Kamala Is Losing And Democrats Are In A Panic

any poll that is national is useless we don't have a national vote. Individual states vote and those polls at least are closer to reality.
Gen Z are not being polled, even though they're voting in record numbers for this age cohort.

Gen Z grew up with Active Shooter Drills, Student Debt, no Reproductive Choice, Climate Change disasters, and they are are not voting for Republicans anytime soon. They hate your your fat old candidate with a white hot passion. They hate your whole party.

They will strip your party of all power and authority for what Republicans have done to them.
Harris is nosing over.....already.

That's a lie.

The only jobs Democrats create are government jobs.

Democrat policies destroy jobs. Raising taxes, raising the MW, one hoax after another in the media causing panic to consumers, forcing businesses to relocate to Mexico and other countries because of harsh Democrat employment regulations that decrease profits.

Do you just make shit up?

What do Republican presidents Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II have in common that Obama doesn't? Total government grew under those presidents after they faced recessions. By contrast, federal, state, and local government declined by more than half a million workers in the last three years.

Do you just make shit up?

What do Republican presidents Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II have in common that Obama doesn't? Total government grew under those presidents after they faced recessions. By contrast, federal, state, and local government declined by more than half a million workers in the last three years.

When you preside over the worst recovery outside the Great Depression, you have this kind of thing happen.

However, there is no arguing that the two Bushes were not conservatives when it came to spending.

The second one was a huge moron.
When you preside over the worst recovery outside the Great Depression, you have this kind of thing happen.

However, there is no arguing that the two Bushes were not conservatives when it came to spending.

The second one was a huge moron.
Neither was Reagan or Trump.
Kamala's speech was just on FOX news... She finally put the details of her plan out and its all about government spending which will only raise inflation and cost jobs...
And after that she listed off about 9 lies about Trump... the lies so bad even the democrat on the panel had to admit she was not being "completely honest"....
She's a lying POS Democrat. Dems should just admit it, their candidate is a worthless scumbag.
Kamala's speech was just on FOX news...
Guess that makes it fake news. :71:

She finally put the details of her plan out and its all about government spending which will only raise inflation and cost jobs...
If government can't spend it, then how can a democrat promise you the moon if you elect her? Only a democrat would think they can spend their way out of the inflation they caused by spending too much in the first place!
Guess that makes it fake news. :71:

If government can't spend it, then how can a democrat promise you the moon if you elect her? Only a democrat would think they can spend their way out of the inflation they caused by spending too much in the first place!
These geniuses in Washington borrowed and spent $35,000 BILLION dollars they can't pay back and they are promising to borrow and spend more???
Do you just make shit up?

What do Republican presidents Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II have in common that Obama doesn't? Total government grew under those presidents after they faced recessions. By contrast, federal, state, and local government declined by more than half a million workers in the last three years.

You're just parroting lib talking-points.

Anyone who's studied economics knows that leftist policies destroy economies and prevent job creation.

The fact is....if it weren't for Democrats there would be less inflation and more job creation.

The problem here is Democrats are trying to take credit for things that happened in our economy DESPITE everything they've done do stifle job growth.

The only jobs that Democrats create are in the public sector. They do everything they can to destroy the private sector.

A prime example is when you raise the costs of doing business......the first casualty of increased costs is focused on cutting jobs and benefits. 30% of any business expense is wages and benefits. Raise the wages and impose harsh regulations on employers and they move to another state or country that has workers that will take lower pay.

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