Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

So, if you're not charged with a crime, that means no crime occurred?
When a women chooses to terminate the life of a fetus in her body it is not the crime of murder anywhere in the United States of America.

Can’t charge a person with a crime if there is no crime to charge them with.

If your religion teaches you that it is a sin to abort a fetus then don’t fucking do it.

Just don’t do it and then mind your own damn business.
I don’t trust corporate America based on their track record and I don’t trust government based on their track record. I love working for small businesses that are open and honest and are a joy to work at. I don’t think the government needs to spend money but they need to cut spending in all areas, we also need to raise taxes to start paying down debt. The government is irresponsible when it comes to money
No one is perfect and ever will be. It is the sum that counts and not any one particular issue. If we look, we can always find something that is wrong.

Yes, there are a lot of things wrong that can be improved but that has always been the case and will always be the case. We need to go along with the party that does more good than bad and stay away from the opposite. We must always try to, to make things better overall but that is not the determining factor. The sum total is.
Trump has been "using" the Evangelicals and quoting God as a way to get elected. and recently with the attempted assassination attempt he experienced, according to Trump, God is watching out for him and that is the reason why he was not killed. In addition, Megan Kelly tried to confirm that by making the case that Trump was shot at 6:11pm and that is meaningful on a biblical basis............In reading Ephesian 6:11 where it says "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Megan Kelly says that it means that Trump has the "full armor of God" on his side and the Democratic "devils" were the ones trying to kill him.

Nonetheless, this video makes the very good case that the opposite meaning is most likely to be the case, quoting other 6:11's verses in the Bible. See this and have a good laugh

I have 2 questions for you:

1) "Should Trump be using God and Religion to win the presidency"?
2) "Knowing who Trump is and hearing the above video, should the Evangelicals be supporting Trump"?

So, you're saying we should suppress the votes of those who are religious?
No one is perfect and ever will be. It is the sum that counts and not any one particular issue. If we look, we can always find something that is wrong.

Yes, there are a lot of things wrong that can be improved but that has always been the case and will always be the case. We need to go along with the party that does more good than bad and stay away from the opposite. We must always try to, to make things better overall but that is not the determining factor. The sum total is.
Even them Wall Street Journal says that the Harris economic plan does more for the common good than the Trump plan.

The record of job creation by Republican or Democratic president is 50 million to 1 million with Democratic presidents creating the 50 million.
Even them Wall Street Journal says that the Harris economic plan does more for the common good than the Trump plan.

The record of job creation by Republican or Democratic president is 50 million to 1 million with Democratic presidents creating the 50 million.
That is exactly why Harris gets my vote. The issues and not the personality, though in reality, I will never vote for a pathological liar, scam artists and incompetent person no matter what issues he talks about. He is either lying, scamming or will be unable to get the issues done
Trump has been "using" the Evangelicals and quoting God as a way to get elected. and recently with the attempted assassination attempt he experienced, according to Trump, God is watching out for him and that is the reason why he was not killed.
Of course he didn't die. He's the Antichrist.
Well, that rules out Democrats and Republicans.
We are not given another choice, meaning we have to pick the least worse. Then again, we know what Trump brings to the table but we can only speculate/assume what Kamala brings to the table, so by nature, we have to go with the unknown bad rather that the bad we KNOW will bring chaos to this country
That's a lie, and a con. We keep failing for it, but it isn't true.
Then simply prove it is a lie. A lie is never a lie until it is proven to be a lie. So prove to me that Harris will definitely be as bad as Trump and do it by showing data, statistics and facts.

You are good at words, but everyone is good at words and yet most people can't prove their words. I can!
When a women chooses to terminate the life of a fetus in her body it is not the crime of murder anywhere in the United States of America.

Can’t charge a person with a crime if there is no crime to charge them with.

If your religion teaches you that it is a sin to abort a fetus then don’t fucking do it.

Just don’t do it and then mind your own damn business.
A fetus is an unborn human being over eight weeks old but if you want to kill a baby, that’s on you, not anyone else, but it is a human by definition.
You can vote for whoever you want. Done.
thank you for stating the obvious but my question is that you stated that what I said is a lie (you made an accusation) but instead of sticking around and proving your words (fighting for your honor), you run away, What does that say about you? Cowardly?
No one is perfect and ever will be. It is the sum that counts and not any one particular issue. If we look, we can always find something that is wrong.

Yes, there are a lot of things wrong that can be improved but that has always been the case and will always be the case. We need to go along with the party that does more good than bad and stay away from the opposite. We must always try to, to make things better overall but that is not the determining factor. The sum total is.
I agree, that is why I don’t vote for the two parties president, I see good in the smaller parties and in my life time neiter party cares about reducing debt, that is just unacceptable and this election the promises are going to drive debt and taxes up which is irresponsible government.
A fetus is an unborn human being over eight weeks old but if you want to kill a baby, that’s on you, not anyone else, but it is a human by definition.
You are wrong to start with. Here is the biological definition of life

What is the definition of being alive in biology?

Life is defined as any system capable of performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli.
I agree, that is why I don’t vote for the two parties president, I see good in the smaller parties and in my life time neiter party cares about reducing debt, that is just unacceptable and this election the promises are going to drive debt and taxes up which is irresponsible government.
So what is your rational and doable answer to solving the problem?

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