School Shooting in Georgia, At Least 4 Reported Dead, Shooter Said to be a 14-Year-Old.

If we're going to ban something, I vote for banning stupid people from making stupid statements.

There are many things that cause more death than guns, yet guns are the only thing any of the gun nuts ever talk about banning.
Guns are the leading cause of the among children in the US.
If we're going to ban something, I vote for banning stupid people from making stupid statements.

There are many things that cause more death than guns, yet guns are the only thing any of the gun nuts ever talk about banning.
Guns are the leading cause of the among children in the US.

Fact Check: Did Australia Solve Mass Shootings by ... - Newsweek

Despite this, evidence suggests that the number of guns in Australia may now be higher than before Port Arthur.

Gun policy research shows that the total number of firearm imports to Australia since 2008 has been consistently higher than figures recorded in 1996 (although the same statistics show there was a sudden spike of imports in 1997).

A 2021 article published by the University of Sydney also found that, while the proportions of Australians that hold a gun license and Australian households with a firearm have fallen dramatically since 1997, people who already owned guns have bought more.

It added that government figures on imports of modern firearms for private owners now "fluctuate between 65,000 and 116,000 each year."

Furthermore, a 2019 report by The Australia Institute stated the number of guns per gun owner in the country had increased from 2.1 guns per gun owner since 1997 to 3.9. Additionally, it found the number of firearms reported in Australia were higher than pre-Port Arthur levels.
The population has doubled since then.
They withheld evidence that the Columbine shooters were doped up by the system with mood altering drugs that can backfire in an adolescent's mind to thoughts of suicide (or murder). What did the system do to a 14 year old kid to turn him into a mass murderer?

And you will never hear any of these gun nuts talk about banning drugs or charging the doctors or pharmaceutical companies.

Drug overdose deaths top 100,000 annually for the first time, …

Something that then you said couldn’t compare the two because one is an enumerated right and the other isn’t.

I simply called your bluff and you always.
I used your logic. That’s all. Sorry if that shirt circuits your wiring
Guns are the leading cause of the among children in the US.

Another lie.

Once again: No, children are not more likely to die by guns ... - NRA …

This is how it works: Step one, acquire statistics on firearm-related deaths among children ages 0-14. Step two, combine that relatively low number with the far greater number of firearm-related deaths involving juveniles and young adults ages 15-19, or even ages 15-24. Step three, present the resulting data as the shocking number of “children” (ages 0-19 or 0-24) who are subjected to “gun violence” each day/week/month/year. Step four, use the disingenuous statistic to advocate for pre-determined gun control policies.

Back in March, gun controllers dredged up this tactic once again, using CDC’s 2021 fatal injury data. As with overall violent crime, firearm-related violence has been elevated in recent years, alongside the conscious implementation of soft-on-crime criminal justice policies. Sadly, younger people were no exception to this increase.

On March 29, 2023 CNN ran an article with the misleading headline, “Children and teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else.”

As this CNN article discussed “children and teens,” consider the data on children - ages 0-12. For this cohort, firearm-related injuries are not the leading causes of death and are not higher than motor vehicle deaths. The number of motor vehicle deaths in this age group is more than double that of firearms-related deaths. The number of motor vehicle deaths in the 0-14 age group is more than 50-percent higher than firearm-related deaths. Moreover, when examining the cohort ages 0-17, motor vehicle deaths are still higher than firearm-related deaths.

This does shift when examining the cohort ages 15-19. Over 80-percent of the firearm-related deaths that occur in the 0-19 age group happen among the juveniles and young adults ages 15-19. This disparity shouldn’t be surprising. The 15-19 cohort is far more often engaged in the type of street crime that can give rise to firearm-related violence and that many jurisdictions have decided to address in a more lenient manner in recent years. The conflation of this age group with young children is even more absurd when one considers that in the vast majority of jurisdictions those 15 and older can be prosecuted as adults.
That is a great point. Plenty of Americans owned guns decades ago but why no mass school shootings?

Some have suggested that the rise of left-wing fanaticism, antidepressants, popularization of drugs, violence in tv and video games have played a role in youngsters going on the school shooting sprees
Or it could be that the NRA used to be involved in crafting gun control laws now they opposed any type of gun control.
What do you need to defend gun culture, do you feel insure, you seem to be the type. Guns aren't a thing in civilised societies.

Guns save lives, stop, and prevent crime.

And as a bonus, they are fun to shoot and are a very useful tool.

You can use them for many various reasons from self-defense to putting food on the table.
Guns save lives, stop, and prevent crime.

And as a bonus, they are fun to shoot and are a very useful tool.

You can use them for many various reasons from self-defense to putting food on the table.
Your kind is to blame for these mass shootings.

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