John McCain's son is very angry Gold Star families invited Trump and took pictures at Arlington.

Donald Trump has disgraced himself in many areas. But his longevity in public life after expressing open contempt for the men and women of the United States military, and especially those who have been wounded or killed in the service of their country, is an appalling achievement unmatched by any of his predecessors.

Fake news and you lapped it up off the floor, Bo. The military loved Trump, but Biden/Harris can't even get anyone to join. Can you blame them?
There is no question how he feels about veterans.

Actually there's no question how veterans feel about Trump, they love him. I'm sure there are some vets who are all butthurt, but I don't know a single one in my town that isn't a Trump-supporter.
Explain it, why does it get your panties in a bunch? It seems the matter was completely ignored in the past. It seems as though Trump has turned some veterans into thin skinned pussies, have any insight on that?
Considering that fat POS couldn't get into the military because of his weak mind he is not that influencing.
Arrest Obama now!

Obama honors veterans at Arlington Nat’l Cemetery

He triggers you daily, what does that say about folks like you? Liberals had no problems with Clinton, Obama, Biden, or Harris having never served, awfully hypocritical.
When did they push aside a government employee forcing their way into the cemetery violating the rules?
Actually there's no question how veterans feel about Trump, they love him. I'm sure there are some vets who are all butthurt, but I don't know a single one in my town that isn't a Trump-supporter.
Actually, the Officer Corp is about 75% opposed to him. The NCOs are about 55% against him. Enlisted ranks may favor him as high as 55%.

And the numbers go down each time this issue is addressed.

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