Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

Sorry, if you’re going to keep falsely accusing me of being a racist when I’ve never said anything racist (and no….your claim that I’ve said lots of racist things is meaningless unless you QUOTE something), you are underserving of my time.

P.S. Opposing DEI and AA, or any decision that uses race to decide who, to hire, is not racist. The people supporting it are the racists.
Hell just look at this one.

White women have benefitted from DEI and AA more than any black person in this country.

Racism is the reason these programs were created, if not for racist there would have been no need for it.
Here, I’ll summarize:

On the left, we have riots throughout the country on liberal campuses (and in liberal cities) where Jews are assaulted, kicked until they are unconscious, spit on, slammed up against walls, yanked out of dorm rooms, unable to walk across campus, subjected to chants of “Death to Jews!” - which leftists defend as “free speech” - and administrators and professors tolerate it all. We even had two administrators from a liberal middle school take their students out of class, handed them Palestinian flags, and marched them over to the Jewish Community Center where a nursery school class was in session and screamed “Death to Jews!” at the toddlers inside.

Response: but, but, but…..eight years ago, some people on the right yelled “Jews will not replace us!”
Hell just look at this one.

White women have benefitted from DEI and AA more than any black person in this country.

Racism is the reason these programs were created, if not for racist there would have been no need for it.
If that’s true, that’s because there are more white women. But the fact remains that blacks are much more likely to have benefited from DEI and AA.
" Sectarian Supremacist Psychopath History "

* Fee Press Of Incompetent Imbeciles *

The whole Free Palestine movement is surreal
Whether muslim asylum seeker or clueless guilt-ridden college kid, they are all out of touch with reality
How stupid is the us public to ignore +1400 years of homicide by doctrine and the sectarian supremacist ass clowns of fictional ishmealism ?
Your grasp of history is extremely deficient. Feel free to ask questions. First read a bit as to what a MOOR is----and ain't. You seem to have been educated by throwaways like Farrakhan's "Final Call" are you over 20 years
of age? Do you have any idea as to the position of Black people in traditional muslim society? well----no you don't because FINAL CALL told you that there is no social distinction or caste structure in ISLAM (WRONG!!!!) Do you know what the arabic word ABED means? maybe but probably not. If you are under 20 I would not want to BUST YOUR BUBBLE
Who were the Moors?

There are denominations in every religion on Earth.

Is there a point you are trying to make here?
If that’s true, that’s because there are more white women. But the fact remains that blacks are much more likely to have benefited from DEI and AA.
That is not a fact, black folks have not benefitted more from DEI or AA and that is a lie you keep repeating. White women like you have benefitted from it more than anyone.
no she doesn't----it happens that right now the old "far right" antisemetic canards" are being
drowned out by the very ACTIVE and GROSS
Antisemitism of the new and perverse "LEFT"
ISLAMO NAZI has met and embraced the DONKEY

Hell just look at this one.

White women have benefitted from DEI and AA more than any black person in this country.

Racism is the reason these programs were created, if not for racist there would have been no need for it.
You are being simplistic. "RACISM" is actually hard wired in the human brain. Humans are
social animals and form GROUPS---in which some are the insiders and the rest are the OUTSIDERS. It's a natural thing---even monkeys do it. What you have been taught to call "racism" is a natural condition of mankind developed over THOUSANDS OF YEARS and it exists wherever there are people.---in sum----you got it too. Humans are now in the process of overcoming primitive vestiges. What racism AIN'T is some kind of massive conspiracy invented by "white skinned" nasty bastards to take advantage of YOU
That is not a fact, black folks have not benefitted more from DEI or AA and that is a lie you keep repeating. White women like you have benefitted from it more than anyone.
Oh please. I explained it. Are you another one who doesn’t understand per capita?

Blacks, and of late black women, have absolutely been more likely to have been favored by these programs. I personally know two whites who were passed over for promotions (both happened on the federal government, which is really extreme in favoring blacks) in favor of much less qualified blacks - and BOTH sued. And guess what? BOTH won, although the process took two years. The blacks who were jumped over them were sent back to the original levels, and my two friends got the promotions they deserved.
Here, I’ll summarize:

On the left, we have riots throughout the country on liberal campuses (and in liberal cities) where Jews are assaulted, kicked until they are unconscious, spit on, slammed up against walls, yanked out of dorm rooms, unable to walk across campus, subjected to chants of “Death to Jews!” - which leftists defend as “free speech” - and administrators and professors tolerate it all. We even had two administrators from a liberal middle school take their students out of class, handed them Palestinian flags, and marched them over to the Jewish Community Center where a nursery school class was in session and screamed “Death to Jews!” at the toddlers inside.

Response: but, but, but…..eight years ago, some people on the right yelled “Jews will not replace us!”
Name of school and date of incident?
Oh please. I explained it. Are you another one who doesn’t understand per capita?

Blacks, and of late black women, have absolutely been more likely to have been favored by these programs. I personally know two whites who were passed over for promotions (both happened on the federal government, which is really extreme in favoring blacks) in favor of much less qualified blacks - and BOTH sued. And guess what? BOTH won, although the process took two years. The blacks who were jumped over them were sent back to the original levels, and my two friends got the promotions they deserved.
Yer link for this case?
Who were the Moors?

There are denominations in every religion on Earth.

Is there a point you are trying to make here?
Moors, historically, is term used by the Spanish people of the Iberian Penninsula to refer to the darker skinned people of Morocco that became
mixed with the Spanish people. Morocco had been islamized and invaded Spain and the two factions fought for centuries----and that's about it. The people of Morocco were heavy into slave trade and very mixed with the southern african people that they traded in slavery----and that's about it. The Spanish were negative against the Moors---a mutual dislike. The Inquisition aggravated the situation. If you imagine that MOOR means
african negro-----NOPE. For the spanish one need not be a negro to be a MOOR. Arabs---
strictly speaking---are according to accepted
race theory----"caucasian" or "white" Muhummad referred to black africans as "ABED" (slave) and 'raisin heads' << not a compliment. There is all kinds of racism in
actual muslim lands. My hubby was born in a "Muslim Land"----feel free to ask questions. Jews, like arabs, are classically also "causcasian" ----unless they are not having come to the condition by conversion or intermarriage
You are being simplistic. "RACISM" is actually hard wired in the human brain. Humans are
social animals and form GROUPS---in which some are the insiders and the rest are the OUTSIDERS. It's a natural thing---even monkeys do it. What you have been taught to call "racism" is a natural condition of mankind developed over THOUSANDS OF YEARS and it exists wherever there are people.---in sum----you got it too. Humans are now in the process of overcoming primitive vestiges. What racism AIN'T is some kind of massive conspiracy invented by "white skinned" nasty bastards to take advantage of YOU
I knew reverse mortgages were a vehicle fer racism against the human race.
Moors, historically, is term used by the Spanish people of the Iberian Penninsula to refer to the darker skinned people of Morocco that became
mixed with the Spanish people. Morocco had been islamized and invaded Spain and the two factions fought for centuries----and that's about it. The people of Morocco were heavy into slave trade and very mixed with the southern african people that they traded in slavery----and that's about it. The Spanish were negative against the Moors---a mutual dislike. The Inquisition aggravated the situation. If you imagine that MOOR means
african negro-----NOPE. For the spanish one need not be a negro to be a MOOR. Arabs---
strictly speaking---are according to accepted
race theory----"caucasian" or "white" Muhummad referred to black africans as "ABED" (slave) and 'raisin heads' << not a compliment. There is all kinds of racism in
actual muslim lands. My hubby was born in a "Muslim Land"----feel free to ask questions. Jews, like arabs, are classically also "causcasian" ----unless they are not having come to the condition by conversion or intermarriage
Caucasians with afro hair.
Name of school and date of incident?
lots of different schools and dates----its been going on in places like Princeton, NJ and
Columbia, NY since the 1950s (ask Einstein when you get there) IT---has just, lately,
INCREASED by leaps and bounds
" Not Lineal Descendants Of Ishmael And Qurayshism Within Hejaz Does Not Apply To Them "

* Antiquity Of Invaders *

Who were the Moors?
There are denominations in every religion on Earth.
Is there a point you are trying to make here?
The moors were hamitic mercenaries paid to subjugate japhetic peoples to the sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmaelism .
" Not Lineal Descendants Of Ishmael And Qurayshism Within Hejaz Does Not Apply To Them "

* Antiquity Of Invaders *

The moors were black afican mercenaries paid to subjugate japhetic peoples to the sectarian supremacy of fictional ishmaelism .
yeah ----that too----but to the really WHITE
Catholic Spaniards of the court of Isabella and
her idiot hubby Ferdinand----any one with a tan and not Catholic (or HEAVEN FORFEND a JOOO) was a MOOR. The blacker the more Moor.

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