Tim Walz subpoenaed for fraud.

As attempts at character assassination during a political campaign go this one is as transparent as it gets. I'd say it's a new low for House Repubs but there's always tomorrow.
No, it's an old investigation. And it's kind of important. They get a pass on this one.
Following the report, Walz said there was no “malfeasance” at the state level. “There’s not a single state employee that was implicated in doing anything that was illegal,” Walz said at a press conference in June according to The Minnesota Star Tribune. “They simply didn’t do as much due diligence as they should have.”

In December 2022, Walz announced the addition of an inspector general position at the state department of education, “a critical step to ensuring proper oversight of federal funds,” he said in a statement at the time.

House Repubs likely already know there's no there there but this is a chance for them to baselessly smear Walz...........something they have a lot of practice with.
Actually, the thread title is a lie. He's being called as a witness in another Repub witch hunt.

If people have any sense at all they will see thru this canard. That means Repubs won't.
Actually, the thread title is a lie. He's being called as a witness in another Repub witch hunt.

If people have any sense at all they will see thru this canard. That means Repubs won't.
Fake thread titles get lib loons a bonus
Get used to what we have dealt with for over 5 years
As attempts at character assassination during a political campaign go this one is as transparent as it gets. I'd say it's a new low for House Repubs but there's always tomorrow.
They do seem to redefine the bottom floor every few days.

No big deal. His hand-picked Somali warlords stole $250 million? No big deal. He is OK with it as reparations head-start.
When the russians helped Trump, and he gave them confidential polling data and tried to lift sanctions and give them their spyhouses back for free?

Yep. We remember.
hahahaha….You should have shared the evidence with ole Bobby Mueller who couldn’t prove shit with $50M in taxpayer cash
Hmmmm….so that’s how he budgeted for all those tampon machines in boys restrooms
Fake news.
Tampon machines in middle schools, which Tim Walz advocated for is not the same as "tampon machines in boys bathrooms"....which is just a bullshit myth you MAGAt cultroaches just made up.

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