Illegal Alien, Deported 16 Times, Gets One Year in Prison for Killing 64-Year-Old Colorado Man

This is also true. I once applied for a job as a warehouse supervisor, where the entire staff was hispanic. The manager straight up told me that as long as they had something that looked good, that was good enough for him.

As an aside, this guy also mentioned the company's owner was Jewish and they never worked past sundown on a Friday. So they will follow religious laws, but not national ones.
That manager mindset is not surprising, and (sadly) just as I figured.
Okay, but here's the problem with "Migrants"

Before you wingnuts started freaking out about it, Migrants would come up from Mexico in the spring, work the harvest season, and go back when it was over. They went back to their families and lived very well.

Because you clowns made crossing the border such a hassle, now they pay a Coyote to bring up the whole famiy and they just stay here.
My co-worker’s wife and daughter got attacked by “migrants” and their truck taken all in their front yard. Nothing wrong with vetting, tracking, and otherwise holding migrants accountable. If you choose to view border enforcement as clownish behavior, you obviously haven’t been impacted yet.
My co-worker’s wife and daughter got attacked by “migrants” and their truck taken all in their front yard. Nothing wrong with vetting, tracking, and otherwise holding migrants accountable. If you choose to view border enforcement as clownish behavior, you obviously haven’t been impacted yet.
Did they card them when they attacked, or were they just hispanic and you assumed they were migrants.

Border enforcement is clownish, because as this case shows, they can just come back tomorrow.

Remove the reasons they come here by strictly enforcing workplace requirements with a national ID, and going after people who hire them illegally, and then you remove the problem. You create a whole bunch of new problems, like hyperinflation due to a lack of available workers, but hey, at least you won't have to deal with those icky brown people.
Did they card them when they attacked, or were they just hispanic and you assumed they were migrants.

Border enforcement is clownish, because as this case shows, they can just come back tomorrow.

Remove the reasons they come here by strictly enforcing workplace requirements with a national ID, and going after people who hire them illegally, and then you remove the problem. You create a whole bunch of new problems, like hyperinflation due to a lack of available workers, but hey, at least you won't have to deal with those icky brown people.

My wife is 100 percent Mexican and combined with my Mediterranean heritage makes our household full of brown people. Your quick attempts to pass this off as simply a white hating brown people is weak. This is a larger problem; specifically, the economic and ideological failures of Central and South America.

Solving the problem is multifold: hold US businesses accountable for hiring illegal immigrants, stricter border and immigration law enforcement, and Central and South America having an economy more like US ( a pipe dream of mine that will never happen but have to say it to show that the failed and corrupt economies and political systems of Central America are a big part of the problem).
Did they card them when they attacked, or were they just hispanic and you assumed they were migrants.

Border enforcement is clownish, because as this case shows, they can just come back tomorrow.

Remove the reasons they come here by strictly enforcing workplace requirements with a national ID, and going after people who hire them illegally, and then you remove the problem. You create a whole bunch of new problems, like hyperinflation due to a lack of available workers, but hey, at least you won't have to deal with those icky brown people.
You want the whack-a-mole approach when the only practical solution is to stop them at the border
My wife is 100 percent Mexican and combined with my Mediterranean heritage makes our household full of brown people. Your quick attempts to pass this off as simply a white hating brown people is weak. This is a larger problem; specifically, the economic and ideological failures of Central and South America.

I'm always amazed that when someone is caught being a racist douchenoodle, their first line of defense is to point out their minority friends or family.

I agree the failures of Latin American governments IS part of the problem. But the US has hardly been an innocent bystander in that, as we've been using the rest of the Americas as our personal playground since the Monroe Doctrine.

Let's take Venezuela. We have been punishing Venezuela since they elected Chavez in 1998. We've broken their economy and as a result, we have hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans, and not a one of them is a hot Spanish soap opera star!

Solving the problem is multifold: hold US businesses accountable for hiring illegal immigrants, stricter border and immigration law enforcement, and Central and South America having an economy more like US ( a pipe dream of mine that will never happen but have to say it to show that the failed and corrupt economies and political systems of Central America are a big part of the problem).

Again, border enforcement is a joke. You catch me at the border and send me back. I just try again tomorrow. Or the next day. or the next day. The way to keep me from coming is to remove any reason why I'd come in the first place, and that's by going after the employers.

The problem is, WE REALLY NEED THOSE WORKERS! We have a labor shortage and there are just some jobs Americans won't do for any price.

My solutions would be

1) Create a national ID with instant employee verification
2) Go after employers who hire undocumented workers vigorously.
3) Create a guest worker program with time limits to meet our labor needs
4) Sufficiently staff immigration and asylum courts to quickly litigate cases.
5) Invest in improving the economies of Latin American countries who are the source of the immigrants.
Unlikely we have 20 million, the actual number is probably closer to 12 million.

Half of whom never had to sneak across the border, they came here on student, tourist, or work visas that expired.
More likely its really 30 million, but 20 mil is bad enough
More likely its really 30 million, but 20 mil is bad enough

Even the anti-Immigration CIS admits that the number is less than 12 million.

  • We estimate that in January 2022 there were 11.35 million illegal immigrants in the country — a 1.13 million increase over the 10.22 million in January 2021. Our preliminary estimate for February of this year is 11.46 million.
  • The 10.22 million in 2021 represented a significant decline from the 11.48 million illegal immigrants we estimated for January 2019. However, the illegal-immigrant population in January and February 2022 is similar to the number in January 2019.
  • While the current number of illegal immigrants in the country has returned to pre-pandemic levels, if current trends are allowed to continue the number will soon surpass the number before Covid-19.

  • We estimate that in January 2022 there were 11.35 million illegal immigrants in the country — a 1.13 million increase over the 10.22 million in January 2021. Our preliminary estimate for February of this year is 11.46 million.
  • The 10.22 million in 2021 represented a significant decline from the 11.48 million illegal immigrants we estimated for January 2019. However, the illegal-immigrant population in January and February 2022 is similar to the number in January 2019.
  • While the current number of illegal immigrants in the country has returned to pre-pandemic levels, if current trends are allowed to continue the number will soon surpass the number before Covid-19.
Who funds the CIS?

They rely on incomplete government data and in the end are just guessing

Remember that the Census is not allowed to question immigration status
As long as we refuse to address the main reason they come (jobs) it's only a matter of time before this guy (and millions like him) are made legal and get the right to vote.

Then millions of others will be kicking themselves for not insisting the jobs angle be dealt with.
There’s legal means to enter the country if you want to work.
My way is best. This would never have happened. Brand deported across the face. If they come back they will be easily identified and shot on sight.
Who funds the CIS?

They rely on incomplete government data and in the end are just guessing

Remember that the Census is not allowed to question immigration status
It's a private organization that despite it's protestations to the contrary, is anti-immigrant.

You go to their home page, and it's all articles about Venezuelan gangs and traffic accidents.

My way is best. This would never have happened. Brand deported across the face. If they come back they will be easily identified and shot on sight.

Awesome, so if I report you as an illegal alien, can we throw you out of the country?

Because once you've gotten rid of due process of law, none of us are safe.
It's a private organization that despite it's protestations to the contrary, is anti-immigrant.

You go to their home page, and it's all articles about Venezuelan gangs and traffic accidents.

Awesome, so if I report you as an illegal alien, can we throw you out of the country?

Because once you've gotten rid of due process of law, none of us are safe.
Someone judged this guy an illegal 16 times. He should have been branded and shot 15 times ago.

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