14-Year old kills 4 in Mass Shooting. Hate in this country continues to grow!

You are so full of shit...

Go live in another country, coward.

Evidently this one only sees the "GOOD" Diversity. The 10% that actually go to class and behave enough to graduate perhaps? Then he lives off in the burbs with million dollar whites all around as the Diversity centers end up snake pits.
It's not a matter of hate. It's some kid with a mental problem. If he didn't have a gun he would have stolen his mother's keys and drove a car through a group of people gathered outside the school or something.

You are so full of shit...

Go live in another country, coward.
Get in touch with reality pussy. This is your mess, you and all the other globalists fucked us.
Oppose on the issues is not the same as hate,

As far as proving that hate started with the far right when Obama took office is easy,

Here is Obama giving his first State of the Union address ant most of it was about all the good things that the country was going to accomplish for the people.

If you scroll down the page of the article, you will where everyone was up and clapping the speech, all except ALL republicans,


And here is an article that depicts the hate that was stimulated among Republicans, when Obama became president:
Weapons-grade irony.
Irony? no. The reality is that actions beget results and the action that first needs to be taken is to get rid of the ROOT of the problem. The results of the root action are predictable. You slap me,, I slap you back. There is NO IRONY there. The fact that my slap back is stronger that your original slap was, does not make it irony.
Actually I am not. I do hate Trump because he has no morals, ethics, principles or humanity but I hate no one else! I love the truth so I mention it and that hurts someone because they don't see themselves in that way and they think that my mentioning the truth is hate, well that is there problem.

My accountant that I have been with for over 30 years and is a person that not only I respect but actually love, is a believer in Trumps issue agenda. We disagree when we discuss the issue, but my appreciation and love for him does not change because he is a man of morals, ethics, principles and humanity. I play dominoes 3 times a week with a group that has more Trumpers than non-Trumpers and we get along fine. Any one that has those 4 basics, I do not hate, Anyone that has at least 1 of those, I may dislike but do not hate.

Trump I hate and blind-by-choice people I hate because to me, truths are what actually mean something real in life.

if that means that someone feels that I hate them because I
When 14-yearolds are the perpetrators of a Mass Shooting at a high school, you know that hate has to be part of problem and in that kind of a situation, it more likely means that the parents were involved in some way, whether stimulating the hate or not seeing it and doing something about it. In addition, how can a 14-year old get a gun? Most likely, it was the father's gun.

Nonetheless, this OP is not about the mass shooting as mass shooting have gotten to be the norm for our country

View attachment 1006489 with

This OP is about the hate that is tearing this country apart,

Lets begin with this recent statistic about campaign ads

According to data from AdImpact, the Trump campaign and its affiliated super PACS shelled out 57 percent of the their television spending to anti-Harris campaigns, compared to the 8 percent dedicated to anti-Trump ads by the Democratic ticket, from Aug. 23 to Aug. 29.

This is not about the issues but about the nominees themselves, in an effort to generate hate against the opponent!

It all started with the Republican party in 2009 when a Black man (Obama) was elected president, Republicans hated that and showed it clearly from the get go.

Then came Trump with hate against Hillary, hate against Mexicans, hate against Muslims, hate against the system, hate against the FBI, hate against the Judicial system, hate against Abortion, and so on and so forth,

Now both sides are hating each other and especially hating Trump, but then what could have been expected to happen? By nature, if someone slaps you, you slap back and that trend will grow (not stop) until the first guilty party stops doing it. Republicans and then Trump were the original stimulators of hate.

What the Republican party created and what Trump took to the nth degree is creating disunity and hate and that is one of the reasons why mass shooting in the U.S. are 10 times higher than the next nation.

Hey, Trump has even caused hate to occur withing his own party. There are the Republican anti-Trumpers, there are Republicans with the Lincoln Project, and there are at least 23 people that worked and were loyal to Trump that quit and left him.

Here is a sample of the Hate that Trump brings to the table to everyone that does not agree with him

View attachment 1006534

We need to stop this "hate train" and to do that, we need to get rid of the root of the problem, the Republican Far Right.

We need to stop this "hate train" and to do that, we need to get rid of the root of the problem, the Republican Far Right.

Oh really? I’d be interested in your thoughts on how you intend to accomplish that..

Also, are you seriously going to just leap right over all the hate coming from the left?
Oh really? I’d be interested in your thoughts on how you intend to accomplish that..

Also, are you seriously going to just leap right over all the hate coming from the left?
Have the Far Right be beaten down to where they can no longer be a threat.
Irony? no. The reality is that actions beget results and the action that first needs to be taken is to get rid of the ROOT of the problem. The results of the root action are predictable. You slap me,, I slap you back. There is NO IRONY there. The fact that my slap back is stronger that your original slap was, does not make it irony.
Naw, that would be HYPOCRISY.
At this time, absolutely. Then again, the root of the hate problem started with the Far Right. In order to solve the problem, the root has to go.

Having said that, the amount of insults and hate filled comments about me here, has been 20-1 based on the right,

Having said that, the amount of insults and hate filled comments about me here, has been 20-1 based on the right,

And I could say the same about the left, in fact, I could say it’s been 100% from the left since I don’t engage in insults…

Then again, the root of the hate problem started with the Far Right. In order to solve the problem, the root has to go.

Turn on any left wing radio show, then turn on any right wing radio show, I think you’ll find the majority of the hate comes from the left.
Oppose on the issues is not the same as hate,

As far as proving that hate started with the far right when Obama took office is easy,

Here is Obama giving his first State of the Union address ant most of it was about all the good things that the country was going to accomplish for the people.

If you scroll down the page of the article, you will where everyone was up and clapping the speech, all except ALL republicans,


And here is an article that depicts the hate that was stimulated among Republicans, when Obama became president:

A Look at the History of All 17 Presidential Assassination Attempts

You have to ask yourself what in the world could have turned a 14 year old into a mass murderer? Drugs? Mindbending hate filled propaganda? Undiagnosed mental illness?
First of all, the is NOT his entire family

The family members pictured are descendants of Francis Walz, the brother of Tim Walz’s grandfather, Herbster’s spokesperson Rod Edwards told Forbes, adding that a friend of the Walz family provided Herbster’s team with the photo and one of the individuals verified the image’s legitimacy to Edwards directly.

and the bottom line is that there are over 35 million mindless cult members of Trump that are out there and that means that they are very likely to be part of that group. Having said that, these "family members" and not close to Tim and have not been close to him for some time. Jeff Walz, who is the principal party of this photo, has not talked or seen Tim since 2016.

This is pure use of a scamming technique and it speaks ill of Trump, not of Walz.
First of all, the is NOT his entire family

The family members pictured are descendants of Francis Walz, the brother of Tim Walz’s grandfather, Herbster’s spokesperson Rod Edwards told Forbes, adding that a friend of the Walz family provided Herbster’s team with the photo and one of the individuals verified the image’s legitimacy to Edwards directly.

and the bottom line is that there are over 35 million mindless cult members of Trump that are out there and that means that they are very likely to be part of that group. Having said that, these "family members" and not close to Tim and have not been close to him for some time. Jeff Walz, who is the principal party of this photo, has not talked or seen Tim since 2016.

This is pure use of a scamming technique and it speaks ill of Trump, not of Walz.
hate just pours out of you everytime you talk,,

you should analyze that
First of all, the is NOT his entire family

The family members pictured are descendants of Francis Walz, the brother of Tim Walz’s grandfather, Herbster’s spokesperson Rod Edwards told Forbes, adding that a friend of the Walz family provided Herbster’s team with the photo and one of the individuals verified the image’s legitimacy to Edwards directly.

and the bottom line is that there are over 35 million mindless cult members of Trump that are out there and that means that they are very likely to be part of that group. Having said that, these "family members" and not close to Tim and have not been close to him for some time. Jeff Walz, who is the principal party of this photo, has not talked or seen Tim since 2016.

This is pure use of a scamming technique and it speaks ill of Trump, not of Walz.
Jeff Walz is Timpon's older brother and he is voting for Trump. Try again.
With 350 million MoFo's in this great country, there are always going to be some homicidal crackpots who are "this close" to going postal and killing some of their fellow humans. 14-year-olds are even crazier than most, but should be under some sort of supervision, presumably.

We will shortly see a manifestation of one of my favorite axioms: If you want to see true bi-partisanship, watch legislators fall all over themselves doing stupid shit in response to a tragedy.

Gun control!!!!!

Yep. And let's craft a law that would have prevented this tragedy.


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