A convicted felon / President?

Yawn. Cheap gas and interest rates because of a global pandemic.

It's hilarious to hear trumpers brag about interest rates and gas prices at the end of 2020 but when you bring up unemployment they jump right on the pandemic bandwagon to shed responsibility for Trump.

Biden and his admin have have set the global standard for managing post pandemic inflation.

Few countries have come out in better shape then America.
Bullshit. The economy was better before the pandemic. BTW the Democrats created the 'pandemic' from an illness that was no worse than the flu. It was intentional. They will do anything to get rid of Trump because he is not one of them but represents the People. Truly evil. I would bet that they had a hand in crafting this COVID, Fauchi's fingers are all over it.

BTW the 'global standard' for fighting COVID was Trump's making vaccine available quickly. Biden has had more people die of COVID.
To bad. Republicans should pursue them after Trump or Harris win.

See how that goes. :auiqs.jpg:
I hope they do but they won't because they are more honorable than Democrats. Biden should have already been impeached along with all the Democrat, behind the scenes operatives that lied to US about Biden's cognitive ability.
Bullshit. The economy was better before the pandemic.

No shit. Lol.

BTW the Democrats created the 'pandemic' from an illness that was no worse than the flu. It was intentional. They will do anything to get rid of Trump because he is not one of them but represents the People. Truly evil. I would bet that they had a hand in crafting this COVID, Fauchi's fingers are all over it.

Lol, more conspiracy.

BTW the 'global standard' for fighting COVID was Trump's making vaccine available quickly. Biden has had more people die of COVID.
Wait? You mean the Trump vaccine that nearly all trumpers on this site say is killing people? That vaccine?

I applaud your ability to stray from the herd on that particular topic.

As far deaths...pandemic deaths are a not bell curve. You never have similar amounts of deaths before and after peaks of a pandemic.
I hope they do but they won't because they are more honorable than Democrats.

ROFL. Good one. More honorable. Right.

Biden should have already been impeached along with all the Democrat, behind the scenes operatives that lied to US about Biden's cognitive ability.
Should have been but not because comer had no evidence except from a Russian stooge.

That shit was hilarious. Trumpers on this site losing their shit over bombshell testimony then it turns the guy was a Russian asset.

You can't make this shit up. Lol. That is what you consider honor?
ROFL. Good one. More honorable. Right.

Should have been but not because comer had no evidence except from a Russian stooge.

That shit was hilarious. Trumpers on this site losing their shit over bombshell testimony then it turns the guy was a Russian asset.

You can't make this shit up. Lol. That is what you consider honor?
The Democrat party lied about Biden's cognitive ability. Why can't you address that?
No shit. Lol.

Lol, more conspiracy.

Wait? You mean the Trump vaccine that nearly all trumpers on this site say is killing people? That vaccine?

I applaud your ability to stray from the herd on that particular topic.

As far deaths...pandemic deaths are a not bell curve. You never have similar amounts of deaths before and after peaks of a pandemic.
Trump fast tracked the vaccine, he didn't make it. Trump acted in good faith. No one knew what COVID was all about back then. Your view of history has a lot of blanks.
Trump fast tracked the vaccine, he didn't make it.

He ignored Fauci's advice on the EUA, gave billions of socialist money to big pharma and bullied his own agencies to hurry up and approve it because he had an election to win.

Trump acted in good faith.

No he didn't. That's why he lied to America and told Woodward how serious the virus was.

No one knew what COVID was all about back then.

Trump did. He was telling Woodward how bad it was.

Your view of history has a lot of blanks.
No it doesn't.

Just to clarify.

Do you think the COVID vaccine is killing people as our likely Russian troll Munkle posts about almost daily?

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