Kamala Is Losing And Democrats Are In A Panic

BLM committed assault, arson, murder, destruction of property, and committed acts of terrorism. They firebombed a government building in Portland. Took over a section of Seattle. Offenses that normally would get you over 20 years in prison.

The Jan 6th prisoners are in jail cells. They aren't in prisons where they can be monitored by health officials. Some of them have died from neglect and torture.

I don't give a God Damn if you think Jan 6th was the most important event in history. Those people have rights.......and they aren't getting any. Many of them haven't even been able to see a lawyer.

Quit being a dumb-ass government stooge,.
What happened to you? Somewhere along the way, you got twisted. Maybe after November, when Trump is in the rear view mirror, you will go back to supporting the Constitution, rule of law, and be willing to stand up for your country, rather than your twisted trumper viewpoint.

End of discussion
We are all aware, he packed the court. Even they refused to intercede to help steal the election for him, after he lost in all lower courts. The only one that wanted to help him out, was this guy.
Every indicator shows that Kamala got no bump after the convention and she's losing the election.

If not for the black and latino vote she would be trailing by double-digits.

Most of the Middle-Class isn't buying this new reinvented version of VP Harris.

The smoke and mirrors only work for so long.

Now they look ridiculous
According to RCP, Kamala is still leading in most battleground states, albeit everything is within the margin of error.

So no, Dems are not in a panic, and no she's no more losing the election than Orange Jesus.

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She's going to NEW HAMPSHIRE. Once she loses this final little head of steam, you're still left with.....KAMALA HARRIS. She's no Obama, though you all tried
You've been listening to leftist news too much. You also need to know the difference between an American who loves his country and a communist or a Hamas supporter who hates everything we stand for. NOBODY HAS BEEN CHARGED OR CONVICTED OF INSURRECTION from the Jan 6th protests.

Trump held a rally and told people to peacefully go to the Capital.

What happened at the Capital was the sole responsibility of those who were in charge of security.

They've had several protests by Hamas supporters since Oct 7th where protesters occupied government buildings in Washington and nobody allowed it to become violent.
The cops started beating people up and started shooting people with bullets and tear gas on Jan 6th. We've all seen the footage.

If you want to know how people who hate this country act, just look at all of the red paint and vulgar graffiti they painted our statues and memorials, a total disregard for the founding fathers and this nation. I saw none of that on Jan 6th.
Trump will be indicted for his attempted coup. "It accuses him of repeatedly lying about the election results, turning aside repeated overtures from some aides to tell the truth but conspiring with others to try to improperly change vote totals in his favor. It says that on the day of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot, he attempted to "exploit" the chaos by pushing to delay the certification of the election results even after the building was cleared of violent protesters."

Good luck with that, and don't participate in an insurrectionist attack to overthrow the results, when it doesn't work out.
Still with the fake insurrection bullshit?

That's right up there with 50 million new jobs.

You dumbass leftards will believe ANYTHING.
Still with the fake insurrection bullshit?

That's right up there with 50 million new jobs.

You dumbass leftards will believe ANYTHING.
Jack Smith has got something for you Chump. Just hold on to yourself for a bit. 😂

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