Trump and Evangelical religion pro's and con's. Should Religion even be involved in the election?

I do vote, I vote for the candidate that agrees with me on many issues and less debt is important to me.
So that means that you will be voting for Harris?

You’re a liar. I cannot kill a baby legally. No one can kill a baby legally. There is only one person who can call a fetus developing in a woman’s body a baby. That’s the woman who is gestating the fetus.. Who do you think you are Saint_Papageorgio?
Facts are facts, a fetus is an unborn human, a baby as some dictionaries claim so, you are wrong.
Sorry, it was a typo, It still is a huge number. Did you run out of ability to debate and have to prove me wrong on something not important to the topic? You are grasping now.
I wasn’t trying to prove you wrong, I agree with you however I wanted clarification, sorry you are so insecure.
So that means that you will be voting for Harris?

View attachment 1006669
Harris is bribing votes will billions of dollars, increasing debt and increasing taxes as we go further in debt, I am as likely to vote for her as I am Trump, which won’t happen. I have no reason to vote for Harris or Trump, just lots of reasons from Democrats and Republicans on why not to vote for either of them.
Facts are facts, a fetus is an unborn human, a baby as some dictionaries claim so, you are wrong.
Why do you use Catholic propaganda instead medical terminology

You are definitely opposed to reproductive freedom for American women by your appeal to emotional government intrusion over rational governance involving very private sexual matters.

Why the words we use are important​

The language we use to describe pregnancy and the developing embryo or fetus is important. Unfortunately, language has become part of the fight over access to abortion. Media outlets have put out guidance for their journalists on how to use certain terms when reporting on abortion, noting that language can be manipulated for political gain and not medical accuracy (11, 12).

The language we're exposed to may impact our attitudes toward abortion. In one study, Polish college students took a survey on fetal development. About half of the group was randomly assigned questions that used the term "fetus" and the other half answered questions that used the term "child". The group that was exposed to questions that used the word “child” to describe a fetus was less likely to support abortion when polled at the end of the study (10).

Several so-called “fetal heartbeat” bills were introduced on the state level in the US in 2019 (13). While none of these laws are in effect as of May 1, 2021 (14), this legislation aimed to ban abortion once embryonic cardiac activity can be detected (which is seen earliest on an ultrasound around 6 weeks of pregnancy) (2). Many people may not know they are pregnant this early in the pregnancy and their options are limited by such legislation.

Some people believe that the term "fetal heartbeat" was used by lawmakers not only to elicit a visceral response about “heartbeats,” but also in an attempt to redefine viability by suggesting that embryonic cardiac activity is a sign of viability (15). In reality, the true definition of viability means that a fetus is able to survive outside the uterus and generally isn’t possible for another 18 weeks after detection of embryonic cardiac activity (around 24 weeks of pregnancy) (2), and only then, with intensive care.

The Clue Pregnancy Mode uses medically accurate terminology when referring to embryos, fetuses (feti), and infants, but you can choose to use the language that makes sense for you when talking about your pregnancy. Some people may choose to call their embryo or fetus a “baby” because it helps them feel more bonded, while other people may prefer the more scientific language. Feel free to let people know what terms you would like them to use in reference to your pregnancy.
Why do you use Catholic propaganda instead medical terminology

You are definitely opposed to reproductive freedom for American women by your appeal to emotional government intrusion over rational governance involving very private sexual matters.

Why the words we use are important​

The language we use to describe pregnancy and the developing embryo or fetus is important. Unfortunately, language has become part of the fight over access to abortion. Media outlets have put out guidance for their journalists on how to use certain terms when reporting on abortion, noting that language can be manipulated for political gain and not medical accuracy (11, 12).

The language we're exposed to may impact our attitudes toward abortion. In one study, Polish college students took a survey on fetal development. About half of the group was randomly assigned questions that used the term "fetus" and the other half answered questions that used the term "child". The group that was exposed to questions that used the word “child” to describe a fetus was less likely to support abortion when polled at the end of the study (10).

Several so-called “fetal heartbeat” bills were introduced on the state level in the US in 2019 (13). While none of these laws are in effect as of May 1, 2021 (14), this legislation aimed to ban abortion once embryonic cardiac activity can be detected (which is seen earliest on an ultrasound around 6 weeks of pregnancy) (2). Many people may not know they are pregnant this early in the pregnancy and their options are limited by such legislation.

Some people believe that the term "fetal heartbeat" was used by lawmakers not only to elicit a visceral response about “heartbeats,” but also in an attempt to redefine viability by suggesting that embryonic cardiac activity is a sign of viability (15). In reality, the true definition of viability means that a fetus is able to survive outside the uterus and generally isn’t possible for another 18 weeks after detection of embryonic cardiac activity (around 24 weeks of pregnancy) (2), and only then, with intensive care.

The Clue Pregnancy Mode uses medically accurate terminology when referring to embryos, fetuses (feti), and infants, but you can choose to use the language that makes sense for you when talking about your pregnancy. Some people may choose to call their embryo or fetus a “baby” because it helps them feel more bonded, while other people may prefer the more scientific language. Feel free to let people know what terms you would like them to use in reference to your pregnancy.
I have no problem with you killing babies, as your article brings out you can choose to call it what you want and am using proper definitions, you just don’t like my words, which I can accept. The definitions are there to use, that you don’t like it is not my problem. Again, I have not said you can’t kill a baby, go ahead if taking a life is what you want to do. I’m not sure what your issue is. You are free to kill babies like you are wanting for all women to do have a choice to kill their baby or not, it is all good with me.
Facts are facts, a fetus is an unborn human, a baby as some dictionaries claim so, you are wrong.
How arrogant of you to tell me I’m wrong.

I told you the only person who can chose to refer to her fetus as a baby is the woman who is carrying it. And you argue “some” dictionaries say….

My daughter had her first baby 14 months ago and when she told us she was pregnant she did not refer to her fetus as a baby. She did not want to get attached before getting past 20 weeks and certain she would not have a miscarriage. So why is it your fucking business Saint_Papageorgio that she is wrong to refer to her fetus as a baby for twenty weeks because some dictionaries say so.
I have no problem with you killing babies, as your article brings out you can choose to call it what you want and am using proper definitions, you just don’t like my words, which I can accept. The definitions are there to use, that you don’t like it is not my problem. Again, I have not said you can’t kill a baby, go ahead if taking a life is what you want to do. I’m not sure what your issue is. You are free to kill babies like you are wanting for all women to do have a choice to kill their baby or not, it is all good with me.
Abortion is not a woman killing a baby.

You are a rightwing goon - that is what the issue is.

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