Kamala Is Losing And Democrats Are In A Panic

Every indicator shows that Kamala got no bump after the convention and she's losing the election.

If not for the black and latino vote she would be trailing by double-digits.

Most of the Middle-Class isn't buying this new reinvented version of VP Harris.

According to RCP, Kamala is still leading in most battleground states, albeit everything is within the margin of error.

So no, Dems are not in a panic, and no she's no more losing the election than Orange Jesus.

Swing states.png
According to RCP, Kamala is still leading in most battleground states, albeit everything is within the margin of error.

So no, Dems are not in a panic, and no she's no more losing the election than Orange Jesus.

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Today she said don't pay attention to the polls.

That means her internals are saying otherwise.

Insiders are saying that her temporary popularity is failing and she's losing any leads she once might have had.

Today she said don't pay attention to the polls.

That means her internals are saying otherwise.

Insiders are saying that her temporary popularity is failing and she's losing any leads she once might have had.

Your attempt at deflection is NOTED.
It's weak, but NOTED.

Do you have any REAL news?
A 10 second Video that says nothing is ALL you got?????? LOLLLOLLLOLL
If you are correct, it is amazing trumpers were so stupid as to fall for it, commit crimes of that nature, and even film themselve doing it, posting it, and providing all the video proof needed to be convicted of almost every charge indicted for. And, the majority were not out of work dufuses, or day to day radical, but business owners, managers, even law enforcement and other supposedly normal modestly intelligent nut balls, that should have known better.

You, I understand, whether agree with or not, and am actually confident, you would not participate or fall for traps of that nature, if that is what it was.
You've been listening to leftist news too much. You also need to know the difference between an American who loves his country and a communist or a Hamas supporter who hates everything we stand for. NOBODY HAS BEEN CHARGED OR CONVICTED OF INSURRECTION from the Jan 6th protests.

Trump held a rally and told people to peacefully go to the Capital.

What happened at the Capital was the sole responsibility of those who were in charge of security.

They've had several protests by Hamas supporters since Oct 7th where protesters occupied government buildings in Washington and nobody allowed it to become violent.
The cops started beating people up and started shooting people with bullets and tear gas on Jan 6th. We've all seen the footage.

If you want to know how people who hate this country act, just look at all of the red paint and vulgar graffiti they painted our statues and memorials, a total disregard for the founding fathers and this nation. I saw none of that on Jan 6th.
You've been listening to leftist news too much. You also need to know the difference between an American who loves his country and a communist or a Hamas supporter who hates everything we stand for. NOBODY HAS BEEN CHARGED OR CONVICTED OF INSURRECTION from the Jan 6th protests.

Trump held a rally and told people to peacefully go to the Capital.

What happened at the Capital was the sole responsibility of those who were in charge of security.

They've had several protests by Hamas supporters since Oct 7th where protesters occupied government buildings in Washington and nobody allowed it to become violent.
The cops started beating people up and started shooting people with bullets and tear gas on Jan 6th. We've all seen the footage.

If you want to know how people who hate this country act, just look at all of the red paint and vulgar graffiti they painted our statues and memorials, a total disregard for the founding fathers and this nation. I saw none of that on Jan 6th.
Does not particularly matter to me if none charged with insurrection. They are serving enough time, and these probably will never participate in another attack on the capital again, which really does matter to me.
You can bet, he won't be able to hold a rally there, when he loses this time.
Trump and the participants were solely responsible.
Hamas supporters, are dicks.
Listen idiot. When Democrats are in charge, from 1989 to now, they've added 50 million jobs. Republicans only 1 million jobs.

So how you gonna talk about us costing the country jobs?
/—-/ Nobody is buying your BS.

As a conservative Republican, Harris is winning right now. Not by much, but a little. If the election were held today she would win. We have to accept that or we are going to lose by being arrogant enough to deny the current reality. If we want to win we are going to have to work hard for it. Trump better have a good debate.
/——/ Trump will have a good debate because Commie Harris caved.


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