Protesters rally for Gaza in Union Square and across Manhattan

really? you are AFRAID of being called
"antisemite"? Didn't your mom teach you
"sticks and stones can break my bones but
names can never hurt me" ?? What terrible
thing happens to you if someone calls you
He calls Israel “the Zionist Regime” and the “Jew supremacist state,” lies about genocide, says we should use Third Reich tactics in getting rid of the “cesspit” (another word for the Jewish state), and then cries like a little girl when he’s called out as antisemitic.
1) The Muslim terrorists are using them as shields, setting them up to be collateral damage, so yes….they are responsible for their deaths.

2) They never should have broken the cease-fire with the Oct 7th massacre, never should have taken hostages, and should have immediately surrendered..

2) Only one side - the Muslim side - has committed murder of innocents.
Speaking during a congressional hearing on Thursday, Austin was asked by Congressman Ro Khanna how many Palestinian women and children had been killed by Israel, replying: “It is over 25,000.”

So, you think that is justified, because you claim they are using them as human shields.

So, you're basically saying that Israel is totally justified in this and they have done NO wrong.
I agree Hamas should pay the price, but they are not murdering innocent Palestinian women and children.
In fact they are murdering innocent women
and children. Everyone who shoots a gun
or throws a bomb KNOWS that the act will
bring RETURN FIRE. Hamas spent the bulk
of its resources in both manpower and money to build MILES of heavily fortified
and well supplied tunnels and EXCLUDE
the women and children from the protection
thereof. THAT's MURDER
really? you are AFRAID of being called
"antisemite"? Didn't your mom teach you
"sticks and stones can break my bones but
names can never hurt me" ?? What terrible
thing happens to you if someone calls you
Such naivety.

For opposing genocide, Bowman is framed as antisemitic — by liberal Zionists

there are thousands of examples, people lose their jobs, they become ostracized, the Zionists are very powerful and they will and do stamp down on anything that attempts to challenge Israel's lies.
He calls Israel “the Zionist Regime” and the “Jew supremacist state,” lies about genocide, says we should use Third Reich tactics in getting rid of the “cesspit” (another word for the Jewish state), and then cries like a little girl when he’s called out as antisemitic.
very sensitive little boy
In fact they are murdering innocent women
and children. Everyone who shoots a gun
or throws a bomb KNOWS that the act will
bring RETURN FIRE. Hamas spent the bulk
of its resources in both manpower and money to build MILES of heavily fortified
and well supplied tunnels and EXCLUDE
the women and children from the protection
thereof. THAT's MURDER
Ok, so why would I bomb an area that only has innocent women and children in it when I know I am not going to hit the actual enemy I am aiming for. Can you explain that?
In fact they are murdering innocent women
and children. Everyone who shoots a gun
or throws a bomb KNOWS that the act will
bring RETURN FIRE. Hamas spent the bulk
of its resources in both manpower and money to build MILES of heavily fortified
and well supplied tunnels and EXCLUDE
the women and children from the protection
thereof. THAT's MURDER
None of this would be happening if the British had not promised to create a Jewish colony of European settlers in already occupied Palestine. None of this would be happening if the United States had refused to recognize the state of Israel in 1948.

The entire region was settled, Jews and Arabs were neighbors until the British and militant Zionism began their machinations.
who is Bowman and what lies?
Lies like Israel is a victim of Arab hatred, and Israel has a right to all the land, and Palestinians are rats, and Jews and Palestinians must be segregated and lies like Israel is not a Jew Supremacist state and is not an apartheid state and so on...
Ok, so why would I bomb an area that only has innocent women and children in it when I know I am not going to hit the actual enemy I am aiming for. Can you explain that?
to what area do you refer? The only such areas I know of that have been bombed include
the residential city of Haifa, central Tel Aviv,
Eilat, the farming communities on the western
shore, and the little ancient town of Safed---home to poets and artists
Speaking during a congressional hearing on Thursday, Austin was asked by Congressman Ro Khanna how many Palestinian women and children had been killed by Israel, replying: “It is over 25,000.”

So, you think that is justified, because you claim they are using them as human shields.

So, you're basically saying that Israel is totally justified in this and they have done NO wrong.
That’s a testament to Israel’s restraint. After losing loved ones to the most inhumane, agaonizing murders, they elected not to bomb the bejeesus of GAZA but instead go on a dangerous ground war, at risk to their own lives, in order to limit collateral damage. As a result, 99.5% of the HAMAS-supporting antisemites remain alive.

The Muslim terrorists had the opposite approach.: seek out and torture to death as many Jews as possible and, as their leader stated, keep repeating Oct 7h until every last Jew is dead.

No moral equivalence, and the fact that you libs are siding with the Muslims after what they did is disgusting. It speaks to how hostile you are to Jews.

One can always count on the leftists to side with the wrong people.
None of this would be happening if the British had not promised to create a Jewish colony of European settlers in already occupied Palestine. None of this would be happening if the United States had refused to recognize the state of Israel in 1948.

The entire region was settled, Jews and Arabs were neighbors until the British and militant Zionism began their machinations.
oh---you read the propaganda. I did too.
Islamo nazis have been saturating the USA
with it since the 1930s
to what area do you refer? The only such areas I know of that have been bombed include
the residential city of Haifa, central Tel Aviv,
Eilat, the farming communities on the western
shore, and the little ancient town of Safed---home to poets and artists
You said Hamas was in underground tunnels and leaving the women and kids on the outside.
to what area do you refer? The only such areas I know of that have been bombed include
the residential city of Haifa, central Tel Aviv,
Eilat, the farming communities on the western
shore, and the little ancient town of Safed---home to poets and artists
Right, Gaza doesn't matter to you because the people in Gaza do not matter because they are not humans.

That’s a testament to Israel’s restraint. After losing loved ones to the most inhumane, agaonizing murders, they elected not to bomb the bejeesus of GAZA but instead go on a dangerous ground war, at risk to their own lives, in order to limit collateral damage. As a result, 99.5% of the HAMAS-supporting antisemites remain alive.

The Muslim terrorists has the opposite approach.: seek out and torture to death as many Jews as possible and, as their leader stated, keep repeating Oct 7h until every last Jew is dead.

No moral equivalence, and the fact that you libs are siding with the Muslims after what they did is disgusting. It speaks to how hostile you are to Jews.
Damn if restraint is killing 25K, I would hate to see what unrestraint looks like. You libs? WTF is that? You didn't see black folks in the street with tiki torches chanting, "Jews will not replace us”.

I notice you don't want to touch those Trump Humpers who were chanting that though.
oh---you read the propaganda. I did too.
Islamo nazis have been saturating the USA
with it since the 1930s
You refuse to admit the truth, indeed afraid to actually try to find it, much easier to live in the little bubble and avoid being called an "antisemite" see, even you are afraid to face the facts.

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