How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

You are way off base.
The only way the earth can cool off is by radiation. Conduction and convection are stopped at a vacuum. So where do you think that radiation comes from? Some from reflection, but that's not enough. You don't seem to have any idea. You have many other flaws, but if you don't understand this there is no hope in going on.
You are way off base.
The only way the earth can cool off is by radiation. Conduction and convection are stopped at a vacuum. So where do you think that radiation comes from? Some from reflection, but that's not enough. You don't seem to have any idea. You have many other flaws, but if you don't understand this there is no hope in going on.

Given that 90% of Earth ice is on land mass Antarctica, and 7% is on Greenland, how much ice would Earth have if it had two polar oceans, no land within 600 miles of a pole?

The inability of the Co2 FRAUD to explain the discrepancy between the poles is exemplary of just how incompetent and stupid the "climate scientists" really are...


The sun pours energy onto the earth. How do you think the earth cools off? it must be by radiation. Where does that radiation come from? This is very basic atmospheric physics.

Completely refuted by the ACTUAL DATA...

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling

Theory = increasing atmospheric CO2 warms atmosphere
DATA = nope
Theory = increasing atmospheric CO2 warms atmosphere
DATA = nope
My question has nothing to do with global warming. It is just a basic question that every one who wants to talk about earth temperature should know. Why haven't you answered yet?

The sun pours energy onto the earth. How do you think the earth cools off? it must be by radiation. Where does that radiation come from? This is very basic atmospheric physics.

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