America Needs to Provide More Weapon Systems To Ukraine!

Who says I didn't, birn a make? Now go to sleep and leave adults subject to adults. :itsok:
You cannot be a Vietnam veteran. My grandfather is a Vietnam veteran and he doesn't act like you. You have to be under 40. You were too young because you wasn't born yet. And you cannot of been to both Ukraine and Russia.
I've been to Ukraine. That ain't no democracy. It is the most corrupt country in Europe. Let's start with baby factories, shall we, and we can move along to their NAZI foundation.

U.S. Accuses Russia Of Spreading Disinformation Ahead Of Presidential Election​

The actions relate to Russia's use of state media to enlist unwitting American influencers to spread propaganda.

expected to show the depth of U.S. concerns and signal legal actions against those suspected of being involved.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and “his proxies are using increasingly sophisticated techniques in their interference operations. They’re targeting specific voter demographics and swing-state voters to in an effort to manipulate presidential and congressional election outcomes,” she said. “They’re intent on co-opting unwitting Americans on social media to push narratives advancing Russian interests.”

The tactics include using state media like RT to advance anti-U.S. messages and content, as well as networks of fake websites and social media accounts that amplify the claims and inject them into American’s online conversations. Typically, these networks seize on polarizing political topics such as immigration, crime or the war in Gaza.
In many cases, Americans may have no idea that the content they see online either originated or was amplified by the Kremlin.

The ultimate goal, however, is to get Americans to spread Russian disinformation without questioning its origin. People are far more likely to trust and repost information that they believe is coming from a domestic source, officials said. Fake websites designed to mimic U.S. news outlets and AI-generated social media profiles are just two methods.

U.S. Accuses Russia Of Spreading Disinformation Ahead Of Presidential Election​

The actions relate to Russia's use of state media to enlist unwitting American influencers to spread propaganda.

expected to show the depth of U.S. concerns and signal legal actions against those suspected of being involved.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and “his proxies are using increasingly sophisticated techniques in their interference operations. They’re targeting specific voter demographics and swing-state voters to in an effort to manipulate presidential and congressional election outcomes,” she said. “They’re intent on co-opting unwitting Americans on social media to push narratives advancing Russian interests.”

The tactics include using state media like RT to advance anti-U.S. messages and content, as well as networks of fake websites and social media accounts that amplify the claims and inject them into American’s online conversations. Typically, these networks seize on polarizing political topics such as immigration, crime or the war in Gaza.
In many cases, Americans may have no idea that the content they see online either originated or was amplified by the Kremlin.

The ultimate goal, however, is to get Americans to spread Russian disinformation without questioning its origin. People are far more likely to trust and repost information that they believe is coming from a domestic source, officials said. Fake websites designed to mimic U.S. news outlets and AI-generated social media profiles are just two methods.
And he will defend the Russian propaganda with his life.
You don't support a democracy like in Ukraine. You support a dictatorship. You are denying that Hamas are terrorists. You supporting Hamas if you really are Swedish. You should be tried with high treason in Swedish court. No I haven't. There is no Holocaust in Gaza due to Hamas attacking Israel first. The official definition of the Holocaust is the systematic mass killing of Jews from Ukraine to France by the Nazis. You honestly know nothing about world history.
The Ukrainians you now support are the disciples of Stepan Bandera how is that working for you?
You don't support a democracy like in Ukraine. You support a dictatorship. You are denying that Hamas are terrorists. You supporting Hamas if you really are Swedish. You should be tried with high treason in Swedish court. No I haven't. There is no Holocaust in Gaza due to Hamas attacking Israel first. The official definition of the Holocaust is the systematic mass killing of Jews from Ukraine to France by the Nazis. You honestly know nothing about world history.
Democracy was overthrown in 2014 by the Maidan crowd and the US Regime.
The Ukrainians you now support are the disciples of Stepan Bandera how is that working for you?

Why are Republicans siding with Russia??? Doesn't this sound like Republican spin?

Tucker Carlson prefaced his latest podcast episode by lauding guest Darryl Cooper as “the best and most honest popular historian,” as Cooper argued Nazi Germany dictator Adolf Hitler wasn’t the “chief villain” of World War II.

Cooper, who has shared pro-Hitler posts on social media, argued on the podcast that then-British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was to blame for the war.

Cooper accurately stated that Hitler “launched a war” but then claimed the Nazi high command only ordered “the millions and millions of prisoners of war” killed out of pity — to save them from dying of starvation — as the Nazis were “completely unprepared to deal” with them.
He then claimed Hitler pushed for peace with Britain and France, while Churchill bombed Nazi Germany, “the purpose of which was to kill as many civilians as possible.”


U.S. Accuses Russia Of Spreading Disinformation Ahead Of Presidential Election​

The actions relate to Russia's use of state media to enlist unwitting American influencers to spread propaganda.

expected to show the depth of U.S. concerns and signal legal actions against those suspected of being involved.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and “his proxies are using increasingly sophisticated techniques in their interference operations. They’re targeting specific voter demographics and swing-state voters to in an effort to manipulate presidential and congressional election outcomes,” she said. “They’re intent on co-opting unwitting Americans on social media to push narratives advancing Russian interests.”

The tactics include using state media like RT to advance anti-U.S. messages and content, as well as networks of fake websites and social media accounts that amplify the claims and inject them into American’s online conversations. Typically, these networks seize on polarizing political topics such as immigration, crime or the war in Gaza.
In many cases, Americans may have no idea that the content they see online either originated or was amplified by the Kremlin.

The ultimate goal, however, is to get Americans to spread Russian disinformation without questioning its origin. People are far more likely to trust and repost information that they believe is coming from a domestic source, officials said. Fake websites designed to mimic U.S. news outlets and AI-generated social media profiles are just two methods.

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