Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

"ultrasemitic" HOW WONDERFUL!!!!


Is a person who strives to suppress political dissent against the state or government of Israel by making the accusation that one is merely an antisemite and hence speaking on the basis of prejudice rather than morality and justice. Such people strive to thwart free expression and instead seek to impose self censorship that makes it impossible to accurately characterize some Israeli policies and institutions and thus further the ability of a possibly unjust system to maintain an appearance of legitimacy.
That a person can be so blind and ignorant when there’s so much access to information tells me some people are beyond hope.

Try reading something other than the anti-Jew press.
I find it amazing how you attack anyone who disagrees with any damn thing you say about what is happening in Gaza and try to label them as anti-semitic, but then you will turn around and post the vile and racist garbage about black folks.

Is a person who strives to suppress political dissent against the state or government of Israel by making the accusation that one is merely an antisemite and hence speaking on the basis of prejudice rather than morality and justice. Such people strive to thwart free expression and instead seek to impose self censorship that makes it impossible to accurately characterize some Israeli policies and institutions and thus further the ability of a possibly unjust system to maintain an appearance of legitimacy.
" to impose self censorship...." makes no sense. Try to fix your pathetic little essay
No can do, but round then ALL up, and any non-citizen gets deported.

And in the lib universities, arrest them and deport any non-citizen and expel any citizen.

NONE of this would be tolerated if groups of racists were marching in support of the KKK. It is chilling how the party that presents itself as being adamantly opposed to bigotry is so accepting of antisemitism.
How many folks did they arrest in Charlottesville when the racist were marching with tiki torches and saying, "Jews will now replace us,"

See those were white racist Trump Humpers who supported Trump, but I have never heard you speak against any of them. Why is that?
I'd like to read it too.
read what?
How many folks did they arrest in Charlottesville when the racist were marching with tiki torches and saying, "Jews will now replace us,"

See those were white racist Trump Humpers who supported Trump, but I have never heard you speak against any of them. Why is that?
I am fascinated. What makes you think the TIKI TORCH kids support Trump?
" to impose self censorship...." makes no sense. Try to fix your pathetic little essay
I assure it is correct. By inducing fear, fear of being called the dreaded "antisemite!" people self-censor, they don't say what they feel. I see it all the time.

Otherwise intelligent and educated people who'd speak up against racism toward blacks or abuse of Jews or persecution of Native Americans, these same people go silent and turn away when it is Israel and Zionism that is the source of injustice.

They turn away, silent, fearful of being called "antisemite" a word now weaponized by the Zionists and thus tarnishing their reputation for ever.

This is the way of the ultrasemite they will stop at nothing, they will destroy anything that opposes their obsession.
Tell me what you think about the innocent Palestinian women and children that have been murdered.
That isn’t a parallel - only one side is deliberately hunting down, abusing, and killing innocents.

That said, I feel bad for the children - but it is HAMAS’ fault along with their parents who support them.
I assure it is correct. By inducing fear, fear of being called the dreaded "antisemite!" people self-censor, they don't say what they feel. I see it all the time.

Otherwise intelligent and educated people who'd speak up against racism toward blacks or abuse of Jews or persecution of Native Americans, these same people go silent and turn away when it is Israel and Zionism that is the source of injustice.

They turn away, silent, fearful of being called "antisemite" a word now weaponized by the Zionists and thus tarnishing their reputation for ever.
really? you are AFRAID of being called
"antisemite"? Didn't your mom teach you
"sticks and stones can break my bones but
names can never hurt me" ?? What terrible
thing happens to you if someone calls you
That said, I feel bad for the children - but it is HAMAS’ fault along with their parents who support them.
That is how people will one day talk madam, talk of the Israeli people when Tel-Aviv gets obliterated by the terrorism that is almost certain to come, Israel can only exist if there is terrorism, it cannot ever be peaceful, Israelis will never have peace UNTIL Zionism is destroyed as I one day hope it will be.

"but it it's Zionism's fault along with their parents who supported it".
I agree Hamas should pay the price, but they are not murdering innocent Palestinian women and children.
1) The Muslim terrorists are using them as shields, setting them up to be collateral damage, so yes….they are responsible for their deaths.

2) They never should have broken the cease-fire with the Oct 7th massacre, never should have taken hostages, and should have immediately surrendered..

2) Only one side - the Muslim side - has committed murder of innocents.

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