Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

You are talking in platitudes. Trying to sound intelligent. Adam became mortal when he ate the fruit. He became subject to physical death. He also was separated from God which is called a spiritual death. The first spiritual death can be overcome through acceptance of the atonement of Jesus Christ and receive all the necessary ordinances for forgiveness and exaltation in the Celestial Glory of Heaven. That’s when a person partakes the fruit of the Tree of Life (Jesus Christ)

I'm not trying to sound intelligent. I pointed out that they were not immortal in Eden because it says so clearly when A&E were cast out of eden and banned from the tree of life before they could eat of it and so live forever. If you are trying to sound irrational you're doing a great job of it.

Treating a fairy tale as if it was a historical document. What have you done to your children? Damn
I'm not trying to sound intelligent. I pointed out that they were not immortal in Eden because it says so clearly when A&E were cast out of eden and banned from the tree of life before they could eat of it and so live forever. If you are trying to sound irrational you're doing a great job of it.

Treating a fairy tale as if it was a historical document. What have you done to your children? Damn
The tree of life fruit is only eaten while in a state of mortality. That tree was not available for them while in the Garden and in the state of innocence and immortality.
The words you keep posting does not say they could die if they did not eat the fruit. It simply doesn’t. The tree of life comes up after eating the tree of knowledge. Something else not stated is how long they lived in the Garden before being tempted. Could have been thousands of years.
The words you keep posting does not say they could die if they did not eat the fruit. It simply doesn’t.
Yes it does. If they were banished from Eden before they ate the fruit of the tree of life because if they did they would live forever then they were not immortal in the first place. Its simple logic dear

They died the very same death that you died, and for the same exact reason. Smarten up!

This ain't no fairy tale.
You cannot comprehend what you read. You use “if” which didn’t happen. They ate the fruit while in the Garden. At that moment, they knew their nakedness and that hey had sinned. They had to have fallen into a mortal state in order to know they were naked and transgressed the commandment. They were then banished from the Garden and could not on their own return to eat the tree of life to save themselves. A Savior was provided for them and all of the children and fold of Adam.

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