Right Wingers Love to Lie

I’m not that old. But the government has generally caused me more harm than good. I’m still waiting for any benefits from them.
You are part of group that has been the number one recipient of government handouts for 248 years. The government has not hurt you.
You are part of group that has been the number one recipient of government handouts for 248 years. The government has not hurt you.
The amazing thing is I’ve never got a handout. I’ll take all of my handouts now if you don’t mind. Can I get a cash pay back equal to all the welfare blacks have received over my lifetime. I did pay for it. If we want reperations I’m ready for my share.
About 60 years of gummit has went well for blacks
And here we see a member of the all time governent handout population, the white female. It was the white female who was getting government checks after gving birth to chidren outside of marriage and with no man in the house begnning in 1910 aand it ws called the Mothers Aid Pension. It was white women who continued getting governmemt money given to them after gving birth to chidren unmarried with no man around to care for them as part of Title IV of the Social Security Act, in a program called Aid to Dependent Children, which in 1965, changed to Aid for Families with Dependent Children and after 55 years of excluding blacks, finally allowed blacks in. So in total, the gummit has went well for white women for at least 114 years.

And that's not even incuding the affirmative action white wmen benefitted from the most.

But people want to run their mouths.
The amazing thing is I’ve never got a handout. I’ll take all of my handouts now if you don’t mind. Can I get a cash pay back equal to all the welfare blacks have received over my lifetime. I did pay for it. If we want reperations I’m ready for my share.
You've been getting them your entire life. You can stop with that black welfare shit Missouri white boy. More of you hillbillies there are on welfare.
This election was over as soon as they put a black women in front of these women hating bigots. They hate so much that they can't control their own mouths. Just look at the attacks they come up with to attack Harris. They are done but the patriots job isn't done till MAGA is dead and gone and buried right next to Trump. That is if you want to protect our country and its democracy from traitors. These people will have to be watched for the rest of their lives because if they get the chance these traitors will turn this country into a dictatorship and rule with hate and cruelty. Don't ever give this hate group another chance. Always remember.

I don't buy into your kamunism, and she's less black than maobama. She has slave holding Irish ancestors.

I don't buy into your kamunism, and she's less black than maobama. She has slave holding Irish ancestors.

She is black and Indian. But Trump can tell you anything so... Her ancestors were the slaves held by the Irishman.
You've been getting them your entire life. You can stop with that black welfare shit Missouri white boy. More of you hillbillies there are on welfare.

Raw numbers yes, per capita, not so much. That only because there's a shit tone of whites in MO. Blacks, not so much.

She is black and Indian. But Trump can tell you anything so... Her ancestors were the slaves held by the Irishman.

Not according to her commie father who has very minor black features. There's a white man in that blood line. LMAO

Raw numbers yes, per capita, not so much. That only because there's a shit tone of whites in MO. Blacks, not so much.

Just stop using per capita to make excuses. Whites have gotten welfare for over 100 yers. Blacks were excuded for at least 50 of those years.
Not according to her commie father who has very minor black features. There's a white man in that blood line. LMAO

.View attachment 1006112
Her father was jamaican and thats a black and white picture.


Her father descended from slaves. And yes there is white man in the blood line, the white man that raped a slave woman.

Just stop using per capita to make excuses. Whites have gotten welfare for over 100 yers. Blacks were excuded for at least 50 of those years.

I guess you're too ignorant to know that's the way most statistics are calculated. Of course race baiters like you prefer to spin raw numbers because blacks make up less than 15% of the population.

Her father was jamaican and thats a black and white picture.

View attachment 1006117

Her father descended from slaves. And yes there is white man in the blood line, the white man that raped a slave woman.

View attachment 1006121

So you just admitted the point I made about kneepads was correct. Thanks race baiter. And do you know the two prominent features on a human that grow throughout your life? Here's a hint, the nose and ears. His nose has broadened some as he aged, not so for the narrow shape of his lips. And features don't change from black and white photos to color photos.


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