The laws of nature existed before space and time

  1. The CMB is the radiation from that gigantic firestorm of mutual annihilation in the Big Bang.
  2. The radiation of the CMB is equivalent to 2 billion times the matter of the universe.
  3. The CMB was created from paired particle production.
  4. There is no other explanation for such a huge amount of radiation.
  5. The existence of the CMB confirms the universe was created from a chain reaction of a paired production quantum tunneling event.
  6. The creation of the universe did not violate the law of conservation of mass or energy.
  7. The law of conservation and quantum mechanics existed before space and time itself.
Say it with me
Which all means our spacetime likely had a beginning, including the laws that givern it.

You just proved yourself wrong.
  1. The CMB is the radiation from that gigantic firestorm of mutual annihilation in the Big Bang.
  2. The radiation of the CMB is equivalent to 2 billion times the matter of the universe.
  3. The CMB was created from paired particle production.
  4. There is no other explanation for such a huge amount of radiation.
  5. The existence of the CMB confirms the universe was created from a chain reaction of a paired production quantum tunneling event.
  6. The creation of the universe did not violate the law of conservation of mass or energy.
  7. The law of conservation and quantum mechanics existed before space and time itself.
Say it with me
#7 is just a declaration from you.

The laws of physics describe the way matter behaves and interacts. With each decoupling, the way matter behaved changed. That means the laws of physics also changed- they have to describe the new behaviors and interactions that emerged each time. That's because the "laws" are embedded in the forces.
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The Big Bang created Time so it seems there can be no 'before' the big bang. IOW there is no future and no past if there is no time. Perhaps the Universe just always was?
Sure I'll switch gears. Please, explain away, what does calling the aether 'space time' and creating particles to replace aether theory, how does doing this explain the Michelson Morley results? In other words according to your science of psycho babble extreme, if I shot a cannonball in the direction the earth is heading, somehow, magically, the earth wouldn't catch up with ball making it appear to be traveling slower? or are you gonna troll me today?

I would have to know the speed of the cannonball ... or how can I compare it to Earth's 18 miles/second ... and as long as these speeds are within 90% of c, then we can use Classical Physics ...

Michelson claims they got a negative result ... an his experiment failed ... DYODR ...
what would happen to light being a constant if evidence for the aether show it to be real?

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If evidence for the aether were to be convincingly established, it would require a significant reevaluation of our understanding of physics, particularly concerning the nature of light and its propagation. Here are some potential implications:

1. Revisiting Light Propagation

  • Medium for Light: If aether were proven to exist as a medium through which light travels, it would suggest that light's speed could vary depending on the motion of the observer relative to this medium, similar to how sound travels through air.

2. Impact on Relativity

  • Modification of Relativity: Einstein's theory of relativity fundamentally relies on the constancy of the speed of light in a vacuum for all observers, regardless of their motion. If aether were confirmed, the principles of special relativity might need significant modifications or reconceptualization.

3. New Framework for Physics

  • A New Theory: A confirmed aether would likely lead to the development of a new theoretical framework that incorporates both the properties of the aether and the behavior of light. This could involve rethinking how electromagnetic waves propagate and interact with matter.

4. Experimental Validation

  • Need for Experiments: Any claims of aether's existence would require robust experimental validation, similar to the challenges faced by earlier aether theories. This would involve demonstrating clear, measurable effects that could not be explained by current theories.

5. Compatibility with Existing Evidence

  • Consistency with Observations: Any new theory involving aether would need to be consistent with existing experimental results, such as those from the Michelson-Morley experiment and various tests of relativity.


In summary, if aether were proven to be real, it would necessitate a fundamental shift in our understanding of light, motion, and the nature of spacetime. The implications would be profound, potentially leading to new theories that reconcile classical concepts with modern physics. However, as of now, the prevailing evidence does not support the existence of aether, and the principles of relativity remain well-supported by experimental findings.
I would have to know the speed of the cannonball ... or how can I compare it to Earth's 18 miles/second ... and as long as these speeds are within 90% of c, then we can use Classical Physics ...

Michelson claims they got a negative result ... an his experiment failed ... DYODR ...
The computer said we can throw out light being a constant if the aether is discovered.... no one ever really understood that one anyway
The CMB is the radiation from that gigantic firestorm of mutual annihilation in the Big Bang.
That is also incorrect. The CMB is the result of the photon decoupling that took place at the end of hydrogen synthesis, about 370,000 years after the Big Bang.


"The recombination epoch begins at around 18,000 years, as electrons are combining with helium nuclei to form He+
. At around 47,000 years,[3] as the universe cools, its behavior begins to be dominated by matter rather than radiation. At around 100,000 years, after the neutral helium atoms form, helium hydride is the first molecule. Much later, hydrogen and helium hydride react to form molecular hydrogen (H2) the fuel needed for the first stars. At about 370,000 years,[4][5][6][7] neutral hydrogen atoms finish forming ("recombination"), and as a result the universe also became transparent for the first time. The newly formed atoms—mainly hydrogen and helium with traces of lithium—quickly reach their lowest energy state (ground state) by releasing photons ("photon decoupling"), and these photons can still be detected today as the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This is the oldest direct observation we currently have of the universe."
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