Harris or Trump …. Who do you wish for President of the US

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Nothing you said was true, Trump's economy Trump's Biden and his economy. Have you been to the grocery store lately fool? It's almost impossible to afford a place to live these days. Thanks Democrats
Everything I said is true. Trump inherited strong and growing economy from Obama, and then started fucking it up. He gave the rich huge tax cuts when it was not necessary. He started a trade war with China, that cost farmers money and raised prices. We lost all kinds of manufacturing jobs and just before the pandemic hit, we were in a manufacturing recession. Then we had a pandemic, Thats when gas got cheap becuse nobody could drive. And food was real affordable in those food lines. I bought groceries yesterday. Biden did not set prices for Krogers. And trump had NOTHING to do with the prices you paid at the store when he was president. Democrats aren't respnsible for the housing shortage. So if you want to pay more because of Trumps tarriffs, you are a fool.

You worship Trump because he promises you return to white male domination. That's why you ignore every failure and fuck up during his time in office. Your side excuses his incompetence during the pandemic. You ignored how he claimed it was a hoax which made millions ignore the danger and end up infected or dead. You right wingers are idiots. Anything you don't want to believe, you just pretend it doesn't exist. COVID, Climate change, gun problems, price gouging, Trumps desire to be like Putin, Orban and other dIctators.

Then you think that everything you imagine is the gospel truth. A deep state, a stolen election. illegal immigrants voting. Democrats using dead people to vote. Anything but the realization that you lose because your ideas suck. Nobody is voting for bigotry anymore, white men don't get to rule everything anymore. It's the 21st century.

Germany started having economic propserity when Hitler began. Nobody noticed that Jews started getting taken away. Nobody paid attention to his authoritarian tendencies. Hiter held rallies attended by huge numbers of people who listened to him rant. But hey, they were paying less for eggs, so Hitler was the man. We aren't special, what happened in Germany can happen here and Trump is the one who wants to make it happen.

This shit has gotten ridiculous. Hopefully we can vote to make sure Trump never runs again, and then begin the process to get rid of trumpism.
Everything I said is true. Trump inherited strong and growing economy from Obama, and then started fucking it up. He gave the rich huge tax cuts when it was not necessary. He started a trade war with China, that cost farmers money and raised prices. We lost all kinds of manufacturing jobs and just before the pandemic hit, we were in a manufacturing recession. Then we had a pandemic, Thats when gas got cheap becuse nobody could drive. And food was real affordable in those food lines. I bought groceries yesterday. Biden did not set prices for Krogers. And trump had NOTHING to do with the prices you paid at the store when he was president. Democrats aren't respnsible for the housing shortage. So if you want to pay more because of Trumps tarriffs, you are a fool.

You worship Trump because he promises you return to white male domination. That's why you ignore every failure and fuck up during his time in office. Your side excuses his incompetence during the pandemic. You ignored how he claimed it was a hoax which made millions ignore the danger and end up infected or dead. You right wingers are idiots. Anything you don't want to believe, you just pretend it doesn't exist. COVID, Climate change, gun problems, price gouging, Trumps desire to be like Putin, Orban and other dIctators.

Then you think that everything you imagine is the gospel truth. A deep state, a stolen election. illegal immigrants voting. Democrats using dead people to vote. Anything but the realization that you lose because your ideas suck. Nobody is voting for bigotry anymore, white men don't get to rule everything anymore. It's the 21st century.

Germany started having economic propserity when Hitler began. Nobody noticed that Jews started getting taken away. Nobody paid attention to his authoritarian tendencies. Hiter held rallies attended by huge numbers of people who listened to him rant. But hey, they were paying less for eggs, so Hitler was the man. We aren't special, what happened in Germany can happen here and Trump is the one who wants to make it happen.

This shit has gotten ridiculous. Hopefully we can vote to make sure Trump never runs again, and then begin the process to get rid of trumpism.
Do yourself a favor , ditch your conspiracy theories and vote Trump. You'll be better off. Harris is a disaster just waiting to happen, things won't get better
Do yourself a favor , ditch your conspiracy theories and vote Trump. You'll be better off. Harris is a disaster just waiting to happen, things won't get betterView attachment 1006474
I'm voting for Harris. And I'm voting for every democrat on my state ticket. It's time for right wing extremists to be sent home.

I've read Project 2025 and Agenda 47. I do my job as a citizen. I stay informed. You should try it.
I'm voting for Harris. And I'm voting for every democrat on my state ticket. It's time for right wing extremists to be sent home.

I've read Project 2025 and Agend 47. I do my job as a citizen. I stay informed. You should try it.
Agenda 47 is awesome. Project 2025 is just a list from a conservative think tank that has nothing to do with Trump. You must like paying extra for everything. You would probably like the government to swoop in and put price controls on companies also and decide how much companies can make. You are probably all for Democrats putting their political rivals in jail . If you had any kind of Education you would know these things are very bad for all of us . This is what Trump put out. this is what we want, you are mistaken
Agenda 47 is awesome. Project 2025 is just a list from a conservative think tank that has nothing to do with Trump. You must like paying extra for everything. You would probably like the government to swoop in and put price controls on companies also and decide how much companies can make. You are probably all for Democrats putting their political rivals in jail . If you had any kind of Education you would know these things are very bad for all of us . This is what Trump put out. this is what we want, you are mistaken View attachment 1006477
Project 2025 is what Trump plans to do. What you posted is Trump pandering to the crazy for their votes. You're going to pay more because of Trumps tarriffs. You can stop repeating the lie about prce controls.
Project 2025 is what Trump plans to do. What you posted is Trump pandering to the crazy for their votes.
When did Trump say that project 25 is his baby? Oh he didn't , he said there were a few good things in it but also some very radical things. You are misinformed or should I say disinformed. Step out of your Echo chamber and expand your mind. Your confusion is not good for the country especially when you spout it on here. You really should shut up until you know what you're talking about.
When did Trump say that project 25 is his baby? Oh he didn't , he said there were a few good things in it but also some very radical things. You are misinformed or should I say disinformed. Step out of your Echo chamber and expand your mind. Your confusion is not good for the country especially when you spout it on here. You really should shut up until you know what you're talking about.View attachment 1006486
And Trump said Michae Cohen did not work for him. So you keep on believing Trumps lies.

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