There's three main reasons Trump will lose the election

Well Nate is a MSM pollster....
That in itself is reason to doubt him.

However this morning Rasmussen has a ten point plus shift overall in the GE.
He has Trump gaining two points while Harris losing 5.
I'm talking about this one issue, it makes no sense. Doesn't mean shit about his polls across the board. It may , or it may mean nothing. But deciding by what someone says here is a joke.

He was a great president.

Only because you could not hide it any more. Does it bother you to be one of millions who pushed passed the dissoance of seeing a Celery Stalk in the WH and not saying anything about it. You also wait until after the primaries to make your change. How can you show your face in public ? That's are a left-winger. You can do no wrong. :auiqs.jpg:


But trump still owns the electoral map. Your negatives are only in your head.

And you have some good argument to back up such a stupidassed claim ?

If he wins, you won't want to be here for the blowback coming your way. We will question everything about you including your already low I.Q. But why don't you stay to face the consequences of your stupidity. We'll make it really tough on you. Promise.
Hey! I like celery! 😄

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