How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

Doctor, doctor, I can't breath, I need oxygen!
Here, try some of this. See, oh two!

Your theory is that increasing atmospheric Co2 causes atmospheric warming.

There is NO EVIDENCE of this, just FUDGE...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Theory - increasing atmospheric Co2 causes warming



"Climate science" = FUDGE the data and claim "warming" THAT DOES NOT EXIST
Yeah, it does, but the Greenland PLATEAU, where the continental ice has formed, is high.

Alaska is high. Why is there no ice age on Alaska, but one on Greenland.

Greenland has 7% of Earth ice. Alaska has under 0.1%
Your own link says otherwise.

The problem with "believers" in the Co2 FRAUD is that the do not understand the difference between




"Orbit wobble" wouldn't change the IR satellite readings at all - FRAUD

"shade issues" for the balloons, if you accept that, were CONSTANT the whole time, and hence the "correction" would be to add or subtract a CONSTANT for all data, which would keep a FLAT LINE a FLAT LINE, but somehow the Co2 FRAUD's "constant" changed a FLAT LINE into an UPWARD SLOPE...

and to believe that requires an IQ under 5, a state of science invalidity.
Greenland PLATEAU, where the continental ice has formed,

The ice on Greenland began at the northern most top of Greenland when it got to within 600 miles of the North Pole. It did not begin in the center.

Yes they export a lot of everything, they are the world's factory now BUT the are the leader in creating new wind and solar sites . Creating on a gigantic scale , gobbling up entire valleys in the sparsely populated western regions. In 2022 they doubled the rest of the world 's capacity and in 2023 they doubled that.. Read and learn.. China is currently building 180 gigawatts of large solar projects and 159 gigawatts of wind projects which represent 2/3 of the worlds new projects. By comparison new US projects add up to 40 gigawatts. The US is the second largest in projects. These new Chinese projects will produce enough power for almost 250,000,000 homes. I'm sure they'll be exporting power too like Iran does. Imagine that the first nation running entirely ( plus ) on renewable energy. Then they'll stop using coal. And help save this planet. If it isn't too late already.

China is currently building 180 gigawatts of large solar projects and 159 gigawatts of wind projects

How many gigawatts of coal plants are they building?

Last year, China approved the construction of another 106 gigawatts of coal-fired power capacity, the equivalent of two large coal power plants per week and its highest in seven years, new research has shown.

China's new coal plant approvals surge in 2022, highest since 2015, new research shows

Damn, we're still screwed.

I'm sure they'll be exporting power too like Iran does. Imagine that the first nation running entirely ( plus ) on renewable energy.

You're funny. Do you write for late night?
CO2 at 61% our rate is still killing the Earth.
And their rate is rising while our rate is falling.
What would you have them do differently?

The US has 0.75 cars per household. China has 0.17.
The US generates 12,500 kWh per person. China generates 6,600 kWh per person.
China is spending four times what the US spends to install renewable energy sources.

Attacks on China on this topic are unfair. Attempting to use it as an excuse for the US to avoid mitigation measures is ignorant, jingoistic irresponsibility.

And since none of you griping about China actually want either nation to do jack shit about global warming, you're all just lying through your teeth.
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The ice on Greenland began at the northern most top of Greenland when it got to within 600 miles of the North Pole. It did not begin in the center.

Alaska is high. Why is there no ice age on Alaska, but one on Greenland.

Greenland has 7% of Earth ice. Alaska has under 0.1%
You ever been to Alaska? Methinks you haven't.
Something called NIGHT, when the SUN is on the other side of Earth.... why it gets colder at night than during the day.... heat escapes into space from the atmosphere, and from land into the atmosphere.
Bingo. You finally got it right. Heat escapes into space by outgoing radiation.
However heat escapes both day and night with nighttime radiation only slightly less than daytime.

We have measured how much incoming radiation is absorbed in the ground from the sun - day and night, (taking into account cloud cover, and reflection.)

We know the average temperature of the earth, roughly 15°C.
From the Stephan-Boltzmann law we know how much outgoing radiation the surface of the earth emits back to space.

We find that the outgoing radiation at the surface is so high that the sun wouldn't be able to keep up with it and the earth would drop to -20°C and the oceans would freeze.

However if the earth's outgoing radiation is from the colder top of the troposphere, it will be about the same as the sun's incoming radiation and the earth will be, on average, in equilibrium.

Do you agree with this science. Note that this is just very simple science that all legitimate scientists believe even if they are GW deniers. I have said nothing about green house gasses.
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Thanks. Good idea. It's done. I'm taking baby steps to see how far it goes with him.
Well allow me to save you some time


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