Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

If they say Biden didn't call them, that's true.
Biden talked to the 13 families in person. On the day of the transfer.

And that's just a fact.
They didn’t say call, no one contacted them. You’re disgraceful

Call them liars fkwad

what's even more grotesque, is when an administration doesn't have the balls to call the families after their loved ones died in battle. creepy and Scamala still haven't.
Biden didn't call them on the telephone.

Instead he talked to the 13 families IN PERSON.

Bidens meet with families of fallen U.S. service members after deadly attack in Kabul

The president and first lady met privately with the families of the fallen before observing the movement of the American flag-draped cases from a C-17 military cargo plane to a vehicle.
Dude you’re calling them liars. Disgraceful

Dude you’re calling them liars. Disgraceful

‘Don’t you ever forget that name’: Biden’s tough meeting with grieving relatives

President Biden made his way on Sunday around a quiet room at Dover Air Force Base, a chamber filled with couches and chairs, with dignitaries and grieving families huddling together as the president came to speak to them privately, one family at a time.

Mark Schmitz had told a military officer the night before that he wasn’t much interested in speaking to a president he did not vote for
So on that dreary morning he and his ex-wife were approached by Biden after he’d talked to all the other families. But by his own account, Schmitz glared hard at the president, so Biden spent more time looking at his ex-wife,
The family of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, too, had mixed emotions when it came time to decide whether to talk with the president. McCollum’s sisters and father joined his widow, Jiennah McCollum, on the trip to Dover — but when it came time to meet Biden, only Jiennah went in.
Despite Schmitz’s disenchantment with Biden, one part of the encounter did strike him favorably. The president at one point pulled out the card he keeps in his breast pocket showing the number of American service members who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It’s something Biden has talked about for years, but now the card had an addition that reflected the new toll that Biden was responsible for. “At the end of it, it had ‘Plus 13,’ ” Schmitz said. “I know it’s just a number, but it was a simple reflective thing that he looks at. I’ll give him kudos there.”
Biden did not address the group collectively with prepared comments, instead making his way around the room for more private moments with each individual family. And the reactions varied widely; some families opted not to meet with Biden at all, while others accepted hugs from him.
Trump could honor them by visiting their gravesite. Like millions have done before him. But virtually none of them bring a political staff and a videographer with them. And when a federal employee of ANC tries to enforce the rules, they send their attack dogs after her.
The CIC who killed them could honor them by visiting their grave, but bye was too busy loading up his Depends on the beach.
The CIC who killed them could honor them by visiting their grave, but bye was too busy loading up his Depends on the beach.
Biden spoke with the families one by one, individually the day of the transfer ceremony.

They all had a chance to look Biden in the eye and many made harsh comments to the president. But Biden gave each and every family a personal meeting.

Nothing, and nothing at all, shows more respect than a personal meeting with the president, and not some scripted photo-op.
Trump is trying to blame gold star families for what he did at Arlington National Cemetery. And in doing so, he is making his visit more political.

Not only did he try to use this visit in a campaign ad, but a member of his entourage assaulted a Cemetery worker who was trying to enforce the law. As well as that smile and a "thumbs up" next to the grave of one of the fallen.

Trump's actions at Arlington were disrespectful and disgusting.

Here's the way to measure this: How do the Gold Star Families feel about Trump? They love him. How do they feel about Harris? They despise her for killing their sons. The only ones upset by this circumstance are leftwingers.
Despite Schmitz’s disenchantment with Biden, one part of the encounter did strike him favorably. The president at one point pulled out the card he keeps in his breast pocket showing the number of American service members who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It’s something Biden has talked about for years, but now the card had an addition that reflected the new toll that Biden was responsible for. “At the end of it, it had ‘Plus 13,’ ” Schmitz said. “I know it’s just a number, but it was a simple reflective thing that he looks at. I’ll give him kudos there.”
Still calling them liars, wow the injustice

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