and opinion cannot be considered fact, By the same token the percentage given is what I always tend to go with as the probabilities favor their definition.

This is truly one of those issues that is impossible to tackle as it involves more than just the biological definition of life. It involved human right of women and it involves the legal definition of life, which is explained here in this article from Cornell Law School:

As used in this section, the term “born alive”, with respect to a member of the species homo sapiens, means the complete expulsion or extraction from his or her mother of that member, at any stage of development, who after such expulsion or extraction breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord

As such, this is a topic that I try to stay away from because there is no absolute clear truth about it. It is something that no one can clearly define what is right and wrong.

For example, could (should - if Abortion is to be punished) laws be formed against men from ejaculating sperm into a woman's vagina if their plan is just to fuck and not have children. I mean, if you are going to take a woman's right to her own body, should that not be the same for men (taking away their right to ejaculate if not planning to reproduce). After all, men are as responsible for pregnancy as women are, aren't they?
I just stated facts,
You stated facts regarding the biological beginning of life.

You stated zero facts on when the sanctity of life begins

Your hostility in here appears to be to lie. Heaven is that your lie is favorable to Republican billionaires..

I realize you don’t care. You prefer to bitch and moan about the deficit situation and the billionaires appreciate you quite a bit every time your moans assist a Republican.
Life begins at conception. Conception is the biological beginning of every human life.

That is not the question on reproductive rights to abort a pregnancy for women.

The question is when does the sanctuary of human life begin..

The Jewish tradition teaches that the sanctity of life begins at birth as the baby emerges from the birth canal and takes his first breath.

The United States Constitution agrees with Jewish tradition on the beginning of the sanctity of human life. It’s at birth.

That’s all you really need to know.
And people that abort babies are killing them, that is just a fact, sorry that makes you feel uncomfortable, but you continue to support it, that is between you and your god and it is fine by me.
You stated facts regarding the biological beginning of life.

You stated zero facts on when the sanctity of life begins

Your hostility in here appears to be to lie. Heaven is that your lie is favorable to Republican billionaires..

I realize you don’t care. You prefer to bitch and moan about the deficit situation and the billionaires appreciate you quite a bit every time your moans assist a Republican.
Life begins at conception or fertization, why can’t I have an opinion and voice it, you do.
there is no absolute clear truth about it.

There is absolutely clear truth about a woman having the right to a medical procedure proven safe to terminate her own pregnancy. It’s the US Constitution having jurisdiction over Catholic Doctrine on sin.

The sanctity of life begins at birth, there is no debate.
I said "doable". How is that doable?
I’m not voting for a person that bribes others to get votes. Im not voting for the lesser of two evils bs, that is a losers outlook, I have been given no reason to vote for either major candidate, only why I shouldn’t vote for the other person.
There is absolutely clear truth about a woman having the right to a medical procedure proven safe to terminate her own pregnancy. It’s the US Constitution having jurisdiction over Catholic Doctrine on sin.

The sanctity of life begins at birth, there is no debate.
Yep, you can kill a baby legally, congrats.
I agree life begins at conception or fertilization so what is your point?
I agreed with you, you can legally kill a baby, that is what you claimed, I was agreeing with you that you can legally kill a baby. I wouldn’t but you are free to do so and you and your god can deal with it. It’s all good! Kill away!
There is absolutely clear truth about a woman having the right to a medical procedure proven safe to terminate her own pregnancy. It’s the US Constitution having jurisdiction over Catholic Doctrine on sin.

The sanctity of life begins at birth, there is no debate.
I just proved to you that there are different interpretations of life from the legal to the biological, meaning that you CANNOT say "there is no debate".

YOU personally may have no debate but don't impose your opinions on me or anyone else. Evidently there is a debate because it is currently being debated by the entire 4 billion population of the U.S. and there are as many people for it as against it. In addition, it is being debated in court and on the voting booth. Even the Supreme court was unable to decide on it as the simply passed on the decision to each individual State to make.
I’m not voting for a person that bribes others to get votes. Im not voting for the lesser of two evils bs, that is a losers outlook, I have been given no reason to vote for either major candidate, only why I shouldn’t vote for the other person.
Then don't vote and let the vote of other chose FOR YOU!
I just proved to you that there are different interpretations of life from the legal to the biological, meaning that you CANNOT say "there is no debate".

YOU personally may have no debate but don't impose your opinions on me or anyone else. Evidently there is a debate because it is currently being debated by the entire 4 billion population of the U.S. and there are as many people for it as against it. In addition, it is being debated in court and on the voting booth. Even the Supreme court was unable to decide on it as the simply passed on the decision to each individual State to make.
How many billion here in the United States? Four? Are you sure?
Yep, you can kill a baby legally, congrats.
You’re a liar. I cannot kill a baby legally. No one can kill a baby legally. There is only one person who can call a fetus developing in a woman’s body a baby. That’s the woman who is gestating the fetus.. Who do you think you are Saint_Papageorgio?
thank you for stating the obvious but my question is that you stated that what I said is a lie (you made an accusation) but instead of sticking around and proving your words (fighting for your honor), you run away, What does that say about you? Cowardly?
You said "We are not given another choice, meaning we have to pick the least worse." That's not true.

Any more questions?

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